He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1934 Yaknom, show up!

Looking incredulously at the Lizhi Lake that was drained of water in an instant, Melissa, as a veteran gymnasium owner, was still shocked by this scene.

He was short of breath for a while, and when he was silent, he could still hear the thrashing and struggling of countless carp kings below.

"King carp, has it flooded...?"

Melissa couldn't help muttering.

If the entire Lizhi Lake hadn't been completely drained, there would be almost no other water-type Pokémon in the lake at this moment.

The flooded carp king seems to have completely taken over the habitats of other Pokémon.

If the ecology of Lizhi Lake is to be completely restored, it will probably take two months to drain the lake, and the cooperation of various agencies can catch all the strange fish inside...

It seems that it is not a bad thing to completely evaporate Lizhi Lake at this moment?

"No, no!"

Melissa shuddered quickly. She was frightened and stupid. Is the focus now on cleaning up the carp king? !

Her gaze quickly fell on Hunter J in the distance.

At a close distance, she could even see a huge invisible aircraft hovering beside her.

But Hunter J's eyes fell on a position at the bottom of the lake.

At this moment, the water flow completely disappeared, and somewhere in the dry riverbed, a strange light suddenly flashed.

A grid-by-grid web suddenly collapsed inward to form a gaping hole.

It's like the kind of ultimate hole that will be created when the ultimate beast comes to the world.


The next moment, a mushroom-headed blue elf suddenly flew out of the space cave and looked around.

Lizhi Lake, which was supposed to be full of water, has completely turned into a canyon-like terrain at this moment.

There are also carp kings who are constantly splashing and jumping around, struggling to breathe...


This made its forked tail stand up in fright, wondering if it had come to the wrong place.

The place where Yaknom lives is not at the bottom of Lizhi Lake.

It is a damp cave in a different space, and the exit is connected to Lizhi Lake.

The strong energy release of the galaxy bomb not only completely evaporated the lake water in an instant, but also crazily poured into the adjacent different space cave... which forced Yaknom out abruptly.

"Did it really come out, Aknom..."

Hunter J's eyes lit up, the Galaxy team's intelligence is really very accurate.

Legendary Pokémon representing will, start hunting!

Sa! ! Sa! !

Then there was a chaotic sound of flapping wings, and when Yaknom came back to his senses, he discovered that there were countless big-mouthed bats in the surrounding air.

With its broad wings, wide open mouth and fangs, it was obvious that it had ambushed here early in the morning.

"Don't let it get away, use the ultrasound!!"

Hunter j launched an attack directly.

In an instant, countless big-mouthed bats opened their mouths, and translucent vibrating sound waves spread out, and they all blasted towards Aknom in the center.

Although Aknom is not as strong as Suicune and Frozen Bird, he looks more like a Phantom Pokémon.

However, his movements and strength are not weak at all, and his flexible figure shuttles and dodges in the air.

Facing the ultrasonic waves in all directions, he still completely dodged.

It's just that although the ultrasonic wave has a concentrated attack range, there is still a weakened version of the ultrasonic wave outside the range. Coupled with the noise echoing around, it forms an amplification effect similar to the "echo" move.


This made Yaknom's expression hurt, and his forehead was a little dizzy.

The next moment, the red crystal on Yaknom's forehead began to flicker.

Buzz buzz! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of pale golden energy blasting out in a fan-shaped vortex.

Magical powers! !

The impact of thought force hit all the big-mouthed bats in this direction, and the powerful force of thought force crushed the latter instantly.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The sky began to fall like dumplings, and large-mouthed bats kept falling powerlessly.

He fell to the ground and got mixed up with the carp kings at the bottom of the lake.

"Cha!" "Cha!" "Cha!"

It's just that there are too many big-mouthed bats. Even though Yaknom is harvesting at an extremely fast speed, there are still densely packed big-mouthed bats circling around, making it difficult to escape from the encirclement.

"It's just a turtle in a urn..."

Hunter J, who was at the commanding point, sneered, and stood high above the Typhoon's head.

He raised his arm, aimed slightly at Aknom in the encirclement, and started to activate the special launcher on his arm.

Boom! !

However, at the next moment, there was a sudden explosion behind him, and even the figure of the tyrannosaurus shook violently.

Hunter j can only interrupt the capture action and lower his body.

But seeing from behind, Melissa was already approaching with the wind ball, and the movement just now was the attack of a shadow ball.

"I don't care who you are! Stop your actions now and catch them!"

Melissa said loudly, her eyes angry.

Not only destroying the lake, but even the target seems to be the blue Pokémon below...

But choosing to do it by the Lizhi Lake, this ruined her favorite gorgeous competition.

She will never forgive such a villain!

"Follow the wind ball, use the strange wind!!"

The next moment, the wind ball on his body swelled and let out a long sound.


In an instant, a dark and gloomy strange whirlwind blew across the entire sky, completely surrounding the Violent Dragon.

However, Hunter J just shouted coldly, with cold eyes:

"Small tricks, use the destructive death light directly!!"

I saw that under the entanglement and wrapping of the strange wind, the tyrannosaurus raised its head and opened its mouth wide, regardless of the damage it received.

Boom boom boom! !

A beam of orange destructive light blasted out suddenly, aiming at the wind balloon!


Melissa's complexion changed, and she actually chose this kind of brainless style of exchanging injuries for lives from the very beginning.

Caught off guard, the terrifying destructive light beam had already rushed in front of her, and the scorching air wave even slapped her face...

"Bronze Bell, use Iron Wall!!"

At the critical moment, Melissa heard a low and steady whisper.


Immediately afterwards, a heavy and huge ancient blue clock suddenly appeared in front of her.

I saw the bronze bell that suddenly appeared, the arms on both sides shrank to hug him, and the whole body was glowing with metallic luster.

Boom boom boom! !

The destructive death light completely exploded on the body of the bronze bell, but it didn't have much effect.

As the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, the bronze bell was still suspended in the air steadily, with almost no luster on its expression.


Hunter J frowned. Her desperate surprise attack should be able to completely defeat the wind ball and the fancy-dressed gymnasium master in an instant.


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