He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1866 Otherwise, I'll just let it go

"That guy is so rude!!"

Along the way, Xiao Wang, who was finally pulled away, was still cursing.

This is the first time Xiaoguang has seen this expression... It seems that the latter attaches great importance to the friendship with Xiao Song.

"Okay, okay... Shinji's mouth is like that, and everyone can belittle it."

Xiaozhi was also trying to comfort him.

If he had just come to the Sinnoh area and heard Shinji belittle his friend so much, he would also be angry.

But after contacting him several times, now that he heard Shinji's tone again, he felt a sense of taking it for granted.

Even if Shinji didn't say that, Xiaozhi would be surprised.

"Why don't you tell us about Xiao Siong~?"

Xiaoguang also quickly tried to change the subject.

Xiaowang took several deep breaths, and then he let himself gradually calm down, and said slowly:

"Xiao Si is my former classmate in Pokémon School, but he is a few years older than me..."

There are Pokémon schools in most cities. Before the trainers are underage and receive their own Pokémon, many children will study in the school to prepare.

At that time, Xiao Wang was in the same school as Xiao Song, and Xiao Song was her senior sister.

The two have a good relationship. Later, Xiao Song aims to become a powerful trainer, while she aims to become a top coordinator... Although the goals are different, they are friends who love sisters.

Later, Xiao Song took over Xuefeng gymnasium at a young age, and she officially embarked on her own journey.

"Hmph, that guy's play must be Xiao Si's part-time job."

Thinking of Shinji, Xiaowang became very angry.

"part time?"

Several people cast puzzled looks, especially Xiaozhi, who subconsciously straightened his back with this keyword.

Another part-time job, another part-time job...

Is there no gymnasium owner in the Sinnoh area, and no part-time job?

Fortunately, one or two museum owners said that when he first came to the Sinnoh area, Xiao Zhi was still very interested in doing this job well.

Now basically all of them have problems, which makes Xiaozhi feel a headache.

If you really want to write it down in a small notebook, everyone has to write it down.

"Why don't I mess it up too...?"

Unknowingly, an idea popped up in Xiaozhi's mind.

Why can only the gymnasium owner be bad?

Then, as a higher-level Pokémon inspector, can't I just mess with it...?

Xiaowang didn't know what Xiaozhi was thinking, and said to himself:

"Well, Miss Xiao Song is now in the Pokémon School we attended before, and she also works part-time as a teacher... This kind of thing is no play, Xiao Guang, don't you think?!"

"Yes, yes, Shinji has no brains."

Seeing Xiaowang's gaze, Xiaoguang could only follow the words of his best friend and cursed Shinji.

Sure enough, these words made Xiaowang's expression relaxed, and he looked a lot better.

But listening to Shinji's tone, it seems that the owner of the gymnasium was also defeated by him...

I just don't know if there will be any psychological shadow like Ah Li in Curtain City or Caizhong in EMI City.

"In short, Xiao Siong's ice-type Pokémon is very strong! Xiaoguang, don't be careless!"

Finally, Xiao Wang still did not forget to emphasize one sentence.

The reason why her gorgeous contest can be so aggressive is also because she has been fighting and training with Xiao Song since she was a child.

So Xiaowang's combat style is not actually a coordinator... more like a combat trainer who challenges the Gym Alliance.

"Ice attribute, I know."

Xiaoguang nodded, lowering his head thoughtfully.

In a city covered by universities all year round, it is not surprising that gymnasiums are ice-type.

"Can I really be bad...?"

Next to him, Xiaozhi also bowed his head thoughtfully.



After walking for about ten minutes, several people had arrived at a corner of the city. There were no residential buildings around, only a huge dome-shaped facility.

The big poke ball pattern on the door sign marks that this is an official gym.

The remaining snow can still be seen on the eaves of the roof, which looks quite solemn.

"Sister Xiao Song, we're coming in~!"

Xiao Wang seemed to be returning to his own home, pushed open the door familiarly, and led a few people in.

Before she officially became a trainer, she used this place as a secret base.

Even Xiaowang's ace capuchin cat was a Pokémon she tamed before she was a minor. This kind of behavior is not allowed, so it was temporarily hidden in Xuefeng gymnasium at that time.

Passing through the long and narrow corridor, when arriving at a battle venue, a woman in a short skirt slowly greeted her.

Her age is a few years older than the others...probably similar to Xiao Gang.

With a friendly and gentle face, like a big sister next door, her long black hair was tied into braids hanging down.

Xiao Song is wearing a white student uniform, even a miniskirt in winter, with his jacket tied around his waist, and piles of blue and white striped socks on his calves, looking very youthful.

"Hey Xiaowang, why did you suddenly return to Xuefeng City?"

Xiao Song saw Xiao Wang at first sight, and asked in surprise.

"Oh, my good friend is coming to Xuefeng City, so I'll be a temporary tour guide...Sister Xiao Song, this is Xiao Guang, and Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, they are here to challenge the gym."

Xiaowang quickly introduced Xiaozhi and the other three.

Then he walked towards Xiao Siong, looking at the latter with some worry.

"That...by the way, Miss Xiao Song, are you alright?"

After all, with Shinji's arrogant expression, it is estimated that the gymnasium battle really has a great advantage, right?

This made Xiao Wang a little worried.

"Um, what's wrong?"

But Xiao Song blinked his eyes, with an expression of ignorance.

This point is purely Xiaowang's overthinking.

Because Xiao Song often acts as a teacher, tutoring and teaching other children... This makes her psychological quality far exceed that of her peers.

To be defeated by a strong challenger, Xiao Song will not have any psychological burden.

Seeing this, Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

And Xiao Siong also looked at the three people behind, and then landed on Xiaozhi's body, his expression suddenly tightened.

"this person..."

She and Li from Curtain City are good friends. In order to overcome the disadvantages of the fighting attribute, Xiao Song uses the cold and snow to hone his will...the two often meet and practice.

Naturally, Xiao Song also heard about Xiao Zhi, the inspector who put everyone in the gymnasium in the Shenao area at risk.

But she soon smiled again, and nodded slightly to Xiaozhi.

But according to Ah Li, Xiaozhi seems to be a rather reasonable inspector, as long as he behaves normally, there will be no major problems.

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