He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1760 Ye Yibo's first battle!

"Yeb, use Sunny Day!!"

As soon as he came up, Xiaoguang set his goal on the weather.

Yeeb's chlorophyll characteristics can double the speed in sunny days.

As Yeib raised his head and let out a low hum, the blazing sunlight fell through the hollowed-out ceiling.

"Manatee, use rain-seeking!"

However, the next moment, the manatee's eyes also glowed with blue light, throwing strange energy into the sky.

Da da da!

After a while, the sun that had just warmed up was instantly covered by dark clouds, and then it rained cats and dogs.

"Hey~ In this wetland city of ours, the continuous rounds on rainy days will exceed the average venue~!"

Controlling the weather, Ji Xian said with a smile.

Obviously he also has a hand with weather tactics.

It is equivalent to the manatee with its own wet rock props, which can extend the number of rounds in rainy days.

"In terms of weather, there is no advantage at all."

The onlookers sighed, unlike other moves, the fast Pokémon can take advantage.

But in terms of weather, the slow speed can take priority.

Da da da!

The rain fell on the pool, making a dense noise, and a lot of it fell on the two Pokémon.

The manatee raised its neck comfortably, while Yeib shook his head to disperse the water droplets.

It still prefers the state where the warm sun shines on itself.

Seeing that the weather could not prevail, Xiaoguang chose to attack from the front this time.

"In that case, Ye Yibo, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

Grass-type moves with four times restraint, as long as they can hit a move casually, they can cause high damage to the manatee!

However, in the face of several fierce flying leaves, Ji Xian also responded head-on:

"Manatee, use the turbidity flow!!"

The manatee's eyes glowed with blue light, and the water below him began to stir, and in the next second, a turbid current of more than two meters high was formed, covering it in the direction of Ye Yibu!


Cooperating with the addition of the surrounding rainy weather, the power of this turbid flow is even stronger. With overwhelming force, it smashes all the Feiye Kuaidao down, which is very powerful!

The cross-section of the entire turbid current is as wide as the playing field, and Ye Yib has no place to dodge at all.

"In that case, Ye Yibo, use Sword Dance to block it!!"

Xiaoguang's gaze was fixed, and he immediately spoke.

After investigating in the morning that Ye Yibu had mastered the sword dance move, she naturally stole Xiaozhi's rotating sword dance immediately.

It can not only increase strength, but also use the fierce sword dance to resist moves.

The next moment, I saw this Ye Yibo lightly touched the ground with his forelegs, his lower body stood upside down, and his whole body began to spin at a high speed.


Like a sharp sword out of its sheath, the surface of the body is bathed in amplified red light, resisting the falling turbid stray flowers with the body!

Sword Dance! !

The sharp sword dance moves, the edges are like sharp blades, cutting the approaching turbidity continuously.


When the entire turbid current was completely covered and fell, the entire clear pool was dyed turbid yellow, with a lot of sludge on it.

However, Ye Yibu was still standing on the stone platform, his lower body just landed firmly, and successfully blocked this move!

The sword dance defense is not effective against single-point moves, but it has a surprisingly good effect on AOE range moves like turbidity!

Seeing this, Xiaoguang took advantage of the situation and raised his finger, shouting coquettishly:

"Now, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Ye Yibu understood, and his forelegs slammed on the ground, his body jumped up, and he spun repeatedly in mid-air.

And the leaf-shaped tail at the tail also condensed and extended at this moment, turning into a sharp green light blade, slashing down from the air!

"Manatee, hurry up and dive into the water to avoid it!!"

It's not good to be hit by this move, Ji Xian exclaimed hastily.

It's just that the manatee's speed is not that fast. Since it has an advantage in the weather, it will naturally suffer in normal moves.

Whoosh! !

Ye Renzhan slammed down, and before the manatee beast completely fell into the water, he took a step ahead and slashed on the latter's body!


With the addition of the sword dance, the strength of this blow is terrifying, and even just the force of spreading, it splits the surrounding water in half and flows towards the two sides.

As for the manatee being hit head-on, its entire soft body was pressed straight into the water, splashing countless water splashes.


But Ye Yibo bounced back with his strength, and fell back to a stone platform behind him, his amber eyes looked calmly in front of him.

The effect is remarkable!

"Well, it even hit the nail on the head!"

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi had sharp eyes and sighed at the same time.

His Lizard King is also good at using Leaf Blade Slash, this move is very easy to hit the vital point

Apparently, Ye Yibu's leaf blade slash successfully hit the manatee's vital point!

Four times the restraint, plus hitting the vital points, the outcome of this battle has already been decided.


Sure enough, after waiting for more than ten seconds, the manatee's figure resurfaced.

It's just that the body is floating like mud, and the position of the eyes is also in the state of circles, obviously completely lost consciousness.

"The manatee lost its ability to fight, so Yeeb won this battle!"

The referee, who was also wearing a mask, quickly said, speechless.

Didn't expect this cute looking girl and this cute Ye Yibo to hit such a violent one-hit instant kill? !

"That's great, Yeeb~!!"

Xiaoguang calmed down his fighting spirit a little bit, and shouted joyfully from behind halfway.

It was the first formal cooperation to fight, but there wasn't much of a problem.

The level of this Ye Yibo is not low. After getting familiar with it, he will be able to come out to fight directly soon.

"Come back, Manatee."

On the other side, Jixian took back the defeated manatee, but through the hollowed-out mask, his face still had a fanatical and excited expression.

He also wanted to let the manatee dive into the water, avoid the deadly moves, and take the opportunity to counterattack with the frozen light that was restrained by the effect? ​​Didn't expect to be killed by a single move first?

Thinking of this, Ji Xian raised his arms and shouted loudly:

"You did a good job, girl! Let's continue to maintain this state~!"

This expression, as if he had lost the fight, made Ji Xian even more excited.

This surprised Xiaozhi a little bit.

It seems that what Mr. Ji Xian said "fight casually" has another meaning?

"Then my second Pokémon is the King of Water tempered with the power of water!!"

Soon, Ji Xian shouted again and again, and threw the second elf ball.


This time, the red light fell on the supporting stone platform, and gradually condensed into an upright figure.

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