He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1815 Divine Grant of Kingship

"Hey, it worked!"

Successfully restraining the splitting mantis completely, Xiaozhi smiled.

Now this is a natural grass field, and the power of the grass attribute has been improved, making Shirabi's ultimate absorption move flexible and powerful, and he cannot break free at all.

"Cha! Cha! Cha drink!"

The body of the ax mantis was constantly violent, but the force part was completely restrained, and it was impossible to use the stone ax to chop.

Seeing the ultimate absorption, it must be absorbed until the end of the battle.

"Cha drink!


The ax mantis suddenly let out a violent cry, and the rocks that were originally covering the surface of its body burst open one after another.

The sharp-edged rocks directly exploded the green vines around it, and the Ax Mantis then swung several heavy axes in succession, completely destroying the ultimate absorbing move.


Xiaozhi couldn't help but marvel at the scene before him.

At this moment, the Ax Mantis seems to have used the "shell breaking" or "scale shooting" moves, and all the rocks covering its body are shot out, which completely exposes its body for a while.

The slender and slender yellow-white jointed body makes the mantis look scrawny.

Coupled with the two huge stone axes that are still held up, it makes people worry about the thin torso, as if it will be broken at any time.

"Cha drink!


The rocks around it faded away, which increased the speed of the axe mantis. It suddenly jumped up from the mossy rock, and the two axes slashed down together!

"Rabbi, use hold!"

Shi Rabi quickly propped up a green light barrier in front of him, resisting the blow with absolute defense.

But the next moment, the stone ax that was hacking on the energy barrier suddenly burst open.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, it turned into countless sharp gravel blades, which were shot out in unison, forming a two-stage blow!

Rock Axe!

This is the exclusive move of the Ax Mantis. The first blow is a straight ax chopping, and then the broken stone will form a second blow.

Clap clap!

The protective barrier had disappeared, and Shirabi, who was unable to make two consecutive guarantees, was directly hit by several rocks, and several scars were scratched on his body.

But Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he commanded loudly:

"Now, use the energy ball!


With the injury on his shoulders, Rabi raised his little hand, and a green light energy bomb rushed out, and exploded on the chest of the mantis splitting the axe, causing considerable damage.

"Follow up, don't give it a chance, use Flying Leaf Storm!


Taking advantage of the time when the mantis was retreating, Rabi flapped his wings and stuck to it, and suddenly there was a violent storm of green leaves blowing around him, and the mantis was hit by a close-range bombardment!

At this moment, the rock covering the surface of the body was completely broken, and even the stone ax in his hand was cracked, which proved that the body of the ax mantis was in the most fragile state.

This Pokémon is powerful. Once it enters a desperate situation, it will become more dangerous. But at the same time, it is also the best time to break through!

Xiaozhi completely used the tactics against breaking the shell on the mantis with the hatchet in front of him.

Attack with all your strength!


The powerful Flying Leaf Storm directly blew the Axe Mantis into mid-air, and finally hit a rough log behind it hard, and then stopped the attack.


Covered in messy green leaves, the mantis groaned and slowly slid down from the tree trunk.

His eyes rolled around, obviously he had lost his ability to fight.

"It's up to you, Poké Ball!


Xiaozhi turned the hat subconsciously, and threw a poke ball out of muscle memory, which accurately hit the mantis.


The poke ball sucked it into it, and it fell to the ground and began to shake.

This made Xiaozhi, and even the vegetable seeds behind him hold his breath, waiting for the result.


After a while, the elf ball stopped shaking, and it was successfully captured!

"Take it, rabbi!"

Xiaozhi looked overjoyed, and hurried forward to pick up the elf ball.

"Hmph~! Sure enough, it's just a bug~!"

Although the injury was serious, Shi Rabi still flew up triumphantly and said.

How dare he go against himself, the god of the forest, he doesn't know how to live or die!

Immediately, it flicked its small hand, and flew out a drop of life water, recovering its physical strength self-sufficiently.

"Congratulations, Xiao Zhi, you have gained another powerful partner!"

When the matter came to an end, Cai Zhong also walked over from behind and praised.

This wild Axe Mantis is powerful, but its only shortcoming is that its fighting style is too simple.

Especially the last "shell breaking" rock body, and the rock ax, which weakens oneself, need to find the right time to use it.

If paired with a trainer, the strength of the Axe Mantis can be directly raised to a higher level.

"Come out, Cracking Mantis~!"

Xiaozhi soon reopened the Poké Ball and released it.

The latter still has a hunchbacked and slender body, without a body wrapped in rocks, and looks very strange.


Shi Rabi also flew to the top of the split-axe mantis, and asked the latter aggressively whether he was convinced.


The latter was a little weak, but when he looked at the little guy rabbi again, he already showed a little more fear.

Seeing the subdued appearance of the Ax Mantis, Shi Rabi nodded in satisfaction, raised his little hand, and replenished the latter's physical strength.

"Cha drink!


Recovering its physical strength, the Ax Mantis swung the stone ax for the first time, and slashed at the surrounding ground several times. The exploded rocks adhered to the surface of its body one after another, returning to its original appearance.

But at this moment, the character of the Ax Mantis has become a lot gentler, without the violent and bloody aura at the beginning.

The Insect King incident was over, but Xiaozhi did not choose to take away the Axe Mantis that was accidentally subdued.

Just now he was completely muscle memory, and he didn't intend to subdue the latter at first.

"Ax Mantis, from now on, you will stay in EMI Forest and help Rabbi manage this forest!"

Xiaozhi reached out and touched the side of the latter's stone axe, and said:

"When the rabbi has completely ruled all the forests, I will pick you up to Zhenxin Town."



Shi Rabi also flew around the Axe Mantis and agreed to this proposal.

Granted by the god of kingship, it is obviously the best match if a worm king sits under him, the god of the forest.

After all, it won't stay in EMI Forest forever.

"Cha drink!


The Ax Mantis quickly agreed, brandishing the twin axes and roaring loudly, causing the surrounding forest to scream and stir.

"Well, remember not to casually attack passers-by and other wild Pokémon, well, at least don't kill them completely."

The vegetables next to him also quickly reminded.

If this dangerous insect king was solved in this way, she would feel a lot easier.

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