He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1580 less routine, more sincerity

With the blessing of the hard shell armor, the grass seedling turtle barely stood up.

It's just that the body seems to be shaking a little, and there are several weak currents flowing on the surface... This is the additional effect of Fa Jin.

The tortoise has entered a state of paralysis!

But the honest eyes still looked straight at Riolu unyieldingly.

"Are you so persistent...In that case, use wave missiles!!"

Like Director Lu, Leolu had a resolute warrior temperament, and he didn't hold back because of the latter's weakness.


When he jumped up, the blue energy bomb condensed in his palm was already thrown out.

Wave missiles! !


The grass seedling turtle also tried to use the flying leaf knife to resist, but the speed of the opponent was much faster, and the paralysis effect made it difficult for the former to move for a while, and he couldn't use his unique skills.

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, the wave missile exploded on the grass seedling turtle, causing a burst of flames and explosions. The scene was astonishing.

"Riolu...you really didn't hold back at all."

This power made Xiaozhi a little speechless.


Riolu just waved his arms on the spot, saying that he must go all out in the battle, otherwise he may be suddenly attacked by the opponent at any time, tearing off his limbs and body, or even being slaughtered.

Obviously, its brain has been brainwashed by the ancient Pokémon war talk of Guidance Lu.

In the smoke and dust, the tortoise naturally fell to the ground very simply, its body covered with scary scars.

It can be said that Riolu at this stage can release powerful wave missiles... For Pokémon that have not fully grown, one is a big disability at the beginning.

"Then this one, it's up to you, Poké Ball!!"

Only then did Xiaozhi throw his elf ball violently, hitting the target very accurately.

Smack... Whoosh!

With a crisp knocking sound, the tortoise was put into the ball, and the shaking stopped after a while.

Success! !

"Xiaozhi, that's amazing, he subdued this grass seedling turtle so easily..."

Xiaoguang next to her looked amazed, and she made a gesture to take out the elf ball to subdue the kitty monster that she had defeated before.

However, in this empty space, the figure of the little cat monster has long since disappeared.

"Why is this...!"

Xiaoguang half-kneeled on the ground in distress, holding the Bogaman in his hand, which was still in a coma.

"This is subjugation, the trainer must always pay attention to the eyes..."

Just looking at Xiaoguang's rather sad eyes, it is obvious that she wants to tame the Pokémon, but now it is Xiaozhi who is flexing his muscles, Xiaozhi quickly changed the subject, touched his nose and comforted:

"Well, anyway, let's go to the Spirit Center to restore Pogaman's physical strength, and the next Pokémon will definitely be subdued!"

Coincidentally, this tortoise also needs treatment.


Just when Xiaozhi pulled up Xiaoguang who was sitting on the ground, the tall bush next to him shook again.

But this time it wasn't some wild Pokémon, but an old lady carrying a bamboo basket, with a gentle and kind face.

"Hey, you two are..."

Seeing the two of Xiaozhi, the wild old woman was a little surprised. She came here because of the news of the previous battle.

Hearing Xiaozhi's inquiry about the nearest elf center, he simply invited the two to rest in the jungle hut where she lived.

At this moment, they were already in the depths of Route 202, and it would take a lot of time to turn back to Zhensha Town, so they followed behind the old lady.


"Ba ha ha ha ha..."


In the cabin, the tortoise and Bogaman, who fell to the ground at the same time, instinctively ate the resurrection herbs picked by the grandmother herself during the fainting process, and soon woke up and resurrected with full blood.

It's just that the herbal medicine tastes a bit bitter, which makes the two Pokémon's intimacy with their trainers slightly reduced.


After seeing the person coming, the grass seedling turtle's expression became docile and cheerful, and it ran to the grandmother's leg, gently rubbing against the trouser leg.

"Um, so this is your Pokémon..."

This move made Xiaozhi feel embarrassed. Could it be that he accidentally caught someone else's Pokémon?

Older people don't know how to use Poké Balls, but simply keep Pokémon by their side... This is not uncommon.

"Hehe, the tortoise is not my Pokémon."

The old woman with long gray hair coiled up just said with a smile, her brows and face were somewhat similar to the approachable Miss Joy.

"One day, this tortoise appeared in front of my wooden house with many scars, and I rescued it... Then, in order to repay his kindness, the tortoise has been wandering in this jungle to protect the local weak. "

It's just that this is just a peaceful jungle. First, there are no vicious poachers among human beings, and second, there are no jungle bullies like the circle bear. There is nothing to protect.

"Compared to this, I hope that this tortoise can go outside to have a look instead of staying in this place..."

The old grandma gently picked up the tortoise.

This jungle is suitable for retired humans like her to live in, or for those wild Pokémon who don't like fighting at all.

But it is not suitable for a Pokémon with potential and young age like the tortoise.

"Since you have subdued it, let's take it to see the scenery outside."

Saying that, the old grandma gently put the tortoise into Xiaozhi's arms.


The grass seedling turtle was a little bit reluctant, and looked at the latter with a somewhat sad look.

Immediately, they looked at each other with Xiaozhi... being defeated head-on, it can be said that Xiaozhi has undoubtedly gained its respect.

"How about the tortoise, do you want to travel with me?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi took out the elf ball that subdued the grass seedling turtle, placed it in front of its eyes, and asked sincerely.

Generally, the subjugation of Pokémon is like Mukle before. Once subdued, they will naturally fight side by side.

There is also a kind of Pokémon like the tortoise. This kind of Pokémon has a stronger sense of autonomy. If you force your own will on them, they will become rebellious after entering the team and difficult to command.

In any case, Xiaozhi is an old fritter who has traveled to several regions, and he can still handle this situation.

Less routine, more sincerity.


After contemplating for a moment, the tortoise stretched out its short forelimbs and lightly touched the button of the elf ball.


A red light flashed and entered it... This time, it can be regarded as completely subduing the grass seedling turtle!

"So there's so much knowledge about subduing Pokémon...?"

Xiaoguang next to him looked like a novice, blinking his big beautiful eyes, eager to try.


Seeing this, Bogaman, who had been revived with full blood, patted his chest again, expressing that he must defeat a new companion for Xiaoguang!

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