He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1844 Firestorm Beast in Xicui Area!


The monster slate was placed on the back of the fire rock mouse, and as the latter gave a low shout, the flames behind it suddenly spewed out, enveloping the slate.

The unique energy in the monster slab began to emerge, and slowly flowed into the body of the fire rock rat

The next moment, a bright white light shone on Huoyanshu's body.



Ajin's eyes widened, the child's hole was completely filled with white light, and the size of the Fire Rock Rat also continued to expand and grow in the light.

The figure that was originally lying on the ground gradually supported itself and stood up.


With a cry, the Fire Rock Rat showed a brand new posture.

It's just that the voice of the body has become a little weird, with a somewhat lazy feeling.

Everyone: "???"

Everyone's first reaction was to be taken aback by the fiery beast in front of them.

The main body structure is the same as that of the original Pyrobeast. They are both upright and about the size of an adult.

But the original blue-black back hair turned into black-purple at this moment, and a strange cloud-like arrogance appeared at the tail.

The biggest change was around its neck, with a few more purple dots.

In particular, the rather lazy eyes were half-pressed, and there was an extra purple-black eye shadow on the eyelids, which actually carried an elegant and noble temperament.

"Eh, is this the ancient version of the Firestorm Beast?"

Xiaozhi's face changed a little, he also has a fiery beast, a irascible boy, full of masculinity.

But this ancient, or Xicui area fiery beast in front of me, always feels a little more feminine and charming?

Can you believe that a fiery beast has become elegant and noble?


Ah Jin's face also changed slightly. Although he did evolve successfully, it was completely different from what he imagined.

The ghost attribute is indeed a ghost. This fiery beast looks very weird and dark, but what he thinks is the kind of violent and vicious fiery ghost that turns into a ghost!


The sound of the Firestorm Beast in Xicui area has also completely changed. It is not as exciting and powerful as the original Firestorm Beast, but very gentle.


With a little effort, a purple-red flame was quietly ignited on the back, and small purple-red fireballs were also ignited in the dots on the front of the neck.

"It's really quite different."

Xiao Gang couldn't help sighing, the flames spewed out by this fiery beast can't be called Lie Yan, should it be called ghost fire?


Ajin subconsciously took out the poke ball and released his trump card, Bakutaro.

The modern version and the ancient version of the two fiery beasts are similar in stature, standing side by side, with a strong visual impact.


Even Bakutaro was taken aback, why did his little brother suddenly look like this?

Well, it really looks like a ghost.


However, the fiery beast in Xicui area showed an easy-going look, bent its neck slightly, and rubbed Baotaro's cheek.

"Hehe, but it looks okay."

“Actually quite right”

Xiaoguang and Xiaowang, who are pure passers-by, stood at the back and commented with a dry smile.

Not to mention, a pure yang and a pure yin, if put together, it is a pretty perfect picture.

"Wait a minute wait!


Ah Jin was inserted directly between the two fiery beasts, with a solemn and serious face.

Bakujiro is male, both of them are male!

"Damn it, I should have known to pick a female Pyrobeast!"

Ah Jin gritted his teeth, full of remorse.

It's like a trainer finally bred a male Xanadu, a female construction veteran, it will look very awkward.


But soon the Firestorm Beast in the Xicui area showed its hands to several people, and flew out the flames around its neck, turning into countless small purple fireballs, dancing around in the air.

Puff boom boom!

In the end, they smashed to the ground one by one like candied haws, smashing a crack in the solid stone floor, which is very powerful.

This move is called the Demon Dance, and it is the exclusive move of the Fiery Beast in the Xicui area. It controls the flames like a will-o'-the-wisp, and can launch a flexible and ghostly attack.

"Well, it's actually pretty good~!"

In the end, it was Chris who patted Ah Jin on the shoulder and comforted him.

After some ideological construction, Ah Jin quickly accepted it.

He is a carefree trainer, and he will not be too stuck in terms of gender.

Most importantly, he finally bred a perfect individual Phantom Pyrobeast!

"Bakujiro, then I will teach you a lot in the future!"

When he came back to his senses, Ah Jin patted the other person on the shoulder and got to know each other again.


And this Xicui fiery beast has a gentle and feminine personality, but it is also full of intimacy with Ah Jin, and soon embraced Ah Jin with a new posture.

After taking the two fiery beasts back, Ah Jin showed a satisfied smile.

Although there were some mistakes in the middle, the matter was finally completed.

As a fiery beast Zhuli, although he has six elves with him, he usually only relies on one fiery beast to fight in gyms and alliances.

This also leads to the high level of Pyrobeast, while the other Pokémon are extremely low-level, and they are all reduced to cannon fodder for temporary replacements to feed Pyrobeast with vitality fragments.

Now that the two fire monsters are in hand, Ah Jin's strength has been raised to another level!

"I hope that one day I will discover some new evolutions of fiery beasts. Maybe I can really get together six different fiery beasts."

Ah Jin secretly dreamed.

He finally picked up the monster slate that had just fallen, and returned it to Xiaozhi.

After all, in the Xicui area, the fire rock mouse evolved naturally by level, and did not need any additional evolution props.

This monster slab is more of an ancient breath, rather than an evolutionary tool that provides the evolutionary energy of the Fire Rat.

"Thank you Xiaozhi, I helped a lot this time, if you need any help next time"

"Haha Master Ajin, you are all from your own family, I will not be polite!"

Xiaozhi laughed loudly while receiving the monster slate, very consciously.

I have been waiting for your words for a long time!

Now it's my turn!

Xiaozhi took out a Pokémon egg from his backpack with his backhand, and carefully placed it on the table.


Seeing Xiaozhi's prepared appearance, Ah Jin's face darkened.

He remembered that Xiaozhi didn't carry any Pokémon eggs with him last time, right?

Could it be that he deliberately picked up shell eggs on the side of the road to squeeze himself?


But hatching eggs pays attention to seeing, hearing, and asking. A Jin just glanced at it from the air, and realized that the Pokémon egg in front of him was not ordinary.

It will definitely not be a bad street Pokémon egg such as Roadside Mukle and Yuanmage.

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