
The stinky smoke from the tank skunk gradually dissipated, but Xiao Zhi and the others were still coughing with ugly faces below, and kept fanning the wind with their palms in front of them.

Although the visibility has been fully restored, it seems that the layer of stench is still sticking to the nasal airway, and every time I inhale, I can still smell the pungent and nauseating smell.

"Compared to this smell, stinky flowers can only be regarded as a perfume..."

Xiao Gang couldn't help blurting out.

The stinky flower in my hometown is also a great smell weapon...but it is obviously far worse than the smell of the tank skunk.

And Wu Song, who was standing in the front, looked around, and his complexion also changed for a while.

The smoke disappeared, and the helicopter overhead had already flown to a height that was difficult to catch up with.

But from a distance, one can vaguely see the golden letter "G" engraved on the shell of the cabin.

"Damn it, is there any help..."

Wu Song looked around, and there were only three or four soldiers of the Galaxy team who fell to the ground and were unconscious.

The tank skunk was almost at zero distance from the group of soldiers. While attacking them, the skunk naturally hit the friendly troops first.

As for the leader Zhen Xing, he has long since disappeared.

And the magic cube taken out from the random ruins was also completely taken away by the other party.

"What is the function of that cube..."

Wu Song took off his glasses, pinched the base of his nose, and felt a little pain in his head.

Later, I can inform Miss Junsha to come to deal with the aftermath.

It's just that it's impossible to pry out any information from the fainted soldiers around them.

In fact, what the Galaxy team is doing one after another during this time, and their Sinnoh Alliance is also trying to dig out some information through the mouths of some low-level personnel of the former.

"Team Galaxy, change the world...Team Galaxy, change the world..."

However, once any soldier is forced to question, he will always give such a mechanical answer.


Seeing that the helicopter had completely flown away, Wu Song could only sigh, and walked towards the interior of the random ruins.

The three of Xiaozhi also hurriedly followed.

By the way, didn't the Rockets trio go in together...why didn't they disappear?

Boom boom boom! !

Just as he was thinking about it, there were bursts of explosions from the depths of the random ruins.



Accompanied by bursts of sharp and elongated wailing for help, the sound gradually amplified.

When the few people walked a few meters into the stone path of the ruins, the figures of Musashi and Kojiro Miaomiao rushed out, their bodies were full of scars, and their expressions were messy.

"It's the little devil meow!!"

After seeing Xiaozhi's group, as if he had found a savior, he shrank directly behind Xiaozhi without any explanation.

Not waiting for a few people to say anything, a black patch of Pokémon floated in from the stone path behind.

"Wood!!" "Wood!!" "Wood!!"

Dozens of unknown totems with different shapes all have red eyes, and the energy of the power of awakening gradually condenses in front of the eyes.

"Hey, hey, everyone said that the culprit is that pothead boy!"

"We are just unrelated people passing by meow!!"

The three Musashi immediately defended loudly, but obviously words had no effect on this group of unknown totems.

At this moment, Xiaozhi Wusong and the others stood in front, and the unknown totems naturally changed their attack targets immediately, and the power of awakening was ready to go.

The common attack energy of dozens of unknown totems gathered together, and in such a narrow and closed environment, the air of the entire stone path was dyed with red light, trembling faintly.

"Charem, use the high five surprise attack!!"

However, at the next moment, Wu Song suddenly spoke.

Charem jumped out in an instant, jumped forward one meter, and slapped his hands violently.


The crisp applause contained unique power, abruptly interrupting the movements of all the unknown totems, and the energy stopped abruptly before their eyes.

"Pikachu, use the grid!!"

Xiaozhi also seized the opportunity and commanded loudly.

Pikachu understood, jumped up from his shoulders, and then used Charem's shoulders in front of him as a pedal to meet him, and his body spun in the air during the process.


The opened thunder and lightning net has already covered all the unknown totems in front of it along with the inertia, and surrounded them in the center of the grid.

"Now, Bogaman, use the Tide Spin!!"

Xiaoguang also showed a wave of presence at the right time.


Bogaman jumped out, instantly condensed a huge vortex of water flow, and threw it straight to the target.

After all, it was their humans who disturbed the peaceful world of the unknown totem, and the moves chosen by the three were also some less powerful control moves.

But neither the high-five surprise attack nor the power grid can have a calming effect.

However, under Bogaman's tidal current, dozens of unknown totems were all swept into the vortex.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

As the cold water slapped relentlessly on their faces, the red-warm light on the bodies of these unknown totems also weakened a lot.

When the tide dissipated, each of them became wilted and their aggressiveness disappeared.

"White...?" "White...?" "White...?"

The unknown totems who regained their sanity looked at each other messily, and made incomprehensible sounds, which seemed very chaotic in this closed stone room.

"Meow, what did they say?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but turned his head and asked Miaomiao.

It's a rare encounter with Team Rocket, and finally I can use this professional translator.


But by the time he turned his head, the Rockets trio had already disappeared.

"Damn it, Zhen Xing, remember it for my mother!!"

"There is also the Galaxy team... our Rockets will definitely trample you under your feet!!"

"You still want to change the world meow, you are a bunch of clowns meow!!"

On the way to sneak away, the Rockets trio covered in injuries were still cursing.

Now their confrontation with the Galaxy team is one win and one loss, just a tie...The next time it will be their turn for the Rockets to counterattack! !


Random ruins.

With the departure of Team Rocket's trio, the wilting unknown totems in front of them seemed to have the answer.

Now that the thing that has been guarded for generations has completely left here... let's just open it up.

"White..." "White..." "White..."

In the next moment, I saw this group of unmotivated unknown totems, who simply didn't want to fight for the treasures anymore, they smashed them one after another, and they all floated back to the stone room at the end.

Then the body shape was reduced from the three-dimensional dimension again, and changed back to a flat form.

The unknown totems were attached to the rock wall one by one, turning into abstract murals of ancient characters.

Everything in the stone room became quiet, as if nothing had happened here before.

Yes, as long as they pretend they don't know it's been taken...

Then things are not taken away.

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