He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 164 Special 002 and Overlord 003

Xiaozhi didn't expect this explanation, and he was caught off guard, and his expression changed back and forth on the spot.

He thought that the idea of ​​the Miao Frog Seed was to stick to the original heart, or to use this form to challenge the noble character of the strongest indomitable and stubborn, did he just want to maintain the noble 001?

That's it?

Even the big wave of 002 and the overlord 003 next to him were despised. If it weren't for the fact that Miao Frog Seed saved everyone, he would really have to give this back wave a good beating.

After hesitating for a while, Xiaozhi adjusted his expression and gently rubbed the head of Miao Frog Seed.

"Hehe, in fact, when human beings created numbers back then, the No. 001 Frog Seed only got up half an hour earlier than others to see human beings in advance. It was purely lucky, and there was no honor or no honor."

Xiaozhi transferred the difference between 001 and 002 to luck, trying to cover up the noble fact.

But in fact, he also felt that 001 was quite dignified, with a high-class aura blowing across his face.

Pikachu spoke on the sidelines, nodding in approval:

"Picka Pickup (if my ancestors didn't get up half an hour late that day, 001 would be our electric mouse family now)."

In the words, Pikachu's tone contained some hatred for his ancestor Pikachu.


"Seed seeds..."

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, the Frog Seed has lost its original obsession with whether to evolve. After thinking for a while, he opened his calm eyes and looked at the overlord Frog Flower next to him.

"Seed seeds." It said.

"Overlord 003, I choose to evolve Meow now." Meow Meow translated in real time.

Overlord Frog Flower: "..."

It can understand the language of the Frog Seed, it's not the Frog Flower, but the exact number 003, its attitude is very arrogant, and it's not that the meow monster in front of it is secretly carrying private work.

Hearing the words, Xiaozhi brightened up. Although he said that the choice lies with the Miao Frog Seed, he still hopes that the latter can complete the evolution.


Miaowahua nodded, and issued an instruction to the surrounding Muggle 002, then slowly moved her body, and stood on the high platform again.



Surrounded by them, the Miao Frog Seed began to sing, as if it was about to start some kind of sacrificial activity.


I saw the overlord Frog Flower suddenly let out a low growl, and the giant plantain petals behind it shook off a cloud of rich green light powder, slowly drifting towards the Frog Seed in the center.

You must know that its green light energy was evenly distributed to nearly 30 frog seeds for evolution just now, but this time, the same energy scale was only distributed to one frog seed.



The surrounding Frog Grass also shook out a cloud of green light powder. Although the energy given by the overlord Frog Flower was very different, the accumulated green light energy also became very strong.

The green light just fell on Frog Seed Miao, and Frog Seed Miao opened his eyes, no longer suppressing the violent energy in his body, and let it be released.


The body of the latter began to emit a white light unique to evolution, and the body shape under the white light was also subtly changing...

The most surprising thing is that there is even a black hole with a suction hole on its back, which continuously sucks in countless green light energies around it, and the evolved pure white light has also turned into emerald green light full of life.


With a low growl, the green light was completely broken, and a strong scent of petals filled the surroundings immediately, and the air seemed to become sweeter.

Even taking a big breath, there is also a strange feeling of physical improvement, as if the surrounding air is full of life, which is very good.

And amidst the hearts of the green-skinned bastards, the Miao Frog Seed also showed its new attitude.

Its body size is much larger than before, even larger than that of the same kind of froggrass around it, its limbs and claws have become thicker and stronger, and its chassis has become more stable.

The strangest thing is the plants on its back at the moment.

Common froggrass is a few plantain leaves with a red bud in the center, the petals are very shallowly opened.

But at this moment, the petals on the back of Xiaozhi's Frog Grass have opened nearly three-quarters, and the petals have bloomed more than half, like an intermediate form between Frog Grass and Frog Flower.

It is exuding a strong fragrance and breath of life.

Just standing there in place, the calm and strong aura of tenacity spreads towards the outside, making people feel that they cannot be underestimated at all.

Obviously, the froggrass that has just completed its evolution has not fully adapted to this force, and its every move is full of force.

The Overlord Frog Flower nodded, approving the current state of Frog Grass.

"No, no..."

Toolcat translated in real time:

"Overlord 003 said that in the second-order form, the current Froggrass may fully bloom its back petals, and its strength will far exceed that of the ordinary 002, and it will not even lose to the ordinary 003."

Generally speaking, 001 is a seed, 002 is a flower bud, and 003 will fully bloom, and it will not change its posture without skipping evolution. Muggle way.

Moreover, the 002 and 003 in Miaomiao's mouth are the real language of the overlord Miaowahua. It seems that the latter has also been taken away by this name, and there is a kind of mystery and magic.

"Good job!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but slap Pikachu on the head suddenly, secretly thinking that this trip to the mysterious garden really didn't come in vain.

Although Froggrass is the latest to evolve among his three royals, but with a lot of accumulation, the current energy level may already be the most powerful among his Pokémon.

He suddenly thought of something, bent down and rubbed the head of Frog Grass, and said with a light smile:

"By the way, I haven't given you a name yet. Although you have become 002 now, I will continue to call your favorite 001 as your nickname!"


Froggrass's eyes lit up. This nickname is much better than tool birds and the like.

"Beep. Keyword retrieved: nickname, start setting a nickname for Froggrass..."

The illustrated book on Xiaozhi's waist began to beep, so everyone smiled and waited for the next article, with relaxed and happy expressions.

"Didi. According to the context, the two closest nicknames to the keyword "nickname" were retrieved. 002 is three characters away, and 001 is twelve characters away. Now start sorting..."

The illustrated book is running crazily, and it is clear that the sorting of the two keywords requires a huge calculation scale.

3 seconds later.

"Beep. The sorting is complete...the nickname setting is complete!"

Xiaozhi shrank his eyes, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

"Didi. Froggrass, which contains life energy, is the Pokémon of the trainer Xiaozhi, nicknamed: 002."

The illustrated book reminds that a festive bgm is also included.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Frogweed: "Fuck..."

Xiaozhi could only resist the urge to smash the illustrated book, lowered his head and rubbed the head of the frog grass again.

"I once made a great wish that I will not change any nicknames before I become a Pokémon Master. If it will affect Feng Shui, you can bear with it for a few days. When I become a Pokémon Master, I will help you change my nickname to 001."

Frogweed: "Fuck..."

Favorability -10.


When the matter was over, Xiaozhi took the irritable Froggrass back into the elf ball, and turned to look at Meow.

"Meow, why don't you mess with me, there is no future in the Rockets."

Not to mention, the ability of the tool cat is really unreasonable, he is greedy!

"Hey, how dare you insult our great Rocket team, it will be our Big Rocket team that will rule the world in the future!!"

Miaomiao immediately retorted, loyal.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi gave up on Zhao'an. After all, the other party had made great achievements today, and he didn't intentionally blow it up with 100,000 volts. He waved his hand to signal that it could leave on its own.

Meow meow:"..."

It looked around, and Musashi and Kojiro didn't know which valley they flew to.

After hesitating for a while, it looked at the overlord Miao Frog Flower, and said:

"Boss 003, please blow me up in the direction of Musashi Kojiro, meow. The force, angle, and slope must be precise. Oh, remember to take the wind direction into consideration, meow."

Overlord 003: "..."

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