He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1788 Tune the tiger away from the mountain

Shenhe Town is a town with a long history.

It is so long that it is even longer than all the stories that happened in the Xicui area...

So this exhibition is not only a white jade orb, but also various strange cultural relics and treasures are displayed around it.

"It's not inferior to the EMI Museum..."

Xiao Gang looked around and couldn't help exclaiming.


The bad frog squatted next to Xiao Gang, blowing out the poison sac, with a gloomy expression.

Today, their mission, one person and one frog, is not to protect any white jade orb, but to protect Miss Zhulan's safety!

"Come out, Yeeb!!"

Xiaoguang released his Yeib, if something happened, the nimble Yeib could do more things than Prince Bo.

"It's ready to open, Zhulan."

After a final check, Dr. Mustard Lan looked at his granddaughter.


Zhulan nodded, and said seriously:

"If the Galaxy doesn't show up today, it's just a normal exhibition."

Originally, the purpose of the gorgeous contest and exhibition was to push Shenhe Town onto the stage of the whole Shen'ao area and attract traffic.

"But if Team Galactic shows up... At least one high-ranking official must be captured and information on the stolen Vajra Orbs must be obtained from him."

Team Galaxy minions have no value at all.

But those senior cadres are obviously the core cronies of Team Galaxy.

Perhaps even Team Galactic would know the story of collecting two orbs, exploring many ruins, collecting a lot of electricity and Veil City meteorites.

The expressions of several people became serious.

"The Galaxy guys..."

Xiaozhi also restrained his mind. He had confronted the Galaxy team a few times before, and his combat effectiveness was the same.

But there are many dirty methods, which make people hard to guard against.

Especially reckless actions are extremely difficult to deal with...


Soon, the exhibition will be held as usual.

As soon as the time came, countless tourists poured into the museum in an endless stream.

Right from the beginning, you can see the entrance, standing a one-to-one real-life figurine of the biting land shark.

"Wow, is it the statue of biting the land shark? It's so realistic?!"

"Can I touch...?"

Some people even wanted to touch the biting land shark, but they were stopped by Zhulan who came over.

"It's the league champion!!"

"Why is Miss Zhulan here?!"

"So this is the invincible biting land shark... It's not a bad ticket!"

The appearance of the bamboo orchid immediately excited the tourists.

The champion of the league is not something that can be seen casually, let alone the picture of standing with the ace biting Lu Shark.

Didn't expect to see such a good thing this time?

"Hehe... Please visit the other exhibits in an orderly manner~!"

Zhulan just showed her usual friendly smile and said with a smile.

Surrounded by strange antique treasures, these are the rare treasures collected by Dr. Mustard Lan for most of his life.

Especially in the very center of the hall, there is a glass barrier booth, on which a round bead is placed calmly.

About the size of a coconut, it is a pink-blue translucent bead, with a faint brilliance lingering on its smooth surface.

Keeping his eyes on, he seemed to be able to vaguely see the surface of the bead, and even the air in the space was slightly rippling in a strange way.

"Is this the white jade orb?!"

"The legendary props related to the God of Space... are really amazing!"

There are many tourists among the tourists who know everything about the white jade orb. The one-meter area around the exhibition hall is filled with many tourists.

The purpose of most people is to see the Pokémon that appeared in Sinnoh's greatest legend.


Zhulan's gaze was a little serious, staring closely at the crowded and chattering crowd.

Xiaozhi and the others, as well as the plainclothes Junshas, ​​were also ready to fight.


It's just that the high-intensity alert continued until noon, and it was still a normal exhibition scene, and there was nothing unusual.

It seems that the Galaxy team doesn't plan to come at all.

"I see, are you planning to waste our energy...?"

Zhulan was obviously more experienced than the others, so she quickly came to an inference.

Then he collected himself and looked at the clock.

According to the habits of organisms, one or two hours in the afternoon is the most sleepy time...

Not to mention that they've been so engrossed all morning that they'll be even sleepier the rest of the day.


Pikachu was the first to take the lead, and after lunch, it was the first to fall asleep.

Yawning is contagious, and after a while, several people stretched one after another.

The previous excited expression of justice has also been worn away a lot.

"Zhulan, could it be that we are overthinking~!"

Dr. Mustard Lan was also yawning and rubbing his eyes sleepily, nothing unusual at all.


But in the crowd, Zhulan's expression was still calm and sharp, and she calmly looked around at everything in the institute.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, his face gradually became tense.

If she is Team Galaxy, the next hour is the best time to act.

But the reality is not different from what Zhulan expected.

About half an hour later, the air in the institute, where everything was safe and sound, seemed to become tense.


Through the eaves above, Zhulan even heard the warning sound of her own Pokkisi.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Zhulan hurriedly stood next to Lie Bite Lu Sha, and gave a low shout to them.

Clang~! !

Even Dr. Mustard Lan's bell rang and jumped up suddenly, giving everyone a sound of gongs and drums, which cheered up the hearts of several people.


"Did something happen?"

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, the tourists scattered in the research institute whispered to each other.

Boom! !

Before a few people were startled and confused, a violent explosion suddenly erupted outside the research institute, uureading books www.uukanshu.com The powerful movement caused the ground of the research institute to shake for a while.

Looking at the direction, it should be the location of the backyard...

"Is it God and the relic?! The Galaxy team directly blew up the relic?!"

Jie Zilan was startled, and she couldn't help but walk towards the ruins in the backyard with the bell ringing.

"Grandma, it might be a trap..."

Zhulan just wanted to remind, but Dr. Jiezilan had already run out.

For her, neither the vajra orb nor the white jade orb is as important as the relics passed down from generation to generation in her hometown.

Unexpectedly, the Galaxy team came up so directly, which completely disturbed the mood of Jie Zilan.

This made Zhulan frown, it was obviously a way to divert the tiger away from the mountain...

"Leave the ruins of the backyard to me! I'll go after Dr. Kazilan!"

Seeing Zhulan's hesitation, Xiao Gang immediately patted his chest and chased after him with the bad frog.

"Xiaozhi, I'll leave this to you, I'll help Teacher Dagang!"

Fearing that Xiaogang would be in danger by himself, Xiaoguang quickly followed with Ye Yibu.

I heard Mingyao keep saying "Teacher Dagang" before, so now Xiaoguang also has this inexplicable catchphrase.

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