He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1848 Opening Ceremony, Daye vs Bamboo Orchid! (end)

Of course, even though he was performing aerobatics, the flame monkey did not dare to attack directly.

Instead, after a week of gliding, the distance was drawn backwards, and the last somersault landed steadily on the ground.

After all, the opponent still has the characteristic of shark skin, and if you hit it with a flying attribute move, it may not be as high as your own counter-injury damage.


Obviously, his side attacked successively, but the blond woman and the gray-blue ground dragon in front of him gave Daye a feeling that it was difficult to breathe.

Damn it, if only the Flame Monkey could master the Frozen Fist!

His flaming monkey has the characteristics of an iron fist, whether it is a flame fist or a lightning fist, he can easily master only this frozen fist.

Otherwise, with four times the restraint of Frozen Fist, there is no need to be restrained everywhere.

"This is the disadvantage of a single-attribute expert."

In the stands, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Ms. Zhulan only needs to be targeted a little bit, and bring a Muziguo, and she can completely crush the flame monkey to death.

It's impossible for Mr. Daye to secretly raise an ice-type Pokémon that restrains the opponent, right?

In a way, single-attribute specialization can make it easier and more effective for a trainer to grow up

But in the end, it is easy to be restricted by this single attribute and enter the bottleneck period of strength.

Therefore, the vast majority of trainers, in fact, still take the path of all attribute types, and only select a few attributes to continue to break through in the end.

"Daye, I'm going to continue!"

Seeing Daye's embarrassment, Zhulan attacked again:

"Bite the land shark, use the dragon claw!!"

Zhulan was regarded as Daye's senior, but she didn't show any mercy in her attack.


Biting the land shark with a loud roar, he stepped on the ground and rushed out. With a flick of his arm, he stretched out two huge cyan dragon claws.

Daye concentrated on it, and responded quickly:

"Flame Monkey, use the lower body to kick!!"

The Flame Monkey understood that its nimble bodywork was its best weapon, so it rushed out with vigorous strides.

Then the body jumped forward, bypassing the dragon claws that were caught head-on, and turned into a shovel movement on the ground, aiming straight at the left lower limb of the biting land shark.

But Zhulan seemed to have sensed the other party's intentions, and suddenly pointed her finger at the sky.

"Now, jump up and use Dragon God to dive!!"

Lie Bite Lu Shark jumped up quickly, and the same amazing jumping force made the flame monkey's sliding shovel kick empty. In the next moment, Lie Bite Lu Shark's figure jumped into the midair at a height of more than ten meters.


Immediately afterwards, there was a violent roar, covering the audience.

Lie Bite Lu Shark spread out its inverted fin-shaped arms, raised its vertical fins on its back, and the fusiform horns on both sides of its head shone with blue light.

The rays of light loaded with dragon-attributed energy soared, completely turning the biting land shark into a blue-blue giant dragon, opening its bloody mouth, and swooping down with an unrivaled posture!

Dragon God dives! !

The terrifying attack has its own wind pressure, which stirs the surrounding sand and gravel, and the pressure from top to bottom makes the flame on the head of the flame monkey stand up diagonally backward.

Can't hide!

Daye had no choice but to punch out with all his strength, almost shouting:

"Then use our full strength, Flame Monkey, use Flame Charge!!"

The Flame Monkey understood. With the flames in his palms, he pressed forward, instantly covering his whole body with crimson flames.


Then with a kick, the figure rushed out, and the fiery red flames also turned into a faint blue, turning the flame monkey into a huge blue fireball.

Flash Charge! !

The two big moves approached quickly, and in the next blink of an eye, they collided head-on in the center of the arena!

First, there was the frictional stalemate of the outermost energy coat, and then the body of the biting land shark and the flame monkey in the center collided without hindrance!

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, a huge explosion erupted in the center of the arena, and the blue dragon energy and the blue flame energy turned into a tornado soaring into the sky, entangled and scorched.

With the huge dust that was raised, the energy vortex was completely dispersed, and the two Pokémon also passed each other, and they were settled at the other end of their respective arenas.


It's just that this scene didn't last long, the flame monkey closed its red eyes, its body was weak, and it fell down.

The two are not evenly matched, so there is no such thing as "moving first and then falling down".


On the other side, Lie Bite Lu Shark was still standing firmly at one end of the arena, waving its inverted fin arms, and roaring towards the sky, showing its tyrannical posture as the strongest quasi-god of Sinnoh.

Zhulan smiled lightly, raised an arm, and cheered for her glory

"The winner has been decided! The winner of this Champions League challenge is still the champion of the league, Miss Zhulan!!"

The referee raised the flag and shouted loudly, causing the entire venue to burst into thunderous applause and cheers, and the ground of the building trembled faintly.

The perfect posture of Miss Zhulan and Lie Bite Lu Sha as one against two clearly made the image of the strongest champion in the hearts of most Sinnoh people still stand firmly.

"Tsk, it's really strong."

After watching it completely, Xiao Zhi secretly had a headache.

Strong is strong, but after all, the huge advantage of attributes is there.

Mr. Daye didn't play too many things about Ms. Zhulan, which made him very unsatisfactory to watch.

Compared with the high-pitched cheers from the vast majority of passers-by and the audience, the expressions of the scattered trainers, especially the trainers who are about to compete, became more serious.

It can be said that the bamboo orchid is the mountain that weighs on the hearts of all of them.

Now it seems that this mountain is still so insurmountable.

"Ah, Miss Zhulan, you're still so powerful! Daddy probably can't beat her!?"

The irritable boy, Ah Xun, is currently grabbing his head and rubbing it constantly.

Not to mention Zhulan, Mr. Daye, he can't beat him now.

Why are the seniors so strong, give them young people room to breathe, he wants to go up and fine them money!


A corner of the arena was also watching the game, Shinji gritted his teeth, and finally couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The last time he fought against Zhulan, it ended in his total defeat.

Even though his strength has long been different from before, but looking at it now, Shinji's heart hangs again.

Somewhere at the end of the venue, a man with black and blue long hair was leaning against the wall, with only one eye exposed, staring straight at the noble and gorgeous woman under the stage, like the most dazzling star on the stage.

"Is this the strongest champion of Sinnoh? Sure enough."

Dakdo put his hands on his chest and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"However, it's not impossible to win."

But in the end, he suddenly spit out a word, and ignored the restless cheers and cheers around him.

Turning around alone, temporarily left this noisy meeting place.

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