
Riolu blocked the opponent's bone club, but the evolved Lucario's physical strength was obviously stronger. Holding the bone club and pressing down, Riolu's figure also collapsed.

"Riolu, use sword dance on the spot!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly commanded loudly.

Riolu understood, and suddenly withdrew the energy iron claws, his body jumped and spun up.


A raging red light appeared around the body, and even turned into a sharp red energy, which abruptly bounced off Lucario's movements.

Riolu's physical attack has been greatly improved!

"It's now, use Fa Jin!!"

With his strength enhanced, Riolu rushed forward again, and the golden light current began to flow and burst in the palm of his raised little palm.


And that Lucario had an inexplicably dazed expression.

How could this brat of the same clan beat him so hard?

However, seeing that the other party was pushing forward with all his strength, this Lucario did not show weakness, and immediately assumed the same posture, raised his palm, and pushed out.

Work hard!

The palms collided, and a dazzling golden electric current burst out in an instant.

Zizi bang! !

Immediately, the energy of Fa Jin burst out, and it actually blasted two figures, one big and one small, flying upside down.



Seeing this, Xiao Zhi and Ah Li ran to their Pokémon respectively.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Xiaozhi and the three knew that it was an oolong.

"So it wasn't some bad attack..."

Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head, but the wave missile the opponent used just now was completely serious.

"Who are you...?!"


Ah Li turned his head to look at Xiaozhi and the other three, and that Lucario also followed behind him with a serious face.

They collided with each other vigorously just now, and the recoil was extremely strong...but the damage was not high, so it was not a big problem.

"Hehe, it's all a misunderstanding, I thought you guys..."

But before Xiaozhi could explain anything, a black figure suddenly flashed across the sky.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a Scorpio King?

"Don't run around, Scorpio King!!"

In the distance of the prairie courtyard, a man ran up, panting and calling.

"Ge Yong~!"

However, the Scorpio King completely ignored the shouts of the man behind him, and continued to fly on its own.

"Is that the Scorpio King?!"

But Xiaozhi instantly recognized that it was the leader Scorpio King who was in the Labyrinth Valley before.

And the latter's arrogant appearance also made Lucario and Riolu, who were already bursting with justice, look at each other.

Without waiting for their respective trainers to direct them, the two started to move at the same time.


As soon as Riolu raised his palm, a powerful wave missile was thrown out in an instant.

The movement and strength of this shot made Ah Li look sideways, with an amazed expression.

His own Lucario's wave missile is nothing more than that, right?


However, this wave missile, which must hit, was still dodged by the Scorpion King.

Or it could be said that Leo Luben missed the hit on purpose, in order to forcibly change the latter's figure and let the Scorpio King show his flaws.


But Ah Li's Lucario found the opportunity and jumped up, and the astonishing bounce jumped directly to the back of the Scorpio King.


Immediately, both feet stepped on the latter, and the steel body exerted force to press down, directly pressing the flying Scorpio King to the ground, stirring up countless dust, and finally completed the uniform.

Although it was the first time they met, the two Pokémon cooperated quite well.


"Thank you very much... This Scorpio King is completely disobedient."

Soon, the man also rushed up out of breath, and quickly took out the elf ball and took the Scorpio King back.

But this scene made the three of Xiaozhi feel confused.

Strange, wasn't this Pokémon taken over by Shinji... Why did it suddenly appear in another person's hand?

"Shinji won't be doing evil Pokémon transactions like Hunter J...?"

This thought just came up, but Xiaozhi shook his head and shook it off.

As a trainer, Shinji's behavior is indeed bad...but it's not to such an outrageous level.

But at this moment, the area around the courtyard field has been destroyed by Lucario's previous wave missiles.

Not only was the ground potholed, but even the surrounding fence walls that were originally used to isolate the outside world were broken with many large holes.

"Mr. Reiss, I'm sorry...!"

Ah Li obviously knew the latter, so he apologized sincerely.

"And you, Lucario, apologize quickly!"


However, this Lucario turned his head, not intending to listen to his trainer's command.

"Mr. Reiss...?"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other from the side, looking up and down at the man named "Leisi".

He was about twenty years old, taller than them all, wearing the clothes common to Pokémon breeders, and wearing a green scarf around his body when he was working.

She has a rather delicate and gentle face, a head of long black and purple hair, and a small tail tied behind her head...

Seems like a friendly guy.

"Strange, his eyebrows and nose, like that guy..."

"And the hair color is the same..."

"Even the name is like...?"

The three of Xiaozhi whispered, and Leisi's appearance reminded them of a person at the same time.


At the same time, Reis also noticed Riolu and Pikachu next to the three of them.

These two Pokémon are not common in the Sinnoh area.

"This Pikachu...?"

However, Leisi's eyes focused on Pikachu, and then turned to Xiaozhi's direction, and said tentatively:

"Are you Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town?"

This time it was Xiaozhi's turn to blink suspiciously...was he recognized again?

He was recognized by Heavenly King Wusong last time. It seems that people in the Sinnoh area still often watch news from other places!

"Oh, my name is Reis, and I'm Shinji's older brother... I heard him mention the trainer with Pikachu before, and I think it should be you."

Leisi showed a friendly smile and explained heartily.

"Shinji's brother?!"

These words shocked the three of Xiaozhi.

In particular, Leisi, who is looking at the sunshine and kindness in front of him, is even more surprising when compared with Shinji's cold face that is always frowning in his mind.

"Is there any problem? Many people say that our brothers look alike~!"

When mentioning his younger brother, Lei Si smiled proudly.

"So Shinji was born with that expression?"

"Or did Shinji actually pick it up...?"

The three of Xiaozhi became very curious, and couldn't help asking each other sentence by sentence.

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