He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1856 I feel warmer and warmer!

He understands Pokémon better than I do Chapter 1856 I feel warmer and warmer!

"It means a pair of bird dentures."

It's gimmicky, Xiao Zhi summed it up in one sentence.

And logically speaking, shouldn't the older the bird's beak be, the looser it will be, and it will break when touched?

Grabbing the prize beak in his hand, Xiaozhi tried to squeeze it a little harder.

Feeling that the edge of the bird's beak was about to be dented, Xiaozhi quickly withdrew his strength, almost treating it as a brittle bone and making it crunchy!

Of course, this force is enough to prove the hardness of the beak.

"Since you are the great hero this time, let me wear it for you!"

Xiaozhi made a gesture to put it on the Mukehawk beside him.

After all, this prop is not like other props, it seems that it needs to be worn on the surface to cause damage directly.

Xiaozhi looked up and down the Mookhawk, and the original beak was already there...how about wearing it on the rubbed red hair on the head.

In the future, if you use the Yan Fan move, maybe it can directly become a double attack? Yan Fan!



However, for Xiaozhi's attempt, Mu Keying directly refused, and even fluttered his wings like a big rooster, with an extremely serious expression.

The pinch of red hair on its head is its most valued territory.

If you want to do something to it, even if it is your own trainer, Mukehawk will run away on the spot!

"Then wear it on your mouth, two layers of beaks!"

Xiaozhi simply put it on the original beak of the Muke Eagle, which made the latter tilt his head back with some worry.

Doesn't this thing really need to be disinfected and cleaned first? !

But speaking of it, this bird's beak is also very magical, obviously the size and shape do not overlap with the beak of the Muke Eagle.

It seems that it can't be worn at all, let alone enhance any power.


However, when it came into contact with the beak, a white light flickered from the sharp beak, and then the figure changed slightly.

In the end, it fit perfectly on the surface of the Mukhawk's beak, the kind that fit perfectly.


This made Mookhawk shake his head curiously, trying to open and close the bird's beak...

This kind of thin and light 001 feeling, but there is no feeling after wearing it? !

But Mu Keying could feel that he had become stronger!

"I'm not lying to you, this is a precious sharp beak~!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's surprise, the host also said with a smile, with a somewhat smug tone.

Not any pair of beaks can have this special effect of deforming to fit perfectly and enhancing strength...

Just like charcoal, which is a prop that improves fire attributes, it is not burning wood into charcoal, and wearing it can improve fire attribute moves.

When Xiaozhi passed by Junipi Town in the Chengdu area, the local charcoal burner told him that only suitable wood should be used, plus long-term calcination, and even the temperature of the flame has certain requirements.

In the stove, only a small piece of precious props - charcoal will occasionally appear.

And the sharp beak at this moment is similar.

"So, it's really a good prop~!"

Xiaozhi also showed joy on his face, this trip to the Ring Conference was not in vain.

"By the way, just to remind you, if you use this kind of props, sometimes Pokémon will have some habits of the original owner of the sharp beak... But I don't know the original owner of this beak."

Before leaving, the old man of the sponsor gave a reminder.

"The habits of the original owner?"

Xiaozhi blinked, is there such a saying?

One thing to say, this looks like the beak of a toucan... In the future, the Mookhawk will not become a bully like a toucan, will it?


"That's great, this prop..."

This made Xiaoguang next to her look a little envious. Her Prince Bo should also be able to use this booster.

But now Prince Bo is made of metal film and water flow slate.

Not a single prop is missing.

"Hmph, it's useless to take this kind of thing."

In the distance, Kojiro snorted coldly, he could only comfort himself in this way.

Since it is a sharp beak, the ancient giant flies can't use it either.

The Ring Conference, in fact, was originally called the Asuka Pokémon Ring Conference, and the target contestants were all kinds of birds with sharp beaks.

It was only later that all kinds of contestants joined, and the competition system gradually changed, as long as it is a Pokémon that can fly.

Maybe in the future, walking Pokémon with super jumping ability or long-distance telekinesis will be able to participate...



After finishing the trip to the Ring Conference, the three of Xiaozhi continued on the road.

Along the coastline all the way north, although there are no rocky peaks here, the slope has become much flatter...but the altitude seems to have increased slightly.

It seems that this road has gradually become less traveled. Xiaozhi and his party have not seen any towns or passers-by for a long time.

Even the temperature began to drop suddenly, from 20 degrees to single digits.


This made Xiaoguang hold his arms tightly and shiver.

The breath exhaled from the mouth has also become visible to the naked eye, but it feels quite cold.

"What's the matter, Xiaoguang, are you cold?"

On the other hand, Xiaozhi looked full of energy and raised his arms, as if his chest was burning with flames.

"Why do I feel warmer and warmer!"

It’s been a while since I’ve been in the Sinnoh area, and it’s the first time I’ve encountered such a cold weather, which made Xiaozhi look forward to their next journey. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

The flame of curiosity in the heart can drive away the cold.


It wasn't until the skins of the three of them suddenly seemed to be lightly tapped by something that they raised their heads in a daze.

I saw the sky, and the snowflakes began to fall.

"Snow?! Is it this cold already...?"

Xiaoguang was a little taken aback, the cold was indeed very cold, but it wasn't as snowy as it could be, right?

"Let me see, let me see..."

Xiao Gang also took out the travel guide while sniffing his nose.

"We have now come to the northern part of the Sinnoh region, where it often snows, especially the northernmost part, which is covered by thick snow all year round..."

"These snowflakes come from the top of Tianguan Mountain, and the continuous airflow continuously blows the snowflakes from the top of Tianguan Mountain to the northern area, which also causes the temperature in this area to drop rapidly... Ah Qiu!


While talking, Xiao Gang suddenly sneezed.

As we go north, the snowflakes that fall gradually become larger and more frequent, completely dyeing the sky into a vast expanse of whiteness.

Even a few centimeters of snow began to appear on the ground under his feet, and every step could leave a deep footprint on it.

"Hiss...my flame is extinguished!"



This gradually intensified cold, even Xiaozhi, a super newcomer, couldn't stand it, his body was shaking.

Pikachu even shivered and shrank into Xiaozhi's inner lining, entering hibernation on the spot.

This kind of weather, electric mouse or something, is the most suitable for a good night's sleep!

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