He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1858 Watching the battle, Shinji vs Ashu!

"Good play, Heracles!"

The battle was easily resolved, Xiaozhi took back Heracross who had exited the mega evolution state, and stepped forward to shake hands with Shangzhi after the match.

"It seems that my luck this year is really bad."

Shang Zhi had an easy-going personality, lightly played the harp to accompany him, and said with emotion.

There was a sudden reform in the gorgeous competition field, and as a result, all the coordinators began to involve wildly, and there were also a lot of old-fashioned and senior coordinators.

As a result, he didn't have time to collect five ribbons, and he wasn't even eligible to participate in the first Super Gorgeous Contest.

And the current league conference is also the second round of the preliminaries.

It's really unlucky to run into Xiaozhi, the "disastrous star" right now.

"Forget it, I'd better go see Rose Redo and the speaker cricket."

After shaking hands with Xiaozhi, Shangzhi heaved a sigh of relief, quickly regained his strength, and walked quickly towards the direction of the elf center.

As for the spectators watching the arena, there were also mixed comments.

"Didn't it mean that this young man is the real beast man? Why is there no Nightmare God?"

"Fake it? What cjb."

"Even though that beetle is really powerful, it's basically a flat push."

Many viewers purposely came to see the figure of the Nightmare God, but they didn't see the ghost at all.

Even though the battle is still a wonderful crushing situation, Xiaozhi's reputation has dropped slightly.

No matter how powerful a player is, "divine beast" is still the keyword that makes countless trainers most excited.

"Forget it, I'll go see another beast man."

"Although that one lost once, at least it is a real nightmare god, quenching thirst."

"But it seems that there is also a crushing situation on that side"

"Could it be that we misunderstood him, he is the real beast man?"

In contrast, Dakdo's reputation gradually began to pick up.

Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders. How could the audience seem to have more roles than the players in a league meeting?

Not long after Xiaozhi left the arena, when he passed by a next-door arena, he found that both sides of the match were actually his acquaintances.

On one side was a irascible-looking curly-haired yellow-haired man, and the commanding voice was mixed with cursing words.

On the other side was a very old-fashioned and withdrawn boy in sportswear, with a very short and capable voice.

"Oh, interesting, did Shinji and Ah Shun match up so quickly?"

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested, and simply stood on the sidelines of the arena to watch.

However, the game seemed to be in the second half, and Xiaozhi glanced out of the corner of his eye, and found that on the electronic screen, Ah Xun had only the last Pokémon left.

Now fighting on the field is his original Yu Sanjia, the ace Emperor Nabo.


However, it seemed that Emperor Nabo was not in a very good condition, he was a little out of breath.

On Shinji's side, he has already used two Pokémon, and the one on the field is a Mala

But the head portrait of the first Pokémon has not turned gray, it seems that it has only been replaced temporarily.

"Ma Yula, use split tile!"

This vigorous Ma Huanla jumped frequently on the field, and her small black figure turned into afterimages. Finally, seizing the right opportunity, she slashed forward fiercely with her sharp claws.

Bang bang! !

The extremely effective tile-splitting move hit Emperor Nabo's chest, and there was a burst of explosion.

"Don't underestimate our will! Emperor Nabo, use the steel wings!!"

With Ah Xun's loud roar, Emperor Nabo's fighting spirit was completely ignited.

Trying to hold on to this splitting tile, then its wings turned into steel, and it slashed forward brazenly!


The powerful steel wings directly chopped off Ma Yula's petite body, causing outstanding damage!

"And then there's the high-pressure water pump!!"

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Nabo raised his head, and the water gushed out from the bird's beak, forming a thick and high-pressure water column.

Boom! !

The high-pressure water pump hit the mahoon again, and the terrible momentum threw it far away and fell in front of Shinji.

"Ma Huan."

Ma Xuanla, who fell to the ground, rolled her eyes and wailed, announcing that she could not fight.

"Finally I won one! Alright, Emperor Nabo, fight back from now on!!"

Ah Xu seems to have acquired the "overconfidence" characteristic of the Gyarados, and defeating one immediately boosted his morale to the extreme.


However, Emperor Nabo, who fought with all his strength one after another, was depleting his physical strength rapidly, and his steps became a little shaky.

And looking at the defeated Ma Yula in front of him, Shinji's expression did not change, he just snorted casually:

"Hmph useless guy."

Then he retracted it into the ball without any hesitation, and then sent a third Pokémon backhand.

This time it was a huge electric monster with a yellow body covered with black streaks of lightning.

"electric shock!!"

As soon as the electric shock monster came out, it let out a high-pitched cry, turned its strong arms, and sparked electric sparks from the radar tentacles above its head, staring at the penguin in front of it.

In terms of attributes, he was completely at a disadvantage, and Ah Xun's complexion suddenly changed.

But there is no way out, so I can only bite the bullet!

This scene. It also made Xiaozhi outside the court shake his head with some regret.

Do your best. Only kill one of Shinji's Pokémon?

And as far as he knew, Shinji's Ma Huanla was an old cannon fodder, and it would fall down at every turn.

Although Shinji often calls this marshmallow a "useless thing", he didn't abandon it, which is quite surprising to Xiaozhi.

"This is an electric monster."

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, looking at the back of this electric shock monster.

This is the evolution of Shinji's previous Electric Shock Beast. Both its strength and power have been greatly improved.

"Anyway, fight with all your strength! Emperor Nabo, use the strongest high-pressure water cannon!!"

Ah Xun blushed, but still roared and took the initiative to attack.

The emperor Nabo also used his strength again, and the water cannon in his mouth roared out again.

"Electric shock monster, use electric discharge!"

Compared with the hoarse voice on the opposite side, Shinji's commanding voice was very flat, and he responded in a leisurely manner.

Suddenly, violent lightning burst out from the whole body of the electric shock monster, and as the hands were raised, the electric current bombarded forward one after another.

The collision of the water cannon and the electric discharge moves caused a brief stalemate at first, but the emperor Nabo, who consumed a lot, was obviously unable to compete with the electric shock monster at the moment, and the water flow was quickly pierced through the middle.

Boom! !

The next moment, the discharge move completely shattered all the water flow and hit Emperor Nabo at the other end.

Dazzling yellow lightning exploded on Emperor Nabo, causing amazing damage!

"Perseverance! Perseverance! Use the steel wings!!"

Ah Xun looked anxious, clenched his fists and shouted.

In the lightning, Emperor Nabo almost fell down, but the trainer's voice seemed to hold it to its last breath.

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