He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1596 Earth Terrace Turtle vs. Hammer Dragon!


As for the choice of the last Pokémon, Pyota looked at the changing expression on Xiaozhi's face not far away, wondering whether he should do his best.

But it seems that the trainer in front of him is not a complete novice...

Thinking of this, Hyota felt sure and threw a poke ball.

boom! !

The red light flashed, but it was a huge gray-black dinosaur with thick lower limbs and relatively short forelimb claws.

The limbs, neck, and tail are covered with blue ring patterns and spikes.

Especially a pair of blood-colored eyes, the top of the head swelled up into a blue hard shell, surrounded by white spikes.


The ferocious roar made Xiaoguang a little terrified, and subconsciously took out the illustrated book.

"Hey. Warhammer Dragon, rock-type, evolutionary type of Brachiosaurus, is an ancient fossil Pokémon with a rough temperament, and will knock down all the trees in the jungle to catch prey. The skull is harder than steel, and has an unparalleled attack power."


Seeing that the opponent was doing a hard job, Shinji naturally didn't dare to be careless, and switched the poke ball again, but didn't send the electric shock monster.

Although the purpose is to re-cultivate... but now it is obviously more important to obtain the badge of the gymnasium.

He didn't want to come to an ordinary gymnasium twice.


A red light flashed, and the same huge Pokémon appeared in front of Shinji, and the heavy body made the ground tremble.

This is an ancient green land giant tortoise, with four short and thick lower limbs growing on a tan belly.

On both sides of the green head, white stone thorns grow.

Especially the large turtle shell on the back, not only is the edge covered with a layer of white hard rock, but a thick dry tree even grows directly on one side!



Xiaoguang in the spectator seats was completely dumbfounded.

Just because of the size of the Tutai Turtle and the Warhammer Dragon, they are not simple characters.

There is also the powerful aura emanating from the two of them... It is obviously not a trainer at her stage, an existence that can fight? !

Even if Xiaowang's capuchin cat came, there was a high probability that it would be given for nothing!

"The grades are very high..."

So, like him, is he also a trainer who started traveling again?

"Didi. Terrace turtle, grass and ground attributes, is the final evolution of grass seedling turtle. Although it has huge characteristics, it has a calm and long personality. It prefers to stay still and bask in the sun. Often other small Pokémon will land on it. on the trees behind."

The picture book automatically prompts.

This makes Xiaozhi even more interested, but he can take a look first, and he can learn in advance after his tortoise evolves.


On the field, the battle officially begins!

"War Hammer Dragon, use the Mind Hammer!!"

At the very beginning, the War Hammer Dragon bent down, its lower limbs began to sprint frantically, and it unleashed its well-known mind hammer.

Buzz buzz...!

The top of the most proud head is even more pink-purple energy, blurring the surrounding air, and rushing towards the target!

"Tortoise, use crazy plants!!"

However, Shinji on the other side is more straightforward, and it was the ultimate grass-type ultimate move from the beginning.

whoosh boom boom...!!

As the forelegs of the Terra Turtle stomped on the ground, the field in front of it began to tremble violently, and even countless thick wooden thorns covered with thorns stretched out from it, each twitching in the air was full of naked eyes. Visible strength.

Whoosh! ! !

Several shots of crazy plants were whipped out, and even the most powerful mind hammer was instantly broken...

The figure of the Warhammer Dragon was directly blown away by the rough wood and thorns.

The effect is outstanding! !

"Now, Warhammer Dragon, use Freezing Beam!!"

But Piaotai also seized the opportunity and quickly commanded.

The power of Crazy Plant is terrifying, but the cost is also extremely exaggerated. The Pokémon will directly stalemate for one round.

In the process of retreating, the Warhammer Dragon stepped on the ground several times, finally stabilized its figure, and at the same time spewed out ice-blue current pulses from its mouth.

Zizi! !

The frozen light hit the Tutai Turtle's body!

Although the Hammer Dragon is a Pokémon with extreme physical attack, its pure physical attack is extremely powerful, and its special attack moves are very powerful...But after all, it is an ice-type move that is four times restraint against the earth turtle, and it still caused a lot of damage. Huge damage.

"Tortoise, use sharp rocks to attack!!"

Relieved, the Tutai Turtle immediately surrounded its body with countless rock blades, and flew out in unison.

"War Hammer Dragon, use Sword Dance to break through!"

However, this war hammer dragon spun wildly on the spot, and with the thick tail behind it, it swept away all the dangerous rocks.


After the sword dance fell, a sharp red light flashed all over his body... The attack power of the Hammer Dragon was greatly increased.

"Now, War Hammer Dragon, use the Double-Edged Head Hammer!!"

Mrs. Piao commanded loudly that this Warhammer Dragon was already the highest level Pokémon in his hands.


Warhammer Dragon let out a roar, stepped on the ground again and rushed up, this time his whole body was covered with off-white energy light, which turned into an energy shock wave.

It was so powerful that even the body of the Hammer Dragon in the light was only a vague phantom, dragging a long cracked stone mark on the rocky ground.

"This trick is..."

Xiaozhi was startled, this move was somewhat similar to the special effect when his Pikachu used high-voltage electric shocks.

"Beep. The double-edged head hammer is the most powerful move among the rock attributes, but while causing a terrible impact, it will also suffer a lot of damage."

The picture book automatically prompts.

It really is a high-voltage electric shock with rock attributes!

Even with the addition of the sword dance, the power of this double-edged head hammer broke through the sky, even Xiao Zhi looked at it from a distance and was speechless.

This battle seems to have risen to a scale that is not a normal gymnasium challenge at all...

Looking at this posture, Hyota is planning to decide the winner at once.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, the double-edged head hammer hit the turtle's face door head-on, and the unrivaled force pushed the turtle back several meters in an instant, and it was even about to be pushed directly to the edge of the arena.

But Tutai Turtle's expression remained unchanged, he lowered his center of gravity, and tried his best to sustain this move.

Boom boom boom...! !

And after retreating for nearly seven or eight meters in a row, the earth platform turtle, which was already twice as resistant to rock properties, really resisted it.

call out...!

Even on the surface of the body, there was a strange black light, as strange as some ghost mist.

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