He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1880 The quarter-finals ended

Darkley's ghost claw condensed in front of him, quickly condensed a black light bullet, and immediately threw it out at an extremely fast speed!

It does not know how many times it has repeated this action, it is extremely skillful and fast, making it difficult for people to guard against.


This Sidolan didn't react for a while, and was directly hit by the dark hole, and a black film of light suddenly rose around its body.

Limbs and feet spread out, closed eyes, and just fell asleep.

Seeing this, Dakdo's heart was relieved, and now the winner can finally be determined.

"Darkley, use Dream Eater!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, the elite trainer Yongna also issued a command.

"Sitran, use Snore!"

However, Sidolan, who was lying on the ground, opened his mouth wide open as if sleepwalking, although his eyes were still closed.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

In his sleep, Sidolan let out a huge roar, and the thunderous snoring even set off a strong cyclone, directly hitting Darkrai!

For a moment, there was a roaring sound in the ears, and Darkley couldn't help but slow down, and didn't use the dream-eating move at the first time.

"What the hell?"

This made Duck a little bit dumbfounded, what kind of intelligent matching.

But in fact, it is not uncommon for a Pokémon like Sidrann, who has been soaked in volcanic magma for a long time, to sleepwalk occasionally, master sleep talking, and snoring.


Entirely covered by the violent snoring noise, the Nightmare God grunted with a distressed expression.

It is not a ghost-type Pokémon, but a purely evil-type Pokémon, and snoring moves of general attributes can produce effects.

But after calming down for a while, Darkley still forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable roar in his ears, and an illusory shadow suddenly flew out from his body.

Eat dreams! !

Darkley's shadow fell on the sleeping Darkley, the surface of the latter's figure suddenly glowed red, and his stamina also dropped rapidly.

"Sitron, keep using Snore!"

Yong Na's expression became anxious, and he said quickly.

Bearing the nightmare-like blow, Sidolan opened his mouth to the maximum, releasing thunderous explosions continuously.

Yuna and Dakdo at both ends of the arena watched each other closely, and the battle entered a dangerous tug-of-war.

After three rounds, Sidolan finally woke up.


It's just that its condition doesn't look that good, and it's still panting when it supports its body.

Obviously, the combination of Diablo Hole and Dream Eater is still very powerful.


But on the other hand, Darkley's condition was even worse.

Under the double blow of the fatigue accumulated in the early stage and the damage received at this moment, the figure suspended in the air was a little shaky.

Fortunately, the dream-eating move has added some stamina, otherwise it would have fallen down now.

"Sidolan, use Lava Storm!!"

"Darkley, use the wave of evil!!"

The eyes of the two men froze, and they finally stopped hesitating and launched the final attack together!


Xi Duolan was the first to attack, with a very irritable expression as if he was getting up, trampling on the ground again and again.

Opened to the largest mouth, it continuously spewed out terrifying magma and flint.

Accompanied by the strong and violent storm, they were stirred and entangled together, forming an exaggerated magma storm and rushing out!

Lava Storm is the exclusive move of Sidoran!

And Darkley closed his ghost claws, this time accumulating a large black cluster energy bullet, and shooting forward a beam of equally powerful black ring shock waves!

Boom boom boom! !

The lava storm and the wave of evil collided head-on in the center of the arena, setting off a huge energy explosion, and the momentum was greater than any previous battle.

This also made countless viewers completely excited. This year's Lily of the Valley Conference was really not in vain.

The top eight will be able to see such a battle situation

Then the next semi-finals, finals, still have it? !

call out.!

After a while, the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, but the scene was a bit surprising.

On the field, the mighty Nightmare God fell down again.

The pitch-black figure was lying on the ground, and the white hair on the top of its head drooped down, making it difficult to see whether its eyes had turned into swirling eyes, or it was simply sleeping.


On the other side, although Sidoran barely stood up, he still maintained his last physical strength.

The referee quickly trotted up to Clay, carefully picked up the latter's white hair, and after confirming that the eyes hidden inside had completely fainted, he pronounced the verdict loudly:

"Darkley has lost the ability to fight!"

These words immediately made the whole venue agitated, and the voices continued.

The Nightmare God has finally fallen, so where is Dakdo's next Pokémon?

"Come back, Sidoran."

However, when Dakdo took back Dakley with a gloomy face, Yuna on the other side also suddenly took back his Sidran.

Even the referee was stunned for a while, and looked at the latter blankly.

You must know that you don't have any Pokémon anymore. Taking it back at this time is tantamount to abstaining from the competition!

"Hey! Hold on for a few more seconds!"

"That's right, even if you don't fight, at least wait for the beast man to release the second Pokémon before giving up!"

"I bet others that this guy's other five Pokémon are mythical beasts!"

Numerous spectators were greatly regretted, shouting and protesting in front of the spectator railing.

Even the closest referee was a pity, but in the end he could only raise his arms and give a fair judgment.

"Contestant Yuna's six Pokémon can no longer fight, so this quarter-final match will be won by Dakoto!"

In the huge background surround sound, there are also shouts and curses.

But Yuna and Dakdo walked to the center of the arena together as if they didn't hear them, and shook hands after the match.

"Don't you want to see my next Pokémon at all?"

Although the game was over, Dakdo still teased, still messing with his opponent's mentality.

However, this elite trainer has completely calmed down. This time, he was not offended by the opponent's provocation, but replied equally sharply:

"I've already defeated your trump card Nightmare God, enough is enough."

Looking at Dakdo's cos Nightmare God costume, it's obvious that Nightmare God can't just be his weakest Pokémon, right?

With his Sidoran's state, it is obvious that he can't beat the next opponent, so Yongna simply saves the last face and takes the initiative to leave the game.


Hearing this, Dakdo's expression sank, not knowing what he was thinking.

The third quarter-finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference, in the end, even directly evolved into a rare battle of gods, and the curtain officially came to an end.

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