He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1807 Caught cheating?

Tianguan mountain top.

High in the sky, the fierce cold wind mixed with ice and snow was blowing violently.


Even with the fleshy body of Elladias, he couldn't help but sneezed because of the biting cold, and his flying movements were suffocated in the air.

As a flying dragon, she is very unfazed by the low temperature and snowy environment.

"Is it uncomfortable? If so!"

Xiao Zhi straddled Latias' back, reached out and patted the latter's neck, and then tapped the keystone bracelet on his wrist with the other hand.


In the high-altitude cloud layer, a burst of dazzling light suddenly flickered.

After completing the mega evolution, Latias turned into a blue-purple flying dragon, and his cold resistance was raised to a higher level. With a "boom", he passed through the mountains of Tianguan Mountain.

The trajectory is straight and fast, like a jet plane.

At this moment, Xiaozhi has temporarily left the three-person team and flew west alone.

After finishing their journey in Binhai City, they only had one last destination left.

The island where the Sinnoh Alliance Conference was held, Suzuran Island!

This island is located on the east coast of the Sinnoh mainland, and you need to take a cruise ship to reach it across the sea.

All living facilities on Linglan Island are complete, and there is even enough space for trainers to train. Xiaoguang plans to stay on the island for the final special training in less than 30 days.

As for Ash

Now he is no longer a rookie who has just set off for a trip, but he has not done any special training before the game, mobilizing the swearing-in meeting and so on.

Taking advantage of the free time now, he plans to connect the Nightmare God to the Reversed World first, and then slowly improve his popularity in the future.

This operation cannot be realized in that special dream, so I can only go to New Moon Island by myself.


Mega Latias flies extremely fast, and every time it accelerates, it can emit a sonic boom similar to the roar of an engine.

After a while, one person and one dragon had arrived at the edge of the Tianguan Mountain area, and the surrounding air became much warmer.


Looking back at the ferocious Tianguan Mountain behind him, Xiaozhi was thoughtful.

After picking up the Nightmare God, they can practice in Tianguan Mountain.

Now in his team, Xuetongzi and Fangtooth Shark have not yet evolved to their final form. Tianguan Mountain is a good place for leveling.

But let's not rush now.

Under the top-equipped flying technique of Mega Latias, after a while, Xiao Zhi could already see EMI City.

Even farther away, through a dense vegetation jungle - EMI forest, the plate coastline can already be seen faintly.

Crescent Island, where Daklai Yin lives, is located off the coastline of EMI City, an isolated island in the northwest direction.

"Quickly move, Latias!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's encouragement, Mega Latias let out a high-pitched dragon cry, and the speed soared again, and the fierce air flow even rubbed Xiaozhi's face and skin.

Below him, there is already an endless ocean.

After flying for about 30 minutes, Latias exited the state of mega evolution, and his flight speed also became uniform.

"Let me see, New Moon Island Latias, fly lower."

Xiaozhi lowered his head and looked around, looking for the trace of Crescent Island.

The coordinates of Crescent Island that Daklai Yin told him were only in the northwest direction of EMI City, and did not specify the exact location.

Moreover, Crescent Island is a small deserted island covered by rocks. This kind of small reef island is not rare in this sea area, and it is difficult to identify.

As for the "crescent moon" in Crescent Island, it refers to the shape of a low-lying pond in the center of the island. From a distance, there is no pond at all.


However, after some investigation, Xiaozhi still confirmed the target.

Because in the "Dreamland" at that time, he discovered that there was another island of similar size a few kilometers away from Crescent Island, which was said to be the Full Moon Island where the Dreamer lived.

That's easy!

Just look below where there are two twin islands of similar size and a few kilometers away, and you can lock the coordinates.

“To the east is Crescent Island”

Xiaozhi was driving Latias, and just when he was about to fly to Crescent Island, he suddenly twisted Latias's neck by a strange coincidence.

How about going to Full Moon Island first?

The last time when Full Moon Island was mentioned, Dak Laiyin looked aggressive and would beat him up every minute, so it was not easy for Xiaozhi to propose to explore it.

Cresselia, God of Dreams, probably the mortal enemy of Nightmare God, right?

This time it is a rare opportunity, Xiaozhi plans to go shopping next door first, and then return to Crescent Island without anyone noticing.


Latias understood, let out a soft low cry, and flew to Crescent Island in the west together with his body.

Full Moon Island, go ashore.

"Thank you for your hard work, Latias, let's rest well~!"

Xiaozhi took back Latias temporarily, spanning the entire Sinnoh area, and the physical strength was not small.

But now that Crescent Island is adjacent to Full Moon Island, it won't be a big problem for Muke Eagle to fly there next.

"So this is Full Moon Island?"


After landing on the island, Xiaozhi began to look around, and Pikachu on his shoulder jumped down curiously.

It looks very similar to Crescent Island, the exposed island surface is still rocky and mountainous, without any vegetation and wild Pokémon, it looks very desolate and quiet.

The size of the island is very small, and Xiaozhi has not gone far forward before arriving at the center of the island, a slightly low basin.

It is still the same low-lying pond as Crescent Island, with calm and clear water, and you can see the grooves at the bottom of the lake at a glance.

It is circular, like a full moon in the night sky.

"It's really weird"

Xiaozhi secretly made Digu, the bottom of the lake on Crescent Island is a picture of a full moon, and the bottom of the lake on Full Moon Island is a picture of a new moon

The names of the two islands seem to be reversed.

"Wait a minute, what is that?"

At this time, on the other side of the pond, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

It was pitch-black, billowing like a black cloud, with a red jagged collar around the neck, and a sharp gray-white cloud rising above the head.

"Dak Lai Yin, why are you here?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help exclaiming, and walked over quickly.

By the way, isn't Dak Lai Yin in the Crescent Island next door? Why is the cat suddenly in this small corner of the Full Moon Island?

Or did you say that you actually came to the wrong place?


Hearing a familiar voice, Daklai Yin's arrogance on the surface of his body trembled, and he turned his head rather stiffly.

After seeing Xiaozhi and Pikachu, Duckley Yin's face hidden in the white smoke and red sawtooth became visibly panicked, and even looked around.

Xiao Zhi was greatly puzzled by this appearance.

It looks a bit like it is often played in TV dramas

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