"How about it, Scorpion King's Frozen Fang~!"

The move worked, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he said proudly.

During the half month of exercising in Tianguan Mountain, Scorpio King's other abilities did not improve, but with the help of the harsh environment on the top of Tianguan Mountain where the heavy snow was raging, he practiced a mouthful of frozen teeth.

Mi Yi began to breathe rapidly, relying on this move's frozen teeth like a magnet, the ice attribute moves could not achieve any good effect at all.

"Dream demon, use ghost fire!!"

She quickly changed her tactics, since ice is not enough, then use fire!


The purple-black dream monster uttered a long cry, and with a "puchi" around its body, several wisps of blue will-o'-the-wisps were ignited, and then they all flew towards the Scorpion King.

"Scorpio King, avoid them all!"

With Xiaozhi's big hand, Scorpio King opened his gliding wings, and his whole body was lifted up by the wind.

Before the Scorpion King evolved, he was specially trained in flying skills. Although the flying speed is not fast, it is extremely flexible.

Two large pincers open the way in front, and the wings under the shoulders can be slightly adjusted to change the flight trajectory in an instant.

call out.!

I saw the Scorpion King flying nimbly in the air, and his figure kept shuttling among the ghost fire balls, but none of them hit him.


The dream monster's eyes glowed with blue light, as if casting a magical flame.

As the blue thought power flew out of the body, the will-o'-the-wisps tens of meters away also changed their trajectories one after another, all chasing after the Scorpion King.

call out.!

call out.!

This made the situation of the Scorpion King instantly dangerous. He could only fly with all his strength in the air, while the will-o'-the-wisps behind him were getting closer and closer.

Once touched by the ghost fire, the physical attack is halved. It can be said that the Scorpio King is basically abolished.


This made the Scorpion King clenched his teeth even more, flying desperately, his body rubbing against the air at high speed and making sharp noises.

Just like this, he took the ghost fire behind him all the way up and down, swaying from side to side.

And the dream monster below also widened its eyes, and the blue light was soaring, driving the will-o'-the-wisp, and exerting its spiritual power to the extreme

"Stop quickly, dream monster!"

At this time, Mi Yi suddenly let out a low voice, the anxious voice made Meng Yao stunned for a moment.

It subconsciously dissipated its thoughts, and its eyes returned to their original yellow and pink pupils.

But when he saw it, he saw that the big head of the Scorpion King had come to a position less than three meters in front of it, and it was rushing straight.

"It's now, take off quickly!!"

Xiaozhi pointed his finger at the sky and said loudly.


At the limit distance, the Scorpio King suddenly winked mischievously at the Dream Demon, and then suddenly spread the plane of the wings to the maximum, and the whole body instantly took off due to the updraft.

But those will-o'-the-wisps that have been chasing behind are not so intelligent

Boom! !

The will-o'-the-wisp, which couldn't stop the car, directly hit the dream demon, who instantly burst into flames.

"It's now, use the crushing trick!!"

The next moment, the Scorpio King went and returned, descending from the sky, and this time, a pure white energy sharp tooth was condensed from the opened bloody mouth.

Meng Yaomo was completely stunned and stood there in a daze.

Bang bang! !

Swooping down, the crushing move hit the front, and the burst energy teeth blasted the Dream Demon into the air!

The effect is outstanding!

"Meng Wu."

As the smoke dissipated, the dream monster fell to the ground and rolled its eyes, completely losing its ability to fight.

In the VIP spectator seats at the same position as Zhulan, there was a man in a wine red suit, with long blue-purple hair hanging down, and sunglasses.

"After all, it's not a Pokémon with super powers."

Wu Song couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He is the king of super power attributes, and he understands the power of mind very well.

Manipulating ghost fire, or manipulating other objects to track and attack opponents, as long as it is a Pokémon that masters mind power, it can do it.

But only Pokémon with superpower attributes, relying on their strong mental power, can exert mental power on one side and at the same time have extra mental power to scan the audience, and the overall situation is under control.

Instead of being led around by the Scorpio King all the way, he even forgot his own existence and beat himself up.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town is really strong."

Wu Song pushed his glasses and stared at the boy wearing a hat at the end of the arena.

The level of the quarter-finals of the league conference, in fact, few league kings would be interested in watching it.

The two had met at the random ruins before, and Wu Song also came here to cheer for Xiaozhi, and wanted to see Xiaozhi's battle by the way.

"But I didn't expect Miss Zhulan to be interested in this boy, too?"

Wu Song squinted his eyes, looked at the blond woman sitting beside him, and asked jokingly.

Zhulan chuckled lightly, but she didn't take her eyes off Xiaozhi, and replied slowly:

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be invincible."

This answer surprised Wu Song a little.

What do you mean, Miss Zhulan regards Xiaozhi as an opponent?

On the field, the game is still going on.

The continuous fierce battle made Mi Yi's face start to sweat profusely, and his breathing became disordered.

She originally wanted to defeat Xiao Zhi and obtain Xie Mi's information.

As a result, it hasn't been long now, and there is only the last Pokémon left on her body, and there is no way out.

On the other side, all six Pokémon still have sufficient physical strength.

With the defeat of the dream monster before, Mi Yi was replaced by the forked bat again.

It's just that neither the ultrasonic waves nor the venomous fangs, which he was good at, had no good effect on the Scorpio King. Instead, he was bitten by the latter's frozen teeth and lost his fighting ability.

And Mi Yi's fifth Pokémon is a naughty Thunderbolt.

"I see."

Xiaozhi was still puzzled, since the cross-word bat obviously has no attribute advantage over the Scorpio King, why did he still send it.

Because of the mischievous thunderbolt with electric attributes, there are no moves to fight!

Although Naughty Thunderbolt is also a super-fast Pokémon, the ground-type Scorpio King is immune to electric shocks and is completely invincible, defeating it in just a few rounds.

"Come back, Scorpio King!"

Pushing the latter into a desperate situation, in fact, the outcome was already decided, but Xiaozhi still took the Scorpio King back.

It seems that Mi Yi's last trump card may not be able to restrain the Scorpio King very well.

Looking at the girl with her head lowered and her fists tightly clenched, Xiaozhi thought for a while, and then shouted loudly:

"Mi Yi, our agreement last night is that you only need to defeat one of my Pokémon!"

He was afraid that this girl who didn't know how to express her emotions would really be possessed by Xie Mi.


And hearing these words, Mi Yi really raised his head, his eyes became bright again.

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