He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1786 Accept disciples!

"Ah, Miss Melissa, I haven't challenged the gym yet."

The badge in front of him made Xiaoguang a little dazed, and he didn't dare to accept it directly.

"It's okay, you've got my approval~!"

Melissa shoved the badge into Xiaoguang's hand carelessly, as simple as stuffing a red envelope.

On the stage of the gorgeous conference, she had already seen Xiaoguang's level, and that was enough.

After all, it is not a hard and fast rule whether you can get the badge of the gymnasium and win the frontal battle.

Well, shouldn't it be?

"Really. Then I accept it!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang also gradually became happy, and finally accepted the relic badge.

The landmark corresponding to the badge should be a random ruin near Jiayuan City, right?

Now, she is only short of the last badge!

If there is still one month left in the alliance meeting, there is more than enough time.

She even has time to do some special training before the opening of the conference.

Seeing that Melissa was about to leave in a hurry, Xiao Zhi, who had been watching the play next to her, couldn't help but walked up and opened his mouth to remind:

"Um, let's talk about Miss Melissa"

Melissa turned her head, noticed Xiaozhi, blinked her beautiful eyes, and recognized the latter.

"Oh, I remember you, you are Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, are you also going to challenge the gym? But I am in a hurry now, so I will give you this badge too~!"

Melissa was furious, and took out another relic badge with her backhand, and threw it to Xiaozhi.

She is going to attend the celebration banquet now. After all, the first Super Gorgeous Contest has come to a successful conclusion, which is a good celebration.

As for this boy

She has the impression that she is a powerful trainer from other places.

In the Mikoli Cup, he even had a battle with Master Mikoli, which was very impressive.

Get her gym badge, more than enough strength, Melissa is completely lazy.

No, there is no need for any fighting!

Xiaozhi: "."

Looking at Melissa who was gradually running away with her skirt in hand, Xiao Zhi also fell silent rarely.

This woman doesn't take gymnastic challenges seriously at all!

Although he later thought about giving up his position as a Pokémon inspector, Xiaozhi still decided to make a serious mistake for such a provocative behavior.

He was going to write down Melissa's complete actions in the report.

Abandon the gymnasium, organize the ecological reconstruction of Lizhi Lake, and hold a super gorgeous contest


After thinking about it, Xiaozhi couldn't help being taken aback.

It sounds a bit like writing a letter of commendation?

After all, the official alliance has never shied away from prohibiting the gym master from taking on multiple roles.

They even encourage gym owners to help and guide the development of local cities and surrounding areas.

After this small report is written, Melissa won't be directly promoted to work in the league management, right?

After seeing off two people in succession, when Xiaozhi and the others returned to the hotel, another person came up this time.

"Mr. Adam~!"

Seeing Adam's figure from a distance, Xiaozhi greeted him.

Adam obviously came for a few people, and walked over leisurely while stroking his mustache.

However, as the winner of this Super Gorgeous Contest, when he just showed up on the streets of the resort, many passers-by and spectators screamed and cheered.

After performing another gaudy magic trick to appease everyone, Adam led Xiaozhi and the others to an alley with few people.

But this time, his eyes suddenly fell on Xiaoguang, and he took a few steps closer.


Xiaoguang was startled and held his breath, wondering why Mr. Adam suddenly approached.

But at the next moment, Adam suddenly smiled and looked at Xiaoguang with satisfaction.

Finally he said:

"How about it, Xiaoguang, are you willing to be my disciple?"

Xiaozhi and the others were taken aback by the sudden application for apprenticeship, especially Xiaoguang who froze in place.

Adam stroked his little mustache, quietly waiting for Xiaoguang's answer.

The girl in front of me must be a newcomer who just started traveling this year, so she has such strength.

The gorgeous and aggressive fighting style makes Adam, who has seen countless trainers, can't help but love talent, which is why he has the act of accepting apprentices at this moment.

Don't look at Adam's Liuli gymnasium, there are quite a few apprentices

But most of them are students and apprentices of the gymnasium, and some of them are the descendants of the ancient Liuli survivors, and they are not Adam's actual disciples.

Currently, there is only one Adam's actual disciple——Mikeli.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the Sinnoh area this time, I saw a favorite new disciple candidate.

"Great opportunity, don't stand still!"

"Quickly agree, Xiaoguang!"

Seeing Xiaoguang standing there like a wooden pestle, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang quickly reminded and urged in a low voice.

Mr. Adam is obviously not an ordinary gymnasium owner, his strength is not bad, and he also has the fighting style of a gorgeous contest. He is fully qualified to be Xiaoguang's teacher.

And once Xiaoguang completes his apprenticeship, Master Mikri will become Xiaoguang's senior brother, and his background will be full.

"Ah? Oh, Mr. Adam, no, Mr. Adam!"

Xiaoguang finally came to his senses, his face was red, his hands and feet were a little out of control, and he stuttered and knotted repeatedly.

But she still bowed respectfully, apparently agreeing to Adam's invitation to accept disciples.

Seeing this, Adam nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Well, now I have a second disciple, so Mikri is your senior brother, I will let him meet you when I find a chance."

Hearing this, Xiaoguang felt even more secretly happy.

Mi Keli is the idol of every coordinator, but today he suddenly became the idol's junior sister!

"Come on, one day in the future, your achievements may not lose to your senior brother."

Adam rubbed Xiaoguang's head with his big hands, and encouraged him, there was already a bit of love between his brows.

This also swept away the haze of Xiaoguang's defeat today.

Being defeated by one's master, there is no depression at all.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were also happy for their companions, but Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and looked at Xiaogang:

"Speaking of asking for a teacher, isn't it that ordinary teachers will give their disciples something?"

His voice was low, just enough for Adam to hear, and it sounded like an unintentional whisper.

"I don't know, is there such a thing?"

Xiao Gang shook his head in doubt, but then added another sentence:

"However, when I was apprenticed to Master Shiba, the teacher did give me some good things."

This is the truth, Shiba also specially found a special metal film for him that could evolve the giant rock snake.

Adam: "."

He stroked his beard, and as a mature man, he naturally saw the intentions of the two of them in an instant.

So he touched his pockets and trouser pockets up and down, looking for a meeting gift that could be handed out.

(An update today.!)

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