He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1624 Three times a day, can you stand it? !

EMI Forest.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and his party came to the most extensive forest in the Sinnoh region.

Just like the Evergreen Forest in my hometown and the Orange Blossom Forest in the Yoshien area... EMI Forest is also inhabited by a large number of insect-type Pokémon, and the small sound of insects can be heard everywhere.

"I have to find a time, let Shirabi come here..."

Xiaozhi looked around and thought to himself.

If the rabbi covers its forest range here...he will be able to teleport directly to the Sinnoh area as soon as he leaves the house in the future.

This forest is vast, and it is impossible to complete the crossing in one day to reach EMI City on the other side of the forest.

While everyone was resting, Xiao Gang had already set up a dining table beside him, preparing lunch.

However, along the way, Xiaoguang frequently challenged Xiaozhi, trying to accumulate more experience before fighting the EMI Gymnasium.

"Please, Three Bees!!"

So the two opened the field, and Xiaoguang raised her hand and released the female individual she had only found among 500 wild bees.

"It's up to you, grass seedling turtle!"

On Xiaozhi's side, he sent a grass seedling tortoise, which can be used as an imaginary enemy to train Xiaoguang to fight against the grass-type Pokémon of EMI Gymnasium.

"Flying Leaf Quick Knife!!"

During this period of time, the grass seedling tortoise's strength has been steadily improving, shaking its head, and throwing out sharp green leaf throwing knives.

"Three bees, dodge, use Gale Storm!!"

Xiaoguang commanded quickly, his tone obviously not like that of a fledgling rookie.

Although the honeycomb body is much larger than the wings, the speed of the three bees is not slow at all, and they dodged the flying leaf sharp knife with a "swish".

Whoosh! !

He even flapped his wings with his backhand to blow a strong wind!


The restrained strong wind caused the tortoise to lower its head slightly and support its body in the storm.

"Now, use Bug Bite!!"

Seizing the opportunity, Xiaoguang attacked decisively.

The three bees flew forward immediately. Although the small mouths of the three beehives had no sharp teeth at all, they condensed a gray-green energy tooth in front of them, biting towards the grass seedling turtle.

"Carry it off!!"

The grass seedling tortoise didn't dodge or dodge, and let the insect bite hard on its head. The damage caused by the effect made the grass seedling tortoise frown.

"It's now, use super absorption!!"

But taking this opportunity, the two green light energy vines that quickly extended from both sides of the grass seedling turtle's shell tightly bound the three bees that were almost zero distance away.


The super absorbing move took effect, covering the body surface of the three bees with red light, constantly squeezing the latter's physical strength, and in turn restoring the grass seedling turtle's physical strength.

Obviously, with the speed of the tortoise, it is enough to dodge the opponent's insect bite moves.

But Xiaozhi is deliberately training the defense and counterattack of the grass seedling turtle.

"Three bees, use insect resistance!!"

At this time, Xiaoguang suddenly called out a move.

The next moment, I saw the three bees surrounded by the super-absorbing red light suddenly bursting out from the inside to the outside, a burst of gray-green insect-attribute energy.

Boom! !

Then it exploded suddenly, and the move broke out at the midpoint of the contact between the two, and the energy shock caused caused the three bees and the grass seedling tortoise to fly backwards at the same time.

"Bug resistance..."

This is a move that counterattacks while resisting the opponent's moves.

Rounding it up, it can be regarded as an instant version of Endurance's unique skill... but since it is instant, its power is naturally less than that of Endurance.

"Well, Xiao Guang, he's in good shape."

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise.


The words of praise made Xiaoguang's expression more confident, directing the three bees to continue attacking.



Just as the two were about to continue fighting, there was a sudden sound of scurrying from the grass next to them, making Xiao Zhi Xiaoguang and Xiao Gang not far away turned their heads.

What Pokémon is it?


The next moment, a chubby pink figure jumped out from the bushes.

This pink Pokémon is very common in elf centers, and there is a white round egg in the belly pocket, which looks cute... Lucky egg!

"Wild auspicious eggs? Impossible, how could there be such a Pokémon in EMI Forest?"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but frowned, wondering.

He now has an auspicious egg on his body, which is a little lucky egg that was hatched from the egg obtained at the Breeding House in Zijin City, and has successfully completed the evolution at this moment.

The double treatment of Pokémon's moves and medicines allows him to do more things.

"Lucky egg, don't run away, you're going to get lost~!"

But soon, a female voice came from behind, panting.

The next moment, a woman followed Ji Lidan's figure and ran out of the grass in that direction.

But she saw that this was a gentle woman with long green hair, several years older than the three of them, her long hair was tied into a braid, and fell to the side in front of her.

Dressed in light green long sleeves and a dark green dress, with a pair of brown boots under her feet, a pretty figure suddenly appeared in the jungle, which made people's eyes shine.

"Ahhhh!! This beautiful lady, you must be an elf in this forest, there is no existence more charming than you~!!"

Xiao Gang rushed over with howls of ghosts and wolves, and his two eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Immediately, he knelt down on one knee and took the green-haired woman's hand in his hands, as if looking at a forest goddess.

Just haven't waited for the other party to say anything.


The bad frog bounced out forcefully, and even in the poke ball, the poison attack move was already ready to go.

The red light of the elf ball had just solidified, and the venom thrust hit Xiaogang's buttocks.


Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but slap and commented.

This bad frog's moves are very smooth, giving people a pleasing feeling.

"Ugh, I'm paralyzed...!"

This also made Xiao Gang hug his backyard directly, and fell to the ground trembling all over.

"Are you paralyzed? Lucky Egg, hurry up and use aromatherapy!"

But seeing that Xiaogang was suddenly attacked by her own Pokémon, the woman thought it was some bad incident of Pokémon killing the master, and hurriedly commanded.


The lucky egg next to him immediately raised his chubby hand, and his pink body emitted a faint green light, and he could even smell a nice fragrance from it.

This also made Xiaogang's complexion calm, and he suddenly felt that his body had recovered as before, and slowly stood up again.

Aromatherapy has the effect of removing all abnormal states.


Seeing that Xiao Gang wants to show his love with muscle memory again, Bad Frog Eyes is quick, and he makes up another poisonous blow, blooming behind Xiao Gang for the second time.

"Lucky eggs, use aromatherapy!"

Although she didn't know what was going on, the woman instinctively directed Ji Lidan to continue using aromatherapy, but this time she was quickly stopped by Xiao Zhi.

"Hehe, let Teacher Gang pour it out for a while, no need for treatment."

Hell, resurrect again, but get stabbed again...

If it is done three times a day, Xiaogang's chrysanthemum can't stand it! ?

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