He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 138: The Realm Above the Ultimate

In the end, Fan Dou agreed completely, without him, he was more eager than anyone else to win the P1 World Championship.

Among the high-quality Pokémon he has encountered in so many years, the fire monkey in front of him is the highest. If he misses this opportunity, he doesn't know if he will meet the next one in this life.

So even though he could only be an honorary trainer, Fan Dou endured it.

"Then trust this young man and Firestorm Monkey."

He also saw it in the competition. This young man is a layman, but once he enters the fighting state, his command is unambiguous, and his future achievements may be higher than his own.

Thinking of this fan, he couldn't help but smile freely.

The collision between the two professions of trainer and fighter, maybe this year's p1 world finals, this young man can really turn the world upside down.

At that time, even if I am just an honor trainer, that will be a supreme honor!

Xiaozhi: "..."

Looking at the black-faced man with self-orgasm, he couldn't help sweating.

The highest state of painting cakes, he can actually draw cakes for himself, which he did not expect...

After the negotiation was completed, Fan Dou left the Pokémon Center enthusiastically, intending to go back and reopen the Soul Fighting Gym, and prepare all the venues and fitness machines.

His next goal is to concentrate on cultivating the fire monkey, impart the great profound meaning of his ancestors, and then master it through the challengers of the Soul Fighting Gym.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also gave Xiaozhi his own space. After all, Fire Monkey will leave the team temporarily tomorrow, and the two brothers need to say goodbye for the last night.

Immediately, there were only two people left in the Pokémon Center Hall. Xiaozhi and Fire Monkey looked at the chrysanthemum with a microscope, staring at the chrysanthemum.

"Third brother, it's up to you to steal all the work here."


The two hugged each other warmly and talked about their great dreams for the future.

"Go to participate in the regional level competition in half a year, and then go to win the pure gold belt of the World Fighting Championship a year later!"




In the middle of the night, the fire monkey who had played in the ring all day had already lost the energy of the day and fell asleep.

But Xiaozhi's spirit was good, and after drinking another cup of coffee, he was even more excited, and he gradually calmed down after a set of military punches on the spot.

Then he carefully glanced around, and when he saw no one, he quietly took out an ancient book with an old cover.

It is the ultimate meaning of freedom in the Fan Dou ancestral biography.

Fan Dou finally agreed to borrow Xiaozhi to observe for one night, but he had to return it tomorrow morning. He couldn't believe how much Xiaozhi could comprehend in such a short time.

Opening the book, looking at the squiggle-like words, Xiaozhi suddenly felt dizzy, and the energy he had just aroused was directly scattered, and he almost fell asleep.

"Brother Chi, don't scratch, there are good things."

Xiaozhi quickly called for help outside the venue. He didn't expect that he could understand any big cheats. On this point, Xiaozhi positioned himself very accurately.

"Don't panic, I'm always here."

Chi's steady voice was in his mind, which aroused Xiaozhi's idea of ​​falling asleep and letting Chi take over the body and study hard.

"Take a good look too, don't just know about recklessness all day long."

Chi didn't take over the body, but looked at the secret book carefully through Xiaozhi's eyes.

As a qualified trainer, knowledge is also an essential quality, and Xiaozhi did extremely badly on this point.

Reading well is always a good thing.

Helpless, Xiaozhi could only be patient and read from the first line of the first page.

"The way of heaven is to make up for what's not enough, so that what's more than what's damaged is more than what's not enough..."

Just the first line of text, Chi couldn't help but gasp, he already knew that this cheat book is not a rug guy, but a real thing!

Immediately, his eyes brightened, and he read eagerly.

This book is a big cheat book tailored for fighting Pokémon. It does not use observation and perception to deal with all the crises around it, but only uses the body to make stress movements similar to conditioned reflexes.

If the body is separated from the consciousness without thinking through the brain, then the whole body will surpass instinct and reach a terrifying state.

It is for the sake of freedom.

Then whether it is dodging attacks or taking the initiative to attack, it can have an absolute advantage.

Compared with this state, the previous cutting mode is nothing more than pediatrics.

"Meow, meow, this Grandfather Sun is an incredible character!"

Chi's face was flushed, and he couldn't help admiring again and again.

He just wanted to have a good talk with Xiaozhi, but unexpectedly, the latter was half lying on the chair, going to the toilet with his eyes closed, one eye open, and one eye closed to sleep.


Chi immediately took over Xiaozhi's body, stretched out his hand to hold the tail of Pikachu who was sleeping next to him, and squeezed it hard.

Then switch back to control of the body at the limit speed.

He didn't go through this set of operations, so the speed is extremely fast, infinitely approaching the realm of freedom and extreme intention.

"Pika, Chu!!"

Pikachu, who was sleeping, was frightened, and he discharged electricity directly on the spot, giving Xiaozhi an electrotherapy.


Lightning flashed, and Xiaozhi woke up with a dazed face. His whole body was numb, and then he watched Pikachu next to him turn over comfortably.

"Is it a nightmare..."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, looked at the secret book in his hand, and then said seriously:

"Brother Chi, have you realized it?"

After a while, Chicai replied leisurely: "I can't understand it in a short time..."

Although he is generally good at fighting attributes, Qinglu communicated with him for a period of time in order to evolve his mighty power into a strange power.

Chi estimates that his mastery of fighting attributes may have a level of 1.5 Shiba, but it is not enough to fully comprehend this cheat book.

And the most important thing is that this book is not just the skills of fighting attributes, it is a realm that can be involved in all attributes, but the difficulty will be much higher.

"As I told you before, in the electronic world, I am already a peak existence, and there is no room for improvement. The ultimate attribute is the end."

Chi suddenly said, with a somewhat disappointed tone.

Xiaozhi nodded and replied:

"Indeed, I thought you just said it casually. Is it true? I didn't expect it."


He resisted the urge to drag Xiaozhi to explode himself together, and continued:

"But in this world, everything has changed, the top shackles have been broken, and the ultimate attribute is not the end, but a new starting point."

"Above the ultimate is the realm of existence."

Although Xiaozhi didn't realize it was serious, he subconsciously clapped his hands.

"And this secret book of Zizijiyi shows how to break through this layer of shackles and show a way to reach the ultimate."

There is one thing to say, this cheat book has not been snapped up by the league champions in various regions, which Chi did not expect.

After much deliberation, we can only say that the Heavenly King Xiba hid it for himself and deliberately did not continue to report it.

But what Chi didn't know was that he was worrying too much.

It is the world's top combat power, and the current stage of the alliance champion is only exploring to reach the ultimate state. Even if someone has reached this state, they will only think that this is the ultimate state, and will not think about it. There are new realms.

Traveling through two worlds and comprehending the laws of the two worlds at the same time gave Chi a higher level of understanding.

Xiaozhi also heard the importance of this thing, and hurriedly urged:

"Then hurry up and recite the whole text, it will be dawn in 2 hours, come on, Brother Chi!"


A book with a thickness of 2 centimeters, carry a hammer on your back!

Hearing that Xiaozhi's brain flashed, he was carrying another ruthless endorsement machine.

Immediately, he quickly took the trouser pocket and threw the illustration book in front of Zizai Jiyi.

"Beep. Scanning..."

The illustrated book glowed red, and the CPU of "chug chug" started to run at high speed.


Half a minute later, the illustration book made the sound of the end of the mission.

"Scanned successfully, Zizaijiyi.pdf, saved."

Seeing this, the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched. After all, he promised not to show it to the second person.

Chi is not a person, and neither is the illustrated book!


I'm really not a human right now, but you're a real dog...

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