He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1795 Doubles match, vs Daye, electric times!

Xiaozhi originally thought about how nervous the other party would be when he knew his identity.

Turned out to be totally indifferent.

It even seemed that he wished he could quickly seal up his gymnasium?

Cold knowledge, the head of the gymnasium cannot be easily replaced, especially when he voluntarily resigns.

Generally, if a gym owner wants to relinquish his duties, he must first apply to the Pokémon League, and he can only officially resign after the latter finds a successor and completes the handover of the gym.

But this process takes a lot of time, especially when it is hard to find a suitable replacement.

Like the Evergreen Gym at the beginning, the boss of Sakamu ran away and set up his stall, which caused the Gym to be closed for a long time.

Unable to find a suitable candidate, the Pokémon Alliance even asked Kikuko, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, to watch over him for a few months.

Of course, if the gym master has found a suitable successor, the progress will be much faster.

For example, Xiaogang's Nibi Gym.

After being defeated by Daye in the finals of the Alliance Conference, Denji lost interest in continuing to challenge the Alliance Conference and became the Gym Master instead.

Originally, I thought I could fight against many powerful trainers, but 95% of the challengers were weak.

The owner of the gymnasium is more of a guide. This also makes Dianci completely lose interest.

The application for replacing the owner has been promoted long ago, but there has been no movement yet.

Then just open it up.

The badges on the outside are also as Daye said, without the owner to enter information behind, it is just a basket of useless badges.

On the one hand, it will send away the flies that come to challenge, and on the other hand, it will also teach the tricky trainer a lesson.

Anyway, there are not only 8 gymnasiums in the Sinnoh area, and his lighthouse badge is not bad.

"Are you the Pokémon inspector? Hurry up and send someone to replace you."

Dianci looked at Xiaozhi, and waved his hands impatiently.

He didn't have the slightest intuition of being scrutinized, but wished that Xiaozhi would get angry and put a seal on this gymnasium.


Such a reaction, on the contrary, completely confused Xiaozhi.

If you are not afraid of threats at all, this makes the position of the inspector seem like a virtual one.

Why don't you just play a game and teach me a lesson?

"Haha, don't be in a hurry! I have been urging you for a long time, and I will send someone to change positions soon."

Daye quickly stepped between the two of them, temporarily calming down the atmosphere.

As for whether to urge or not?

It seems that there is really no movement on the official side.

They all agreed that Dianci was a very suitable curator, and he could drag it if he could. Don't be blinded by this talent.


Dianci snorted coldly, turned around with his chest folded, and directly expressed his dissatisfaction with the upper alliance.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Daye's eyes suddenly lit up and he had an idea.

"By the way, aren't you worried that you can't find a suitable opponent?"

Then he turned his head to look at Xiaoguang.

"Xiaoguang, you are going to challenge the gym! You guys just come to a competition!"

Hearing this, he turned his head once and looked in Xiaoguang's direction, and couldn't help frowning.

He looked like a rookie trainer, which made him less interested.

"Hey Daye, I don't want to fight right now"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Daye interrupted Dianci's lazy words, and then pointed to himself and Xiaozhi.

"It's not just a battle between the two of you, but a doubles battle between the four of us!"

"Doubles? Shall I team up with you?"

Dianci frowned. He knew Daye's strength. If the two of them formed a team, they would be a bit too bullying.

But he looked at Xiaozhi again, and his age didn't seem to be very good, but this person is a Pokémon inspector, right?

To be able to take up this position, the strength is definitely not low.

This is a suitable opponent.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi's strength is definitely very strong! He won't be weaker than me!"

Daye patted his chest and assured.

Although he didn't see Xiaozhi's battle, but hearing Zhulan's tone, he praised the latter very highly.

"Doubles battle."

"Are you partnering with Xiaoguang?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, and then looked at the two people with red, yellow and yellow hair in front of them at the same time.


After a while, the eyes of both of them brightened.

It was Xiaoguang who challenged the gym, but Xiaozhi didn't intend to watch the show by the side when he met such a master.

And with Xiaozhi's help, facing the rumored very powerful Gym Master, Xiaoguang also gained confidence.

"Doubles? Since you want to play so much, then go for it."

Dianci shied away a little and then agreed, with a fighting spirit that hadn't appeared for a long time on his face.

It is precisely because he is very picky about the fighting intensity of Pokémon that he chooses to play badly. If he really meets a strong opponent, Dianci's desire is stronger than Daye's.

"Okok! Then it's decided, doubles battle!"

Daye agreed immediately, in short, he adjusted his bad manners first before talking.

After arousing the previous enthusiasm, let the latter go to attack A Liu and win the position of the king of heaven.

Immediately, his gaze was fixed on Xiaozhi.

He has been bragging about the existence of sister Zhulan, and he has long thought of taking a sniper attack.

After a while, everyone came to the battle field of Binhai Gymnasium.

An ordinary indoor training ground, but the surroundings are very open, and there is a huge space above it, even allowing flying Pokémon to move freely.

However, a lot of dust can be seen on the surrounding ground, obviously no one has used this place for a long time.

"Ahem, then I'll be the referee for this special Gym Challenge!"

Xiaogang walked to the VIP viewing position and announced the rules loudly.

"The rules of the game are 4v4 doubles battles. Daye's side is not allowed to replace Pokémon. If all 4 Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the winner will be determined!"

This is the result of several people's discussions before.

Everyone can use two Pokémon, so the battle will not be decided immediately.

"Daye, we haven't fought together for a long time.!"

"Hey, Dianci, let me see your current strength, don't let me down!"

After fighting side by side for a long time, Daye and Dianci looked at each other and grinned, as if they had returned to their childhood.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang were already standing side by side on the command seat, with serious expressions.

The next moment, both sides threw the elf balls at the same time.

"Ray~!" "Hoy~!"

The Pokémon of Denji and Daye are very symmetrical. They are the Leib and Huoib that were released before.

"Please, Emperor Nabo~!"

"It's up to you! Wood turtle!"

On the side of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, one side released Emperor Nabo with gold-rimmed wings, and the other side was a forest turtle with dark green moss and green leaves on its back.

The two Pokémon have strange appearances, both belong to the Yusanjia, and they are almost symmetrical.

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