He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1830 Daye and Michael

"To the Alola region?"

Cheng Ye Damu's sudden invitation made Xiaozhi not come back to his senses for a while.

Dr. Oki also chimed in and explained:

"The Pokémon League in the Alola region hasn't been established yet, and now we need all kinds of talents. And Chengya's school also needs some help."

As a holiday island, the Alola region was originally somewhat similar to the Orange Islands, and it was not very formal in all aspects.

However, the unique z-movement inheritance and training fighting style on the island is very special.

This also made the people on Alola's side gradually have the idea of ​​​​building a Pokémon alliance by themselves.

It's just that there is a serious shortage of manpower, and it is difficult to gather candidates for gymnasiums and alliance kings and champions.

It's a good idea to recruit some powerful trainers from other places.

As for the school

Although Cheng Ye Oki is also a doctor of elves, the focus of these years has been on the Pokémon School on Melomele Island. This school also needs talents to join.

With Xiaozhi's experience in participating in many alliance conferences, as well as his formidable strength.

"Well, it would be great if Xiaozhi could come to our school as a teacher or a teaching assistant~!"

Cheng Ye Damu said with a smile, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Although Xiaozhi's age is more like a student.

But he didn't dare to let a person who defeated the league champion Mi Keli be a student.

It is said that they are here for work, but the folk customs in the Alola area are naturally laid-back, and the pace of life is extremely slow.

Whether it's building the Pokémon League, or being a teacher assistant, it's not a big problem to say that they are here for vacation.

"Going to the Alola region?"

After listening to the explanations of the two Dr. Oki, Xiaozhi also thought about it secretly.

After the Sinnoh region ended this time, he really hadn't thought about where he would go next.

From what it sounds like, the Alola region seems like a nice place to be.

Although there is work, but work sounds very leisurely, more like a vacation?

It also seems like he hasn't had a vacation in a long time.

Instead, you can go to the Alola region for a leisurely vacation, stay for half a year or a year, consolidate and improve the strength of all Pokémon, and help the construction and development of the Alola region.

And that royal masked man!

At the beginning, he was in the opponent's hands, and he was completely out of hand.

The current Xiaozhi has long wanted to fight this powerful weirdo again.

"Brother Chi's Explosive Mosquito seems to be subdued there too?"

It seems to be a special Pokémon called "Ultimate Beast", and Xiaozhi also wants to try to subdue one of his own Ultra Beasts.

Unknowingly, it seems that he has been exposed to a lot of things about the Alola region, and he is not completely unfamiliar.

It's just that Brother Chi hasn't sent a letter yet, so I don't know what's going on in the Hezhong area.

Across the screen, noticing Xiaozhi's hesitation, Chengye Damu said:

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, take your time to think about it. In short, you are welcome to play in our Alola region at any time~!"

Dr. Oki next to him also spread his hands and didn't say anything to help his cousin.

After all, with Xiaozhi's current strength, no matter which region he joins in, there will be a big market.

However, the Alola region is now a bit "backcountry", and compared to other regions, it is still less attractive.

At most, he would help his relatives to match up, and leave the rest to Xiaozhi himself.

"One more thing, Xiaozhi, about that note, I wonder if I can also study it?"

At this time, Cheng Ye Damu seemed to think of something, and Nini asked with a twist.

Xiaozhi temporarily stopped entangled, whether to go to the Alola region, or not to decide after writing the Sinnoh region.

"Oh principal, you can use that note as you like, there is no copyright."

The author of the notes is Chi Ri, and everyone is Chi Ri's father. He only hopes to spread the knowledge Chi Ri left in this world.

It doesn't matter who takes the notes and uses them.

"Thank you so much~!"

Cheng Ye Damu was overjoyed when he heard the words. He was also baffled when he received the courier, but when he opened the note, he was instantly attracted by the blueprint of the "Illustrated Book of Rotom" depicted in it.

A fully intelligent Pokédex Rotom that has the knowledge of the Pokédex database and can communicate with the trainer autonomously.

Might not mean much to veteran trainers.

But for some newcomers, or middle-level trainers, it is definitely a cross-age technology, an auxiliary artifact! !

"Cheng Ye, don't forget, I want to study it too!"

Seeing that Chengye Damu was about to hang up the phone, he turned his head to study excitedly, Dr. Damu looked anxious, and quickly reminded him.

"Oh Xuecheng, I almost forgot the notes. I have already photocopied a copy, and I will send you the electronic version right away."

Cheng Ye Damu quickly said that the big-billed gulls are still unreliable, and they dare not use this express delivery for the second time.

"Xiaozhi, I heard that you will participate in the alliance conference soon, right? Then I wish you a good result~!"

After a final blessing, Cheng Ye Damu hung up the phone.

"Then keep going, Xiaozhi~ As for going to the Alola region, you can think it over before going~!"

Dr. Oki also hung up the phone hastily, and turned to accept Chengya Oki's email.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhi sat in the rest area of ​​the public phone to take a rest, waiting for the recovery of all the Pokémon.

In his mind, he was thinking about the path he would take after the league conference.

"Hey, hey! Big brother, cheer up, you must be the strongest!"

At this time, there was a loud and excited sound from the direction of the public phone next to him.

"Miss Zhulan is already a person from the old era, now you are the strongest league champion!!"

Hearing a few key words, Xiao Zhi instantly straightened his back and subconsciously cast his gaze away.

But in front of the phone a few places away, there was a irascible guy with red hair tied into a pineapple head, who was holding the microphone and kept saying something, spitting all over the place, and his tone was high-pitched.


Xiaozhi blinked, and it was Michael who had met once before.

By the way, this guy seems to live in the frontier area of ​​the battle, and he invited himself to come last time.

"Brother, the league champion?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help stretching his neck to look over, but saw that the person talking on the screen was also a man with fiery red hair.

With a red afro, he looks like a delinquent boy.

Daye, the king of the Sinnoh Alliance.

"Hey, is Mr. Daye actually Michael's brother?"

Xiaozhi tilted his head, slightly puzzled, but then thought again.

Well, there seems to be nothing wrong.

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