He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1839 Remnants, revive the Galaxy team!


Michel was taken aback. Did he complete the evolution through Xidolan?

I have to say that the quasi-gods in their Shen'ao area look really domineering in appearance

My brother is going to fight against Miss Zhulan's biting land shark, right?

Michael became a little worried about Daye's trump card, the flame monkey.

After completing the evolution, the violent body of biting Lu Shark hadn't lasted long, and his eyes were still fixed, and his knees were half kneeling on the ground.

Evidently, evolution has not healed the wounds it has previously suffered.

"Enough is enough, biting the land shark, you have done a good job!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly raised his hand and took Lie Bite Lu Sha back.

After completing the evolution, it is no longer necessary to continue fighting.

Next, he should find a place to let Lie Bite Lu Shark train and control his new power. There is no need to continue to break through the limit and attack this Seadoran.

He sent three Pokémon in a row but failed to take down this Xidoran, which made Xiaozhi hesitate in his heart.

Although the giant lava monster in front of him has almost entered the state of a candle in the wind, how about changing Pikachu to pick up a head?

"Forget it, that's enough"

In the end, Xiaozhi still shook his head, but didn't take out the next poke ball.

He didn't come to subdue Sidolan. Speaking of which, the other party did him a favor. There was no need to fight until the other party lost the ability to fight and fell to the ground.

This battle has already been decided.


Noticing that Xiaozhi's fighting spirit disappeared, this Sidoran also dragged his tired body, his eyes slowed down a little and calmed down a lot.

This time the challenger is really strong enough, it almost can't stand it.

However, the red-haired human kid next to him, with his fanatical eyes, somewhat made Xi Duolan a bit overwhelmed.

As if to strip it of its clothes, the eyes are full of naked desire.


After accepting the call of Volcano Town Stone, the task of accepting the challenge came to an end. After a low growl, Sidolan turned around and prepared to climb back to the volcano to rest.

Although he suffered huge damage, he can recover quickly as long as he soaks in the magma.

Just when Xiaozhi and the two thought that the matter had come to an end, Michel also took out his mobile phone and took a quick shot of Xidolan's back.

At this time, a low voice suddenly came from the side:

"Noisy bird, use the loud noise now!!"

At the same time, a small colorful parrot flew in the air, opened its hooked beak, and made an extremely violent and violent noise.

Buzz buzz! !

Aoe's loud moves spread across the audience, causing Xiaozhi and Michael's expressions to change suddenly.

And the direction where the loud sound was aiming at—Xidolan suffered a lot of damage, and his body trembled under the huge sound wave attack.

At this moment, it has completely put away its own defenses. It is a seriously injured body, and its defense power can be said to have dropped to the lowest point.

"It's now!!"

Immediately afterwards, there was an excited man's cry, and amidst the continuous loud sound, a black gold-edged elf ball suddenly flew over.

"Luxury ball?!"

Xiaozhi quickly plugged his ears, which made him feel better. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a luxurious ball quickly thrown towards Sidolan.


A precise hit, and the luxurious ball sucks it into it.

After shaking several times in a row, the luxurious ball stopped shaking and successfully conquered it!


The noisy bird flew over, stretched out its claws, grabbed the luxury ball, flapped its wings and returned to the trainer's position.

Xiaozhi quickly turned his head, and only then did he recognize the person who cut off the beard.

This is a chunky middle-aged man with a Mediterranean head and red round-rimmed glasses dragging on, looking very sinister.

He was a bit hunched, wearing a researcher's white coat, and there was a familiar Galaxy team logo on his chest.

"Oh it's you."

Xiaozhi frowned, it was the doctor of the Galaxy team who had met on the top of Tianguan Mountain before. It seems to be Pluto, right?

"Ahaha~ I didn't expect to catch Xidolan so easily, thank you, two brats~!"

Pluto still sat on the UF0-shaped aircraft, took the luxurious ball from the noisy bird, couldn't help but raised his head and laughed.

The noisy bird on the shoulder couldn't help but screamed.

"Revival Galaxy Team~! Great Pluto-sama~! Revival Galaxy Team~! Great Pluto-sama~!"

It kept calling repeatedly, which made people feel extremely noisy.

"Hey! Hurry up and return Sidolan! How can there be such a despicable restraint!"

Michel was so angry that he almost fainted, he clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could jump up and die with Pluto.

It's fine if Xidoran is subdued by Xiaozhi, it means that his goddess is married to another person normally.

Although I was unwilling, I could only bless silently.

But Pluto's behavior at this moment is equivalent to his goddess being suddenly defiled by a passerby on the eve of the wedding!

The subject is still an ugly bald middle-aged uncle!

"Wait a minute."

Xiaozhi quickly pressed Michel's shoulder, signaling not to be impulsive.

"Ahaha, two brats, thank you this time. When the Galaxy team revives in the future, you will be regarded as people who have made great contributions~!"

Pluto sat on the aircraft, his face was full of red light, and he was still laughing.

Since the incident of the Pillar of the Gun, the boss Chiri has completely disappeared, and the remnants of the Galaxy team have either been arrested, or have been hiding in XZ like rats crossing the street.

Pluto intends to take over the flagpole and revive the Galaxy team.

Such a powerful legendary Pokémon is the best shortcut to revival.

After hearing the rumors about the existence of Seadolann in the harsh mountain in the frontier area, Pluto came over in person and prepared to capture it.

It's just that he doesn't have a volcano town stone.

Then simply blast the Grim Mountain and prepare to force Dolan to show up.

Therefore, the volcanic earthquake felt by the two of them at the beginning was really not to blame for Xiaozhi.

At that time, Pluto was blasting the mountain on the back of the mountain, and accidentally caused an earthquake.

But just after a while of blasting, it was discovered that Xiaozhi and the two next door had successfully summoned Xi Dolanen.

Pluto simply hid secretly, ready to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and then he had everything he has now.

"Then now, you can prepare to retreat. Noisy birds, let them see how powerful your mouth is!!"

Pluto grabbed the luxurious ball, his face turned hard, and he suddenly launched an attack.


The Noisy Bird also flapped its wings and took off, ready to make its proud noise attack.

"What mouth?"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly raised a question in a flat manner.

The next moment, the Noisy Bird's beak seemed to be stuck with glue, and it couldn't be opened no matter how hard it tried.

Latias, who was behind Xiaozhi, had already recovered his flying dragon posture, and a powerful mental force flew out, completely imprisoning the Noisy Bird, together with Hades below, in place in an instant.

Immediately with a little effort, the luxurious ball has slowly escaped from Pluto's hand and flew towards Xiaozhi's direction.

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