He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1883 The circle bear with violent perseverance!

In the burnt state, even if Mukehawk uses the Wings of the Wind infinitely, it will not be able to cause too much damage.

"Quanquan Xiong, use Thunder Fist!!"

On the other side, the circle bear roared furiously, and then rushed towards the direction of the Muke Eagle. The bear grasped a fist and burst out a dazzling electric light.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't like to fight, and responded quickly:

"Mikehawk, use rapid return!"

Hearing this command, although Mukehawk was a little dissatisfied, it also felt the weakness of its own strength.

At the league meeting, you don't give drugs or anything on the spot, and the burn feature can't be solved at all.

Damn it!

It's rare that it still wants to make a big show today!

Is it because the last eight finals were too showy, so there are no shots this time? !


In the end, the Mukehawk uttered a high-pitched cry as farewell, swooped out quickly, and performed a rapid return.

Although it entered the burn, the speed of the whole body did not weaken.


After colliding with the circle bear, the Mukehawk bounced back quickly by the reaction force, almost passing the dangerous thunder and lightning fist with its beak.

call out.!

The next moment, the Mukehawk had already been taken back into the ball by Xiaozhi, and then with a "bang", it was automatically replaced with the second Pokémon.

However, the Pokémon that appeared this time surprised Shinji a little, and he was very familiar with it.


Flaming Monkey let out a low growl, jumped several times in a row to warm up, and then settled on the field, staring at the opponent in front of him with piercing eyes.

Hmm, where did the human on the opposite side seem to have seen it before?

"A flame monkey?"

Shinji frowned, and it seemed that it was an accident that he met his old Pokémon so quickly.

But now he will never show any mercy, only by completely defeating Xiaozhi can he prove that his decision that day was correct!

"Round Bear, use Stomp!!"

Without hesitation, Shinji took the lead in attacking.

The stomp of the ground attribute can not only cause outstanding damage, but also reduce the speed of the flame monkey.

"Flame Monkey, use Sonic Fist!"

However, the next moment, the flame monkey who was still jumping on the spot suddenly exerted strength, and almost instantly sprinted in front of the circle bear, clenched his fists, and punched out brazenly.

Whoosh! !

The Sonic Fist hit the target one step ahead, directly smashing the circle bear back two steps, and the stomping move was interrupted.


Shinji's face sank, he just sent away a house bird that can only be preempted, and now there is another flame monkey that can be preempted?

"It's not over yet, use the Soaring Fist!!"

The flame monkey is two heads shorter than the circle bear, and after the end of the fast punch, the figure will decrease accordingly.

Then stomped on the ground and leaped high again, the fist on the other side was already covered with a more intense and dangerous white light!

Phew! !

The powerful and heavy Chongtian fist hit Quanquanxiong's chin, this time it was much stronger than the sonic punch!

Vaguely, one could even hear the cracking sound of the jawbone of the circle bear, and the whole body was sent flying horizontally by this huge force.

The effect is outstanding!

"Roar! Roar!!"

However, the circle bear after landing was not unable to fight on the spot, but kept roaring furiously in place, and those blood-colored pupils were enough to deter wild Pokémon with low levels.

Amidst bursts of roars, Huanquan Xiong hugged his palms together, his overlapping arms glowed white, and then he swung forward heavily.

Arm punch! !

Snapped.! !

Even at the speed of the flame monkey, he was also brushed aside by this violent blow, and it affected his right arm.

"Crack Roar!"

Flame Monkey could only hold his right arm with one hand, and quickly rolled backwards, pulling away from his body.

This made Xiaozhi look at the berserk brown bear in front of him in astonishment.

He is familiar with Pokémon like the circle bear, but how can he attack with a full-strength brave bird first, and then eat two punches with outstanding effects, and then wait for a berserk attack like a bear that seems to be okay? of?

Where did Shinji find the monster?

"Circle circle bear, use it to make a big fuss!!"

Shinji from the rear also quickly commanded.

Although making a fuss is not the best command at the moment, but as the trainer of this circle bear, he knows the basics best.

Don't look at it, it seems that you have eaten several moves, and you are all like a bear.

But at this moment, the physical strength of the circle bear is almost at the end.

At this time, relying on perseverance to hold on, he could only continue to attack crazily, otherwise, once he stopped, it would be the time when the circle bear fell down.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The circle bear was naturally still roaring, its whole body rushed out like a hill, its two bear paws danced airtightly, and rushed straight in the direction of the flame monkey.

The task of the circle bear is to break the wings of the Mick Eagle.

Now that the goal has been accomplished, if he can pull the flame monkey off his horse now, Shinji will be 60% sure of winning today!

However, Xiaozhi already had a coping strategy, and calmly shouted:

"Flame monkey, use digging!"

The next moment, the flame monkey dug a hole on the spot and sneaked into the ground at high speed.

He understands the trick of making a fuss.

Like Ni Lin, once this move is used, the trainer can no longer control the Pokémon, and the latter will launch the same attack for several rounds in a row.

In this way, it is impossible for the circle bear to perform the "stomp" move, which is very dangerous to the flame monkey, and he can dig a hole to hide with confidence.

"Bear Roar!!"

Sure enough, after the circle bear found himself alone on the field, he fell into a powerless rage, and kept roaring and roaring on the spot.

The bear's paws, arms, body, and head kept facing the surrounding ground, causing damage to the trees, but all of them were in vain, and instead they beat him with scars.


And Shinji just watched coldly from behind, didn't say anything, and shouted heartbreakingly, "Bear in circles, believe in yourself, wake up quickly."

And with the end of the three rounds, the circle bear who had vented had returned to a sober state.

It's just that not only fell into a state of panic at this moment, but because the originally tense string was finally loosened, the circle bear became extremely weak and sat down on the ground.

"Chirp. Roar!!"

The next moment, the flame monkey, who was waiting for work, dug out of the hole, and once again hit the unsuspecting circle bear with an iron fist, completely ending this violent Pokémon.

"Circle circle bear, you can't fight!"

The referee hurriedly said loudly.

And when Xiaozhi looked at Shinji, he found that the latter was also staring at him closely with bad eyes.

"This guy."

If it were Xiaozhi, he would definitely believe in his Pokémon, believe in the bond, and would yell a few words to try to wake up the circle bear.

It can be said that even if the two command Pokémon, they are in diametrically opposite ways.

After realizing this at the same time, the anger of the two of them was completely blown out!

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