He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 145: Mist Explosion and Freedom

On a sunny day, in a driving range in the backyard of the elf center, several elves are training diligently, and a rather fat electric mouse is walking around a group of people.

A sun umbrella was set up in the middle of the practice field, and Xiao Zhi was sitting there, concentrating on watching the video materials released in the illustrated book, and sitting next to him was a cute pink Butterfly, also paying attention to the illustrated book.

There is also a medium-sized blue turtle Pokémon in the center of the field. From time to time, it spits out a water gun to the sky, and the water falls around the field to cool down.


"Hey! The copyright statement has been said for 3 minutes, and I can't fast forward!"

Xiaozhi complained with black lines.

One person and one butterfly are watching the video of the skill machine obtained from the Yuhong Gymnasium. Although Li Jia gave them a box of CDs, they can watch the video of the skill machine on the illustration book just by scanning the QR code engraved on the CD. .

"The name of the move, Mist Explosion."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up when he heard the main scene, and the name of this move is already very impressive.

"The first step is to arouse the energy of the fairy attribute and raise it to the highest level at once."

"The second step is to maintain this berserk power and transfer it to your own body, making your body the carrier of this goblin energy."

Similar to the magic sparkle of the beautiful flower, and the power of the moon used by Ba Dadie before, they all release the fairy energy outward to attack the enemy, but the mist burst unexpectedly found another way to condense it into his body?

Xiaozhi shrank his eyes, and the secret path is indeed a great skill that the enemy must die with, and the way of using it is really different.

"The third step is to hug the opponent, detonate this energy at the same time, and die together with the enemy."

Xiaozhi: "?"

It seems that something is wrong.

Then a cute Pokémon appeared in the video, its body was like a ball of pink cream cake, dotted with a few bright red strawberries, it jumped up and hugged a blue and black The most peculiar thing is that this dragon-type Pokémon has three heads.

Then the cream Pokémon's body emitted a burst of dazzling pink light, its energy was raised to the extreme, and it exploded suddenly, and the extremely powerful fairy energy poured out crazily.

Then the screen flashed, the cream Pokémon fainted on the ground, and the three-headed dragon next to it also fainted on the ground.

Xiaozhi: "?"

If he remembers correctly this move, it should be called self-destruction, right?

Why did it become such a nice and domineering name "Mist Explosion" when it came to the fairy attribute?

It is suggested to change the name of self-explosion in the future, called natural explosion.


Xiaozhi suddenly remembered the keyword Miss Li Jia said, using it will kill you.

I am not sure whether the enemy will die or not, but I am sure I will die...?

Otherwise, I should not learn this trick, and just master the power of the moon honestly and proficiently...

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly felt a little warm around his ears, and turned his eyes away, only to see that the pink Ba Dadie next to him was surrounded by pink light, flashing and flashing like a ticking time bomb. explode.

"Wait a moment!"

Before Xiaozhi could speak, he heard a "boom", Ba Dahu suddenly exploded in front of him, and the violent fairy energy blew up a turbulent airflow, raging towards his face.

"Didi. Ba Dadie has learned a new skill: Mist Explosion." The illustrated book prompted.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Fortunately, he has a thick skin, and an immature mist burst from almost zero distance apart from turning his face black, there is no other abnormality.

After using the mist, Ba Dadie, who exploded, fainted directly on the ground, his wings wilted.

Xiao Zhi silently put it back into the elf ball, and silently broke the skill machine CD that the mist exploded into two halves.

I know someone, won't use this skill again...



Xiaozhi got up and found a giant armored chrysalis standing at his feet, which was twice the size of a normal armored chrysalis, staring at him.

It also thought that Xiaozhi told Ba Dadie to blow himself up, and the armored pupa was a little angry.

"What's the matter, dog licking biss."

Xiaozhi knocked on the hard shell of the armored chrysalis, and said with a smile.

The armored chrysalis is still accumulating strength and waiting to evolve. It's not very easy to train at this stage, so Xiaozhi didn't arrange what to do for it.

In the future, it will evolve into a peerless giant dragon, Likongzuo, and it will not be too late to train well.

"Give it to me..."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched when a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and he said in surprise:

"Brother Chi, have you thought about how to make the armored pupa evolve into a cracked seat? You really have it."


It is impossible for the armored chrysalis to evolve into a cracked empty seat in this lifetime!

After taking a few deep breaths, Chi replied slowly:

"Last time, I had some ideas about the book of Zizi Jiyi, and I need to find a small white mouse to experiment..."

The realm above the ultimate, even for him, is impossible to reach it.

What's more, the path of Zizai Jiyi is a bit different from his original direction above the ultimate, but no one said that he can't reach the two extremes at the same time.

Cold knowledge, the ultimate is not the only way. According to his blind guess, even Qinglu wants to take the third way that is different from him.

"White mouse? Do you want my Pikachu?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"It's this armored chrysalis, perhaps the one among your group of Pokémon who is most likely to master the ultimate in freedom..."

Chi is not just casually talking to fool fools, Zizai Jiyi needs a strong will, the super-difficult ability to separate the spirit from the body, to be honest, the armored chrysalis is really far ahead.

And the most important thing is that other Pokémon can move their bodies in six or even infinite directions.

Front, back, left, right, up, down, plus a combination of six directions and various angles.

The more directions the body can choose, the more difficult it is to separate the spirit from the body.

But the armored chrysalis is different, it can only move in two directions.

Previously, successively.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Chi didn't say much, but took over Xiaozhi's body, and then raised his arms.


He swung past, and the armored chrysalis fell backwards intentionally, and then turned back.


In an infinite loop, the actions of the Armored Chrysalis are like the grand master's chair in his soul space, shaking up and down, dodging his movements.

"Don't judge with your eyes, use your body to sense..."

Chi slowly indicated.

When one day, it doesn't use eyes to perceive, but relies on its own body conditioned reflex, and it is free and easy, and it is considered as just getting started.

Iron Armor Chrysalis: "?"

Why is today's master like a magic stick?



Xiaozhi's Pokémon are still training hard to become the strongest trainer - Pokémon Master. This is not only Xiaozhi's dream, but also his Pokémon's dream.

"He has the ability to assimilate his own Pokémon..."

Chi was in charge of Xiaozhi's body, and couldn't help showing a smile. This young man is not just a stunned young man, but also has abilities that are different from ordinary people.

Then he thought of something and threw a poke ball.


A red light flashed. It was a Pokémon in the shape of a brown puppy. As soon as it appeared on the stage, it got under the sun chair, looked around with some fear, and its body trembled slightly.

It was the Ibrahimovic who had suffered from the Rainbow Group's illegal experiments.

"This is everything about your trainer, let's experience it with him..."

Chi didn't touch it, but sat on the sun chair, watching everything around quietly.

After adapting to the environment, Ibrahimovic blinked his eyes wide, and began to quietly look at everything around him, a little puzzled why these Pokémon were doing these boring movements in the hot weather.


Kami Turtle fired a water gun into the sky again, scattered it down, and a blurry rainbow appeared over the training ground...

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