He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1593 Can't talk at all!

"The two lead to the same goal by different routes, just like Xiao Wang on the screen now, who also has good attainments in simple Pokémon battles."

Plantina said seriously:

"Even you have a case here... League champion Mikri."

In the past few days, Platina is also learning about all the knowledge of this world, and it is her instinctive habit to collect available information.

As far as she knows, there are many top coordination trainers in the world, even Xiaoguang's mother is one of them.

But if you want to talk about the real No.1 among them... Then it is estimated that many people will choose to vote for Mikri.

So Xiaoguang, who wants to become a top coordination trainer, why can't he become the second Mikri?

"Even surpass it!"

Since Plantina has basically swept Wushuang all the way in her world, the league championship, which is difficult for ordinary people, is not an untouchable field for her.

"Beyond Mr. Mikri..."

Xiaoguang's tone became a little trembling.

She just wanted Platina to train herself... How come she has fast-forwarded to surpass Mikri?

Is this a league title or a random stepping stone on the side of the road?

And this serious and unquestionable tone is completely serious!

"What can't be done... Xiaozhi has already defeated Mikri, why can't you do it?"

Plantina just took it for granted.

Knowing that Xiaozhi also has a powerful soul from another world, Platina wanted to meet and communicate at first.

But it's a pity that Brother Chi is not here. He is currently playing chess with Dr. Damu at the Damu Research Institute.

But after knowing Xiaozhi's situation, even Plantina was secretly startled. She never expected that a seemingly ordinary kid was actually so powerful.

"Challenge the gym... I know, let's try!"

After hesitating for a while, Xiaoguang finally clenched his fists and chose to believe in Plantina.

I was already a lot behind Xiao Wang, and now I simply started the double repair of the gorgeous contest and the alliance gym, which may be the fastest way to improve my strength.

Besides, Xiaozhi was going to the gymnasiums in various regions, so there was no need to detour!



Leaving Celebration City, on the way to Heijin City.

"Huh?! Xiaoguang, are you going to challenge the gym too?!"

Hearing Xiaoguang's sudden change of focus, Xiaozhi couldn't react.

"That's right, I want to become an existence like Master Mikri, and challenges in gymnasiums can make me grow up faster!"


Xiaoguang and Bogaman showed the same bright eyes, as if standing at the same time in the scene of a grand celebration and alliance conference, beckoning to them.

"It's a good idea to become an existence like Mr. Mikri...Although Mr. Mikri has been defeated by me before~!"

Xiaozhi's casual words made Xiaoguang suddenly a little discouraged.

Obviously the two are not much different in age, but Xiao Zhi is undoubtedly already at the finish line.

"So for the next black gold gymnasium, let you challenge it first, and I will help you sweep the formation!"

So Xiaozhi said with a smile.

Through this long and narrow tunnel cave, the two of them could already see a city not far away.

The city as a whole is black and gray, and rocky terrain rises in many places.

The most striking thing is naturally the tall chimneys all over the city, higher than the houses and buildings, spouting gray-brown smoke.

"It looks like an industrial city..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing, in this world full of greenery, such scenes are not uncommon.

Seeing that it was still early, the two naturally took the time to enter the city. After a short rest at the Pokémon Center, they went directly to the Black Gold Gym.

Strike while the iron is hot, while Xiaoguang's excitement is still there, start the challenge directly!

"It's said that there are usually 2~3 Pokémon in the battle, right? You should only have Pogaman and Curly-eared Rabbit on you? Do you want to take the third Pokémon first?"

When walking on the street, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"It's not a big problem, Plantina's Pokémon is on me... If both of them lose, she will help me continue the fight."

Xiaoguang waved his hand.

Xiaozhi: "..."

So, is there already a full-level boss Luezhen?

As far as Missy's Emperor Napoleon... Even if it is put in the alliance meeting, it will basically push fried fish all the way, right? !

What a caring full-level grandpa!

When Brother Chi was on him, unless the owner of the gymnasium himself had a level far beyond that of ordinary people... such as the light red gymnasium in his hometown.

The strength of the host there, Aju, is inexplicably not inferior to the strength of the alliance king. Even after he left, the opponent directly took over as the new alliance king.

With an existence of this level, Brother Chi will come out and punch a few times.

Look at the posture, no matter what, will this young lady help clear the place?

"My purpose is just to make Xiaoguang become stronger quickly. It is enough to fight in the same gymnasium once. No matter whether you succeed or not, you can accumulate experience...challenge the next gymnasium, or continue to fight against strong enemies in the alliance conference. Fighting is the better choice."

Sensing Xiaozhi's doubts, the voice of Plantina's soul vibrated out of Xiaoguang's body, and appeared in Xiaozhi's mind in the form of telepathy.

"But my understanding is different from yours..."

But Xiaozhi's understanding is somewhat different from Platina's.

He even turned his backhand to concentrate, and did not speak, but used the power of the waveguide to transform into a telepathic sound, which flowed into Xiaoguang's mind, and he was able to communicate directly with Plantina.

"If a gymnasium is not defeated, then you should repeat the attack until you completely defeat it with your own strength... This may be more efficient than directly challenging the next gymnasium."

Xiaozhi's understanding is entirely based on the insights he has gained from fighting so many gyms.

But Xiaozhi's one-handed operation surprised Plantina secretly.

Does this boy still have superpowers?

Well, this feeling is a bit familiar... Is it the power of waveguide? !

However, on the surface, Plantina still maintained a calm mood and insisted on her own ideas.

Because Xiaoguang will not only get experience from the gym master, but also from her.

To repeatedly challenge a Gym Master until successful...

So why not just skip ahead and challenge an Alliance King repeatedly until you succeed?

Soon, with the voice of the soul on one side and the power of waveguide on the other, the voices of Plantina and Xiaozhi began to argue in Xiaoguang's mind, trying to convince each other.

Regarding Xiaoguang's growth path, the two have considerable differences.


This made Xiaoguang, who was just a newcomer, listen to the two different voices with a dazed expression, and argue hard in his mind.

I can't put my mouth in it at all!

And I can't understand it at all!

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