He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1828 Mega evolution, Latias!

At dusk, the sun had almost completely fallen into the endless sea level, and the light gradually became dim.

"Uncle Bomu, what did you say? Can't you come?"

Xiaozhi, who was standing at the entrance of Iron Island, had packed everything and was about to return, when he suddenly received a call from Bomu.

"What's wrong?"

Yaxuan, who was seeing him off next to him, heard the movement, and came over curiously.

Mr. Bomu is a punctual person, and he is never late.

Xiaozhi played the communication phone of the illustrated book, and Bomu's voice came from the speaker.

"Don't worry, little brother... After I went back that day, my son was lying on the bed unconscious."

"It's been three days, and I'm still unconscious on the bed...I'm sorry, I can't pick you up now..."

Bomu's tone seemed very flustered, and he could hear the other person's heavy breathing across the phone.

From the looks of it, Uncle Bomu probably hasn't closed his eyes for three days.

"It's okay, you can concentrate on being with your son, and I can go back by myself."

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth to comfort him.

Compared with the other party's affairs, my round-trip ticket is just a trivial matter.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at Yaxuan, seeing the latter's worry.

He and Bo Mu are old friends, if something happened to his friend's son, Yaxuan also wanted to go over to see the situation.

It sounds like he is experiencing strange symptoms, not like a normal disease... Maybe he, the waveguide messenger, can help?

It's just that the iron ant incident has just ended on Iron Island, so I left the rest temporarily and accompanied Xiaozhi to practice for 2 days, and now I can't leave.

"Leave it to me, Mr. Yaxuan, I will go and see how that child is doing."

Xiaozhi patted his chest and immediately agreed.

Although I only met Uncle Bomu once, but in this special situation, a trainer like myself may be more useful.

"Thank you so much, Xiaozhi! You have done me a big favor!"

Yaxuan immediately expressed gratitude, and informed Bomu of his home address.

Because they often have to go to sea, the Bomu family lives in a house near the pier, which is not too far away.

"Please, Ladias!"

After knowing the address, Xiaozhi looked at the red-haired maid beside him.


Latias understood, and immediately turned into the posture of a flying dragon, and let out a melodious roar.

Although the telepathy is intermittent, Ladias is unimpeded in understanding human language.

Xiaozhi immediately straddled Latias' back and hugged the latter's slender neck.

Latias' smooth body gave off a cold touch.


This made Latias' face turn red, and then he aimed his head in the air, only to hear a "bang bang" and rushed into the sky.

Latias' stamina is astonishing, fully capable of flying long distances within the region.

Of course, if you want to fly from the Sinnoh region to the Fangyuan region, it will be a little bit reluctant...

"By the way, try this by the way."

The surrounding wind pressure was whistling, but Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he raised a hand high.


Lightly tap the keystone on the wrist bracelet with your fingers, and suddenly the light continues to radiate outward like an electric current.


Ladias under the crotch still maintained a high-speed flying posture, but at the same time let out a loud cry.

The mega stone pendant worn on the neck is shining brightly at the same time.

The next moment, Latias under Xiaozhi was suddenly completely enveloped by bright light, like a spherical energy egg cocoon.


As the cocoon shell burst open, Latias also showed a brand new attitude!

The original red and white colors turned into purple and white at this moment... Purple, seems to be the fusion color number of Latias and Latios, red and blue?

It is still a streamlined body like a small airplane, but the original small claws are fully extended at this moment, becoming even larger and more powerful.

With a slender head, the evolved Latias lost a bit of the lively and lovely temperament of a girl, but became taller and more powerful, with sharp eyes.

Mega Latias!

"Wood drink!!"

After entering the state of mega evolution, Latias' power has reached a new level.

Boom boom! !

The whole body flew out quickly again, and the extremely exaggerated flying movements made Xiaozhi's face constantly rubbing against the strong wind blowing in front of him.

There is only whirring in the ears, and the eyes are completely blurred.

"Amazing speed..."

Such a terrible wind pressure made Xiaozhi feel as if he was stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move.

This made him only hug Latias' neck tightly, otherwise he was in danger of being thrown out at any time.

This kind of riding and flying... has reached the level where he was riding on the back of Long Shenzhe Kongza back then, and it also feels the same danger.

For a human with an average body, it is estimated that the skin is bleeding from the friction of the wind blade.

Boom! !

Accompanied by bursts of explosions like the roar of engines, the figures of Xiaozhi and Mega Latias flew towards the direction of Shuimai City like shooting stars.

"Mega evolution... Xiaozhi, you are really outrageous."

On the shore of the entrance to Iron Island, only Yaxuan was left staring blankly at the sky.

Not only Latias, but also the power of mega evolution has been mastered...

During these three days together, he seemed to have not figured out Xiaozhi's identity and strength at all.


Back then, Xiaozhi went to Iron Island by boat, but it took a lot of time.

But at this moment, riding Latias back, it only took less than 10 minutes for Xiaozhi to arrive at the sky above the pier of Shuimai City.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

However, what Xiaozhi had in his mind at the moment was only the loud and exaggerated sound of sonic booms.

Even after landing, his feet were weak and he staggered, almost falling to the ground.

Hmm... the first time he experienced mega Latias, he was a bit overwhelmed.


Pikachu got out of Xiaozhi's inner clothes, but his eyes were also in a state of dizziness, and his mouth kept spitting out white bubbles like a giant claw crab.


After completing a rapid flight, Latias circled happily in the air for a few weeks, as nimble as a fish in the sea.

call out...!

Immediately, it fell from the sky, while releasing the appearance of the mega evolution, when it landed, it happened to revert to the appearance of a human maid, and the movements were smooth and smooth.

This is her first mega evolution, and it is very exciting and comfortable to race in the sky.

And looking at the appearance of Xiaozhi's waist bowed and his lower limbs weakening after the incident, this also made Latias feel like "he can't do it first, so I won".

"Ahem... Anyway, let's go to Uncle Bomu first."

Xiaozhi could only forcefully pull himself together, picked up Pikachu with one hand, and walked towards a house in front of him.

Latias's landing was very precise, and Uncle Bomu's address was not far ahead.

In a coma for three days and three nights... This kind of weird symptom may need a trainer who is good at understanding Pokémon to solve it!


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