He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1861 Characteristics, Frozen Skin!

The next moment, Mega Ice Ghost Guard suddenly fell from the sky!

Even the whole body is covered with a layer of ice blue energy coat, which makes this attack even more powerful!

Frozen skin!

After completing the mega evolution at this moment, the characteristic of Ice Ghost Guard has become Frozen Skin.

This feature is similar to the fairy skin. It can transform the moves with general attributes into ice attributes. While gaining the blessing of this attribute, the power can also be increased by an additional part.

"Kuhu, use the broken shell, use another power trick!"

Kauping spoke hastily, and changed the conductor once in the middle.

The speed of Huhu is very touchingly low. Although breaking the shell can increase the speed a little, it cannot escape such a overwhelming pressure.

He could only switch between attack and defense again, hoping to block this move with that terrifying defense power.

call out.!

There was a strange light on the surface of Huhu's body, and it became extremely hard again.

The next moment, Mega Bingguihu's figure fell from the sky like a big iron ball, hitting Huhu's petite body right in the middle!

Boom! !

The power of Mount Tai under the addition of frozen skin is terrifying. Under the heavy pressure, the ground trembles violently, and countless rock fragments are shaken up.

This scene made many people break out in a cold sweat. Wouldn't the little red-shelled turtle be crushed and cracked?

Soon, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the Mega Ice Ghost Guard re-suspended and floated back in front of Xiaozhi.

"Pot pot."

On the other side, this jug has been deeply embedded in the ground, its eyes are spinning, and it cannot fight.

"Damn! Didn't you block it?"

Kaoping's face darkened, and he could only frowned and retracted the pot.

This pot of his is a professional thug who abuses vegetables. He started with a power trick, and then the terrifying power can make some ordinary trainers doubt their lives.

"Is such a trick useless to him?"

Even if the pot uses the broken shell, it can't stand its own speed, and the effect is not great if it is added.

As long as you are aware of this, you can easily beat your own pot.

Kauping pushed his glasses and stared at Xiaozhi in front of him.

He has investigated Xiaozhi's information, and his past experience is very terrifying. His strength is probably not at the same level as trainers at their level.

But it's not impossible for him to win.

Because he also knows that in many alliance conferences that Xiaozhi participated in, in the early stage of the schedule, basically only some Pokémon with normal strength will be sent.

Although it is still very strong, for ordinary trainers, there is still a chance to break through.

That's right, let him roll over today!

Coping secretly cheered himself up and threw out the second poke ball.


A red light fell, and this time it was a tall, upright Pokémon.

It has a pink body, a round belly with a wifi-like pattern on it, and a big pink tongue that is nearly one meter long protruding from the corner of the split mouth.

"Oh, is the second just a big tongue lick?"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened. This is just an evolution of the big tongue in his hometown, and it is also a new species discovered in the Sinnoh area.

The opponent in front of him is a trainer type who plays with his brain, but he wants to see what other tricks Copin can play.

"Don't be careless, Ice Ghost Guardian!"

So Xiaozhi reminded with a low drink, if he is not serious, he may really overturn the car.

"Ice Roar!!"

The victorious Mega Ice Ghost Guard danced continuously in mid-air, its mouth opening and closing continuously releasing ice mist.

The battle is on again!

"Big tongue licking, use sunny days!!"

This time Coppin seemed to be planning to play with the weather, and aimed at the air from the beginning.

Because the ice ghost guard is much faster than the opponent, even if the ice ghost guard also masters the hail move, it can't compete with the opponent in terms of weather.

"In that case, Ice Ghost Guard, use Blizzard!!"

The mega ice ghost opened its mouth, and the ice and snow storm blowing out suddenly raged out without any hindrance, and bombarded the big belly with big tongue.

You can drive as you like in the weather, but let me give you a big move first!


A bone-piercing chill in his stomach made Da Tong Lick slightly bend over and frown.

Fortunately, the scorching sun had already appeared in the sky, and the dazzling sun set down, which made the stadium that had been transformed into an ice and snow venue by the ice ghost guards become a little warmer.

"Lick with a big tongue, use the rock seal!!"

But then, Big Tongue Licking didn't use the weather to do anything, but used a rock-type move.

Huge rocks were thrown one after another, and the Ice Ghost Guard still uses freeze-drying as its signature, completely freezing the incoming rocks.


However, when these rocks exploded, the aroused crushed stone powder fell on the ice ghost's bodyguard, which slowed down the latter's speed.

"Taking advantage of this time, the big characters will burst into flames!!"

Kauping raised his finger and directly launched a strong attack!

Looking at the big characters of Lie Yan (raging flames) attacking head-on, the power in the sun was instantly increased, and it would not even lose to the strength of the fire-attribute Pokémon.

"Is that so?"

Xiaozhi naturally understood that the hit of the big character explosion is average, so first use the rock seal to slow down the speed as a foreshadowing.

However, this simple trick has no effect on his Ice Ghost Guard.

"Ice Ghost Guard, use Frozen Fang!"

As the words fell, Mega Ice Ghost Guard's huge mouth was covered with ice and snow energy, and sharp teeth extended out.

Of course, Frozen Fang didn't directly attack the big-character explosion in front of him, but aimed at the ground in front of him.

Ka. Zizizi!

As the ice ghost guard bit down, the extremely cold breath stretched out along the teeth, and in the blink of an eye, huge icicles froze along the way.

Boom Chi Chi Chi.!

It's just that the big-character explosive flames with the bonus of sunny days are powerful, and they cannot be resisted by such icicles. They melt and crack at the moment of contact, and the offensive has not stopped.

However, the contact of fire and ice also caused a thick white mist of steam to rise in the arena in an instant, completely hiding the figure of Bing Guihu.


Kaoping couldn't help cursing in a low voice after he didn't hear the sound of big characters exploding and exploding for a long time.

It seems that they missed the target, and the target was staggered, and the big character explosion should fly to the auditorium behind.

So where is the real body of Ice Ghost Guard?

Coping's first reaction was to be in the sky, thinking that the opponent would repeat the same trick.

Boom boom boom!

It's just that he suddenly heard a majestic impact sound coming from the water mist directly in front of him, and the sound intensified, even the ground began to tremble.

"It's now, use the ultimate shock!!"

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, the next moment, Bing Guihu rushed forward to lick his big tongue!

The whole body is wrapped in an ice-blue spiral energy coat, and the terrifying destructive power instantly washes away all the surrounding mist, revealing the powerful posture of the ice-light shock wave.

Frozen skin, ultimate shock! !

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