The first semi-final ended, and soon came the second game.

At this moment, Xiao Guang, who was dressed in a beautiful dress, met Xiao Wang, who was wearing a white dress... It looked like a battle between a princess and a prince for a while.

"Xiaoguang, although it's your first time participating, I won't show mercy!"

"Xiao Wang, I won't lose to you either!!"

The two seemed to have communicated in the dressing room before, and they were not strangers, and they chanted pre-match trash talk.

boom! boom!

Two red lights of elf balls flashed, Xiaoguang naturally sent her general Bogaman on the side.

Head held high, eyes proud, without the slightest bit of stage fright.

On Xiaowang's side is a capuchin cat, with a gray cat-shaped body, a heart-shaped head, and a long, slender tail that curls like a spring at the end.

"Didi. Capuchin cat, with normal attributes, has a body as soft as rhythmic gymnastics. If it encounters something that doesn't suit you, it will stretch out its claws to hurt people. Its cruel side is usually hidden, but occasionally it will come out. Lightly screaming to act like a baby."

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

However, Xiaoguang on the stage is not very strange, after all, her mother's main Pokémon is a capuchin.

Although this kind of Pokémon still has the possibility to continue to evolve, after the capuchin cat evolves, its body will quickly gain weight and become a fat Pokémon with the characteristic of "thick fat".

This makes capuchin cats who pay great attention to their own beauty and softness, many of them will instinctively resist evolution.

Like her mother's capuchin, levels are long enough to evolve...but always carry the immutable stone.

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"

Soon, the battle between the two women on the stage officially started.

However, before Bogaman completely sprayed out the energy bubble, the capuchin cat on the other side suddenly came and jumped in front of Bogaman.

"Use high-five surprise attack!!"


With crisp applause, he took the first step and took away part of the blood.


Bogaman's eyes were rounded, and the light of the bubbles gathered in his mouth hadn't completely dissipated, and he spit it out as if venting.

"Capuchin cat, use Shadow Claw!!"

However, the curly-tailed cat immediately raised its claws, condensed and covered with black shadow claw marks, and frantically scratched at the incoming foam light.

Hush! !

The foam burst in response, turning into shiny drops of water, which fell around the capuchin cat, looking very beautiful.


This instead made Bogaman's blood bar begin to drop.


Even the capuchin gave a low snort, rushed out, and jumped in front of the round penguin with sly and flexible steps.

Whoosh! !

The Shadow Claw fell down, directly knocking Bogaman into the air, and the movement was extremely smooth.

"Well, this guy is not a newcomer at all..."

Xiaozhi in the audience couldn't help but comment sharply.

Not only the trainer's command is sophisticated, but even the level of Pokémon itself is much higher than that of Pogaman.

After this set, Xiaoguang immediately began to panic.

The current Bogaman has not been trained yet, so it can be said that the only moves he has mastered are the three moves of [Peck], [Bubble Light] and [Patience].

"Don't panic...Since it is a gorgeous competition, we can also use the rules of the competition."

At this time, Plantina's voice came from his mind, which made Xiaoguang feel certain.

Facing the Shadow Claw who was rushing up again, Xiaoguang quickly commanded:

"Bogaman, use the bubble light to attack the ground!!"

This time Xiaoguang locked the target on the ground.

bang bang bang...!!

The foamy light crazily fell on the ground, and the splashed water droplets soon formed a layer of violent spray mist on the stage... This even made the capuchin's shadow claws miss.


This time, it was finally the Capuchin's turn to start bleeding.


Even taking advantage of the other party's daze, Bogaman jumped out of the mist suddenly, and shot another dense and continuous burst of foam light, knocking the capuchin away.


However, the latter adjusted his body shape in mid-air and fell down gracefully... the blood bar did not drop too much.

"It's not bad Xiaoguang, the first-time rookie has such a judgment...then try this trick!"

Xiao Wang suddenly changed his eyes, and attacked again:

"Puffy cat, use a provocative trick!"

However, the capuchin cat's eyes were half-pressed, and it hooked its fingers at Pogaman, with a very provocative expression.

"Boja, Boja!!"

This made Pogaman, who was already extremely self-respecting, instantly hit, and immediately ran up angrily.

"Calm down, Pogaman!!"

But Xiaoguang's voice could hardly reach Pogaman's ears at this moment.

Pogaman, who entered the provocative state, can no longer do anything to the environment... All he can do is use the foam light to directly attack the capuchin.

However, this blow hit Xiaowang's hands.

"Jump up!"

The capuchin jumped up and dodged Bogaman's moves with an elegant figure.

And its crooked and curled tail was also fully extended at this moment, even covered with cold metal light, and then fell heavily.

Iron Tail!

"Bogaman, use the ultimate trick of patience!!"

Xiaoguang still wanted to use patience and resistance, but it was difficult for Pogaman, who had entered a provocative state, to use this late-attack move for a while.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, the capuchin's iron tail slashed directly on Bogaman's forehead.

This also caused the latter's figure to be thrown away in an instant, falling heavily off the edge of the stage, and the winner was decided at once.


Xiaoguang ran up in a hurry and picked up Bogaman, who was unable to fight, with a lost expression on his face.

"Tsk, this guy, even in normal Pokémon battles, he has good fighting power..."

Xiao Zhi, who had watched the game completely, couldn't help but praise.

Not only the mechanism rules of the gorgeous contest, but also the normal Pokémon battles, are very good at...

Such a contestant came to the stage of the gorgeous competition, which is undoubtedly a blow to other coordination trainers.

"It's like...Mr. Mikri."

This can't help but remind Xiaozhi of Mikri, the amphibious alliance champion in the gorgeous contest and Pokémon battle field.

Well, although I was defeated by myself, I don't need to mention it.


"Xiaoguang, let's fight again next time."

On the stage, after the incident, Xiao Wang took the initiative to hand out his palm to Xiao Guang, and said with a smile.

She has been traveling for several months, and even won two winning ribbons in the gorgeous contest, so it seems a bit unfair to fight against Xiao Guang.

Looking at the back of Xiaowang leaving, the latter is going to prepare for the final, which also makes Xiaoguang's eyes gradually become firmer.

"Miss Plantina, please train me next, I want to become as strong as Xiaowang and Xiaozhi...!"

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