He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1582 Pokémon Watch

Traveling through the jungle, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang came to a big city.

Changshou City, this is the name that the locals are used to call...but now more people are willing to call this city, Celebration City.

Celebration City is the most technologically advanced place in the entire Sinnoh region, and it is also the largest city in the Sinnoh region.

The roads and streets extend in all directions, the buildings are neatly arranged, people come and go, and it is very lively.

"not bad..."

Xiaozhi stayed at the entrance of the city, looking at everything in front of him.

Compared with the most developed Jinhuang City or Manjin City in my hometown...it is more economically developed than technology.

In the distance, you can also see a towering TV tower building with a sharp radar top and circles of color circles nested next to it, which looks quite high-tech.

The two didn't delay either, and quickly put down their luggage at the local elf center, replenished their status, and then enjoyed lunch in the public cafeteria.

Xiaoguang can make some desserts, but he doesn't know anything about daily cooking...

Xiaozhi only knows how to eat. If he wants to cook...then he would rather go hungry.

Along the way, the two of them ate some instant pasta or bread to deal with it.

"It's all over when the teacher comes back, his craftsmanship is amazing!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but miss Xiaogang's craftsmanship in the past, and traveled with the latter as a team. No matter when he was hungry, the other party could always pull out exquisite food like a magic trick.

Xiaoguang was fascinated by a certain advertisement on the dining table, and then stood up abruptly.

"It's decided, let's go buy this in the afternoon!"

As he said that, he pointed the advertisement directly in front of Xiaozhi's eyes.

Taking a closer look, I saw that it was an advertisement about smart watches.

There are two styles on the top, one pink and one blue, not only for touch screen operation, but also for various flexible and convenient operations on the watch.

Pokémon watch!

"For example, if you encounter any problem that is difficult to decide, then this Pokémon watch can provide the function of tossing a coin to help you decide pros and cons!"

Xiaoguang introduced enthusiastically.

The gorgeous contest in Celebration City will be held tomorrow, and she has successfully registered online.

And this Pokémon watch is the hottest bestseller in their Sinnoh area, and Xiao Guang has long planned to buy one.

"So why not just flip a coin?"

Xiaozhi asked back with a puzzled expression.

He is not a native of the Sinnoh region, and he doesn't have much reaction to the Pokémon watch...and it looks like a fancy IQ tax.

"What, we Sinnohs all know how to use this watch!"

Xiaoguang tried his best to say something for his region, and then his eyes fell on the things on Xiaozhi's wrist.

A black bracelet with a round bead inlaid in the middle, with a strange luster on the surface... The overall workmanship looks very sophisticated, and it doesn't look like a street product.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, what kind of decoration is this bracelet of yours...?"

Xiaoguang asked curiously.

"You mean this? This is not an ornament, but a mega bracelet, which can allow Pokémon to undergo mega evolution!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Xiao Zhi's interest was completely up.

"Mega evolution?"

Xiao Guang just blinked his eyes, it was completely the first time Tyon said.

Mega evolution is not popular in their Sinnoh region, except for some well-informed trainers, most people have not even popularized this phenomenon.

"It's an evolution that takes place again after the final evolution of the Pokémon, which can obtain a very strong energy boost...and after the mega evolution is over, the Pokémon can change back to its original form."

Xiaozhi said with a smile.

If it wasn't for the fire-breathing dragon Bi Diao not carrying them with him, now he would like to give Xiao Mitsuhide a wave of manipulation.

"Is there such an evolution...?"

Xiaoguang stared wide-eyed, this was the first time he heard of mega evolution, and he felt somewhat opened up to the world view.

Especially the boy in front of him, who is obviously only one year older than himself, but still feels as if he already knows a lot.

Whether it's Pokémon battles, or knowledge, or even experience, you must far surpass yourself...

This made Xiaoguang inexplicably feel a sense of loss.


However, seeing Bogaman who was staring at him next to him, Xiaoguang quickly cheered up and clenched his fists.

I will definitely become a top coordination trainer like my mother!


After lunch, Xiaoguang took Xiaozhi to the offline physical store where Pokémon watches were sold.

Although Xiaozhi is still going to various gymnasiums this time, this time he is not going to collect badges, and the journey is quite leisurely.

"Sorry~ Now the latest 13 watches are all sold out~!"

However, a salesperson dressed as a circus clown said apologetically.

"Ah, why is this..."

Xiaoguang lowered his head somewhat disappointed.

"But now our company is holding an event. As long as the customer finds three clown staff like me in the city, and gets the coupons from them...then they can use the three coupons to exchange for the following A 13pro watch that will only be available in a quarter!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang's eyes lit up, and he was able to get the new Pokémon watch that has not yet been released in advance? !

"Xiaozhi, let's spread out and try to find three little..."

"No, little girl, our event only allows one person to participate, and the customer needs to find the location of the three clowns alone and pass their test~!"

The clown salesman interrupted Xiaoguang's plan to split up with Xiaozhi.

"Well, there are still five hours before the end of the event~"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang didn't hesitate any more. Before she started to travel, there were advertisements for Pokémon watches on TV every day, which made her greedy.

"Then Xiaozhi, let's meet again at the Fairy Center tonight~!"

After saying that, Xiaoguang hurriedly turned around and ran away, looking around with Bogaman along the way, looking for traces of the clown.

If a clown dressed in fancy clothes appears on the street, he should be able to see it at a glance... "Young man, don't you plan to participate in the event~?"

Seeing that Xiaozhi next to him was not interested, the clown salesman asked kindly.

"I'm not interested in Pokémon watches or anything."

Then he patted his trouser pocket... The function of his illustrated book is infinitely more powerful than any Pokémon watch, and he doesn't need any other assistance at all.

If the illustrated book wants to, it can even flip 100 coins at the same time to help him make 100 choices.

But what he is more concerned about now is how to challenge the first stop - the Black Gold Gym.

If it is simply like what Damaranch said, I will challenge myself as a passer-by, and then record the most natural side of the gym owner, so as to judge whether I am qualified, and retain the right to be the gym owner...

But he didn't want to fight with the natural side of the gym masters, he wanted to force them to use their full strength!

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