He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1715 Comrade Yuanlu Shark!


On the ground, after eating two meteorites of the same size, the round land shark touched his belly and burped in satisfaction.

He didn't realize that his image was being watched by several humans at the same time.

It was naturally the Yuanlu Shark that dug a hole and followed Xiaozhi all the way from Tianguan Mountain to Curtain City.

As a Yuanlu Shark who grew up in Tianguan Mountain and had never seen anything outside, he became interested in the first human being he saw.

I didn't expect to eat such a delicious meteorite today!

The round land shark licked its tongue, and its stomach, which had just been full, seemed to start to dry up again.

The taste of these meteorites is crisp, and even when it swallows them, there is a comfortable warm current flowing into the body, which makes the round land shark very obsessed with this feeling.


Thinking of this, Yuan Lusha moved his short hands, and then used his trick of digging holes again, digging up the ground.

Although there are many human beings guarding it... the timid ones will starve to death, and the bold ones will die of starvation!

With a heart attack, the round land shark dominated by its stomach broke through the ground again, jumping out.

Just as soon as he came out, a huge black and blue lion cat jumped out head-on, with electric currents running through its hair, and its majestic face was full of style.


This startled the round land shark, and even a weakened blue light appeared on the surface of its body.

This is the intimidating characteristic of the roentgen cat, which reduces the physical attack of the round land shark!

As Miss Junsha's partner Pokémon, generally choose individuals with intimidating characteristics, such as Wind Speed ​​Dog, Thunder Beast, Hayoke and so on.

Deterring criminals, the intimidation feature can play a big role.

The only thing that puzzled this round land shark was that it had chosen another gravel pit on purpose, why the roentgen cat waited for it as soon as it came out.

It seems that one step in advance, you know your own digging trajectory?

But the thought of the delicious meteorite emboldened the round land shark, and looked straight at the majestic roentgen cat.


Immediately with a low growl, the mouth opened again, and the dragon attribute energy spewed out turned into a dragon-shaped shock wave with teeth and claws.

Dragon Wave!

"Do you still master the wave of the dragon? Your aptitude is quite good...?!"

Reiss' eyes became more and more fiery.

However, this round land shark did not intend to attack the roentgen cat, but manipulated the wave of the dragon, and exploded in mid-air.

Boom boom boom...! !

The explosion smoke and dust aroused by the wave of the dragon spread out in all directions, completely covering the figure of Yuanlu Shark in an instant.

Using cover, the round land shark immediately turned around and jumped to the position of one of the largest meteorite fragments. After preparing to bite, it directly used the digging move to escape.


However, for Roentgen cats, even three or four meters away from the ground can be regarded as nothing, let alone simple smoke.

In its golden eyes, the movement trajectory of the round land shark has long been invisible.


The next moment, the Roentgen cat's body turned into a white light, and it moved quickly, flying one step ahead of time and landed on the foothold of the round land shark.

Then with a head bump, the Yuanlu Shark flew out like a ball.


This made the round land shark spin several times in mid-air before falling back to the ground.

However, the damage of this lightning flash is average, basically no damage.

"Comrade Yuanlu Shark! These meteorites are precious treasures and cannot be given to you! Please stop your criminal behavior immediately!!"

Miss Junsha has already grabbed the loudspeaker and loudly demonstrated and warned the round land shark.

For true criminals, her police dog Roentgen is the real deal.

But for a wild Pokémon like the round land shark, the Roentgen cat's movements will naturally be relaxed accordingly, and the focus is only on preventing the former's actions.

Independently choose the light and weak strength of moves, which is an essential quality for a partner police dog.


However, the sudden sound of loudspeaker loudspeaker, and the see-through eyes of Roentgen cat staring at it next to it, made this round land shark startled, and immediately turned around and spread its feet, and ran away in a hurry to dodge.

And Lei Si suddenly saw this round land shark running towards him, and he was overjoyed, secretly thinking that there is such a good thing? !

"Yes, yes, come to me, I will take you to eat something more delicious~!"

Reiss opened his palms in a hugging pose, trying to show his strong affinity as a Pokémon breeder.

Da da...!

However, the next moment, the Yuanlu Shark, which was running away in a hurry, directly bypassed the front Leisi, running continuously with its short legs.

Finally, he came to Xiaozhi's body, and shrank behind Xiaozhi very simply.


Holding Xiaozhi's trouser legs with two short hands, he poked his head out from time to time, watching whether Miss Junsha and the Roentgen cat in the distance continued to attack.

Just like a Pokémon hatched from a Pokémon egg, it will regard the existence it sees at first sight as its own relatives.

Pokémon who have never seen a human, sometimes have an instinctive affection for the first human they see.

Not to mention that this round land shark followed Xiaozhi and his party all the way from Tianguan Mountain to Veil City, and was already very familiar with the smell of the latter.

"It really is you...!"

Looking back, he saw that the mouth of the round land shark was still open and closed, only a row of milky white teeth were born at the position where it fit the gums. Xiaozhi finally fully recognized the round land shark, and couldn't help saying in surprise .

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be timid towards him, Xiaozhi bent down.

Holding Yuanlu Shark's fat belly with both hands, he lifted it up, and comforted him softly:

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't eat the meteorites here, they won't come and beat you."


This round land shark tilted its head and could not fully understand human language.

However, Xiaozhi's voice obviously played a soothing role, and it quickly calmed down.

"So it's an acquaintance...?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's appearance that he had known for a long time, this made Leisi next to him feel a little disappointed and regretful.

It seems that Shinji's round land shark needs to be found and caught by himself in the future.

"Is this your Pokémon? Even if these meteorites are fragments, it is forbidden to eat at will!"

Seeing that Xiaozhi's voice could calm Yuanlusha down, Miss Junsha hurriedly said.

Xiaozhi naturally agreed on behalf of Yuan Lu Shark and covered the latter's big mouth.

Not long after, other assistance police forces from Curtain City arrived, dispersed all the irrelevant people around, and temporarily raised the banner of this meteorite park to protect it.

After a busy night, Xiaozhi and the others were also tired. Seeing that the surrounding situation had stabilized, they returned to the elf center one after another.

Xiaozhi also put this wild round land shark on his shoulder and took it back with him.

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