He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1664 Pogaman vs Fangtooth Land Shark!

This time, the Family Destiny Competition is indeed the most popular ordinary competition.

The number of coordinators who showed excellent performances in the first round far exceeded the previous gorgeous competition in Huayuan Town.

Xiaozhi even saw a big sister directing a rare Menus, performing a soul-stirring performance.

Even without too many performances, Menus just appeared on the stage, and many audiences around him cheered.

But the Pokémon Uglyfish is extremely rare, and Menus is destined to be the partner of very few trainers.

"Miss Xiangzi, Xiaosheng will always be your supporter!!"

Xiaogang even inquired about the information about the female coordinator who directed Menus early in the morning, and shouted cheers off the field again, which attracted many people's sideways glances.

The two of them were still watching, and the first round of review was completely over.


Soon, the heads of eight contestants appeared on the electronic screen on the stage.

"Xiaoguang, and Xiaowang all went in!"

Xiaozhi glanced around and said pleasantly.

Immediately, the electronic screen flickered again, and the eight people who had advanced were randomly arranged, and the order of elimination for the second round of review was sorted out.

And the first battle was Xiaoguang's fight against a girl named Ulala.

"Is the first scene Xiaoguang?"

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested. The first round of review Xiaoguang used the queen bee, and the second round should use other Pokémon.

His gaze shifted slightly, and Xiaoguang's opponent was wearing a blue and white princess dress, with pink curly long hair tied up on both sides, and Xiaoguang was about the same age as Xiaoguang.

But by the look of it, it seems quite proud.

When the two of them stepped onto the stage together, Ulala showed obvious displeasure towards Xiao Guang.


Xiaoguang at one end blinked her eyes in doubt, she doesn't know this girl at all, right?

As the host's voice fell, the health bar on the screen lit up, and the two threw out their Pokémon at the same time.



On Xiaoguang's side was her main force, Bogaman, with her little wings flapping her chest and her expression proud.


On the other side, Ulala sent a gray-blue shark drake with rough skin, a bright red abdomen, and a sharp sharp claw at the end of an arm with inverted fins.

"Bite the land shark?"

Xiaozhi in the audience was stunned, was he a quasi-god when the gorgeous contest came up?

But at a second glance, he found that the "Bite Lu Shark" on the field was 2/3 smaller than Miss Zhulan's, and his body seemed to be immature at all.

"Didi. Fangtooth shark, dragon and ground attributes, the evolution of round land shark. At this stage, Fangtooth shark will continue to molt repeatedly and grow bigger. The scales that shed have a magical healing effect, with a shiny The habit of hiding gems in your own caves. Lotor~!"

The illustration book introduced.

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that the other party was in the middle form of the round land shark and the biting land shark.

But after all, it is a quasi-god race, the most famous existence in the Sinnoh area. When this sharp-tooth land shark appeared on the stage, it attracted applause from the surrounding audience.

The battle begins!

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"

"Fangtooth Land Shark, use Dragon's Breath!!"

The dense blue bubbles were directly burst from them in the face of the cyan energy raid.


Bogaman's face was startled, and he quickly jumped to the side to dodge, barely dodging the dragon's breath.

"Bogaman, use Tide Spin next!"

Although he was at a disadvantage in the beginning, Xiaoguang's expression did not change at all, and he commanded again.

Bogaman's movements were also not slow. While dodging, he had already spit out a thick water flow from his mouth, forming a huge water flow vortex above his head, and the movement was impressive.

With a wave of its small wings, the tidal current was thrown straight at the sharp-tooth land shark.

"Hmph, use the double chop!!"

However, the sharp-toothed land shark's claws were covered with blue light, and it slashed forward and backward towards the tidal current.

Wow! !

The entire huge tidal vortex burst in an instant, forming weak water droplets and falling down.

Don't look at the fangtooth land shark, which is only in the second stage, but it is quite strong in strength.

And this perfect defensive blow has already made Xiaoguang's side start to draw blood.

"It's not over yet, use Quicksand Hell!"

Ulala was so powerful that she attacked again.

The Fangtooth Shark understood, and its claws plunged straight into the ground in front of it.


In the next instant, the ground of the entire arena turned into a hell of quicksand that was soft and twirling, even entangled Bogaman's lower limbs, pulling it down continuously.

Quicksand Hell is a move that constantly consumes stamina, and on the electronic screen, Xiaoguang's blood bar also began to lose blood continuously.

However, Xiaoguang commanded suddenly and unhurriedly:

"Bogaman, use the frozen light!"

Bogaman understood, his lower limbs were restrained, and he didn't move his body at all. The opened beak condensed a cold light, which flew down to the ground like an electric current.

Creak creak...!

In an instant, the chill of ice and snow quickly spread out, completely freezing the entire quicksand-shaped arena, directly breaking the quicksand hell move.

The beautiful counterattack also caused Ulala to deduct part of the blood.

"Wow, when did Pogaman master the freezing light?"

Under the stands, Xiaozhi said in surprise.

But after thinking about it for a while, Xiaoguang usually has Plantina to give special training on small stoves, and it seems that Bogaman can master new moves.


And the entire venue turned into an ice arena, which also made the Fangtooth Shark tremble and his face turned blue.

The ground + dragon attribute Fangtooth land shark is four times restrained by the ice attribute, and it is extremely unsuitable for this environment.

"Don't be afraid of it... Fang Shark, use Double Slash!!"

Ulala raised her hand and pointed, attacking with ruthless eyes.

Fangtooth land shark roared, waved the arm of the dragon's giant claw, and rushed to Bogaman's position.

However, Xiaoguang seemed to have fully grasped the rhythm of the arena at this moment, with a confident face, he commanded in an orderly manner:

"Bogaman, use the white mist!"

Facing the aggressive Fangtooth Land Shark rushing forward, Bogaman opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of thick white mist, completely covering the opponent in it.

Using softness to overcome rigidity directly interrupted the opponent's offensive.

"Chahou! Chahou!"

The loss of vision also made the sharp-toothed land shark flustered, and the two-splitting sharp claws kept waving wildly towards the surroundings, and the strong wind aroused blows away the surrounding white mist.

Just waiting until the vision is completely clear, Bogaman is still in the position directly in front of it.

But at the position of Bogaman's bird's beak, a mass of icy energy has already condensed.

"Now, use the frozen light!!"

Following Xiaoguang's low shout, Bogaman spewed out the frozen light from his mouth at one time, and the twisted and spreading ice electric snake suddenly burst in the chest of the sharp-toothed land shark!

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