He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1856 Medical team, please lift it again

"Um, is it so strong?"

Xiaozhi was also surprised by this unexpected power. This was the first time he tried to use mega evolution to fight Heracross.

It seems that the power of Heracross's mega evolution has been fully added to this unicorn.

"It seems that I have to keep a hand in the future."

This made Xiaozhi a little ashamed, and it was not good to beat his opponent every game until he was carried on a stretcher by Ji Lidan.

That's why he didn't plan to attend the league convention.

It's okay to meet the mysterious Dakota, or the senior trainer Shinji who has also been in several regions.

But other opponents, the strength gap is too big.

The new companions sent to the Sinnoh area can fight normally.

But once the former veteran is deployed, you need to worry about whether the shot will be too heavy?

After all, in Dr. Oki's backyard, his Pokémon didn't just sit there for the elderly.

The strength grows little by little with time, becoming more and more powerful, and each Pokémon is gradually able to be independent.

"Well, if you go to the Hezhong area next, you won't be participating in any alliance conference."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi thought to himself.

Wait a minute, why did I subconsciously say that I will go to the Hezhong area next?

Back on the field, Shang Zhi over there wiped the sweat from his brow, startled by the opponent in front of him.

Looking at the spiked horns that were slender than the whole body, the impact of this mega Heracross was simply not something he could compete with.

"Please, Roseredo!"

However, Shangzhi did not directly choose to abstain, and still sent a second Pokémon.

Rose Redo raised Rose's arms, half-covering her face, her elegant and concealed temperament was somewhat similar to Shang Zhi's.

"Rosredo, use the grass flute!!"

Regaining his spirits, Shang Zhi took the initiative to attack.

"Rose, Wu~"

Roseredo sang melodiously on the grass flute as if singing.

In terms of strength, they are completely unable to compete, so they must restrict the opponent's actions!

"This trick is useless to my Heracross, use a million horns!"

Seeing that the opponent did not lose his fighting spirit, Xiaozhi put on a posture and responded.

Mega Heracross assumed the same posture, the long horns on the top of the head vibrated at high frequency, and the sonic vibrations produced completely disrupted and destroyed the sleeping singing voice.

The use of the big horn made Heracross seem to have acquired the "sound insulation" feature, completely immune to the attacks of sound moves.

However, Shang Zhi seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and suddenly said:

"Now, use the hypnotic powder!!"

Roseredo changed his move in an instant, and the powder hidden in the petals of his palm flew out, bypassing the fierce horn, and landed on Heracross' body one after another.

During the process, Rosredo also released a rich and fragrant floral fragrance.

This is the inherent ability of its body. It uses the strong aroma to lure the opponent, and then uses the poisonous stinger to launch a deadly surprise attack on the approaching prey!


The unusually strong fragrance made Heracross's eyes suddenly turn into love hearts, and his tongue stuck out from the corner of his mouth, swallowing and licking for a while, as if he enjoyed the taste very much.

"Hey Heracross, you bastard.!"

Seeing Heracross who fell to the ground and fell asleep after a while, Xiaozhi could only curse helplessly.

His Heracross loves to lick the sap juice, and even at the risk of being whipped by his own froggrass, he would rush to suck the nectar juice from the latter's back forcibly.

It can be said that Roseredo's similar smell happened to hit Heracross's weakness.


Without the slightest resistance, the hypnotic powder hit completely, Heracross closed his carapace body, and dreamed comfortably.

Seeing this, Shangzhi looked overjoyed, sometimes luck is very important!

Then he looked up at the sky. Today's sun is still strong, and it should turn the weather ball into a flame bomb with a flame attribute.

"Good opportunity, use the weather balloon!"

Rose Leiduo nodded, quickly raised her arms, and condensed a pure white energy bomb.

Under the sunlight, the weather balloon ignited with a "boom" and was about to be thrown out!

"Sometimes, luck is still very important." At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly said, and Shang Zhi was taken aback by his voice.

But the next moment, he understood what Xiaozhi meant.

"Heracross, use sleep talk!!"

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Heracross, who was sleeping, saw that although his eyes were still closed, his whole body had stood up again.

The limbs and body were also swinging wildly, shaking.

"Hera zzz!"

Accompanied by a burst of talking in sleep, Heracross suddenly sank at the waist, and a blue light flashed from the big horn on the top of his head.

Boom boom! !

The next moment, the big horn ejected countless gray-green energy spikes, like rpg missiles, all bombing and flying in the direction of Luosreduo!

In a dream, Heracross used the missile needle!

This is really not what Xiaozhi is targeting. Pokémon with a natural and casual personality, it is easy to master the trick of talking in sleep.

It belongs to intelligent matching.


Looking at the bombardment and strafing missile needles coming from all over the sky, Luosreiduo couldn't help widening her eyes, her footsteps were a little weak, and her body froze in place.

The flame bombs and weather balls it threw disappeared after only smashing and resisting two missile needles.

However, the remaining missile needles are still densely packed, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky!

The sleeping Heracross at the source is like a turret without ammunition, continuously blasting out new missile needles.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entire body of the beetle trembled because of the strong recoil.

In the end, the needles of the flying missiles fell all over the sky, locked on the target precisely, and completely covered Roseredo's thin body.

Boom boom boom! !

A series of blasting and bombing sounds frequently sounded, and a burst of explosions that lasted for half a minute directly erupted in the arena.


The continuous explosions almost in front of him also made Shang Zhi who was closest to him turn pale, and also stood there dumbfounded.

As the smoke dissipated, a large crater had been blasted into the ground around Roseredo's body. The former was lying in the center with a tragic figure and scars all over his body.

"The speaker cricket can't fight! The medical team, please lift it up again!"

The referee hurriedly said loudly.

"Auspicious." "Auspicious."

Immediately afterwards, two chubby auspicious eggs ran over, panting, and carried them away on a stretcher.

It's these two unlucky guys again.

In the usual alliance conference, there are not many cases where first aid needs to be carried away.

Most of the lucky eggs who are on standby at the venue come to catch fish and watch the show, and the lucky eggs who stay at the elf center are the 24-hour hardworking first aid and healing.

But the battles that need to be carried away today are too many, auspicious!

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