He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1892 Turtle vs. Duckbill!

Although I have seen this earthen platform turtle, which can play the ultimate absorption into an effect similar to a strong whip, but Shinji is not panicked at all.

"Flame Roar~!"

The platypus even moved its body, indicating that the latter could be tied up a little tighter.


I saw that the vines wrapped around the former's waist made a sharp sound, emitted white smoke as if being burned, and quickly melted and broke.

"A body of flames, what an incredible temperature."

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, the body of the platypus was more dangerous than magma, and the energy vines couldn't bind it at all.

"Duck-billed Flame Beast, Big Character Explosive Flame!"

Shinji has also fully entered the state, ignoring the outcome of the quarter-finals at all, and only has the idea of ​​defeating the current opponent with all his strength in his heart.

"Taitai turtle, use the grass knot!"

However, the platypus raised its arm, and just as the raging flames condensed, it tripped over the vines that suddenly grew under its feet.


He staggered in stature, and the big-character explosion-flame move he sprayed out also lost his aim.

Staggering the body of the tortoise on the platform, it blasted all the way towards the auditorium behind, and finally burst open.

At this time, Xiaozhi called out a strange command:

"Taitai Turtle, have another energy ball and eat it!"

The earth turtle understood, it had tried this operation countless times, and immediately condensed an energy bomb near its mouth.


Then he closed his mouth and directly swallowed the energy bomb into his stomach!

In the next moment, the green grass on the shell of the Terrace Turtle, and even the thick and short tree all glowed with a bright green light, as if they were charged with energy!

Terra Turtle has entered a lush state!

"Can it still be like this?"

Shinji frowned, how come your Yusanjia can manually enter this state? !

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, the platypus also aimed its cannon barrel at the sky, spraying out an orange-red fire ball.

This made the entire arena suddenly bright with sunshine!

Platypus, using a sunny day!

"It's now, use big characters to explode!!"

The platypus showed a ferocious expression, raised its arms, and the fiery flames once again formed a big flame, blasting out forcefully!

Especially under the surrounding sunlight, the power of this burst of big characters is even more powerful!

"Taitai Turtle, we are using Flying Leaf Storm!!"

On the other side, Xiao Zhi didn't show any weakness, and confronted Dao head-on.

The Tutai Turtle let out a low growl, and a strong storm rolled up all over its body in an instant, accompanied by countless sharp green leaves and blades, and rushed out in a spiral!

The opponent has the bonus of a sunny day, and the flying leaf storm of the earth turtle also has a bonus.

Boom boom boom! !

The two moves collided head-on, the firelight and the green leaves collided and bombarded constantly, both wanted to break through each other and drive in!

In the end, the two moves completely exploded, forming a vertical tornado storm in the center of the arena, presenting an evenly matched posture.

But the difference is that the duckbill is still in its prime.

call out.!

On the side of the Tutai Turtle, a weak blue light was already glowing on its body.

After all, every time you use Leaf Storm, your special attack attribute will decrease accordingly, and the power of the next Leaf Storm will decrease a lot.

"Again, use big characters to explode!!"

Shinji obviously noticed this, and immediately attacked again decisively.

And Xiaozhi naturally didn't dare to fight head-on with the opponent this time, and suddenly shouted:

"Use Earthquake!"

Why use a grass-attribute move to fight a volcanic monster. Obviously, the ground-attribute move is also the forte of the earth turtle.


The earth turtle let out a low growl, raised its forelimbs, and then trampled heavily on the ground.

Boom! !

In an instant, the entire arena was shaken, and terrifying seismic waves poured out crazily. The platypus, which had fully withstood the blow, let out a muffled groan and suffered a huge amount of damage!

The effect is outstanding!

"Flame Roar!!"

However, this platypus is obviously also a Pokémon carefully cultivated by Shinji.

It gritted its teeth and held on. In this state, a ball of hot and rising flames still gushed out from the barrel of its arm!

Boom! !

Under the bonus of a sunny day, the explosion of big characters successfully hit the earth turtle, and a huge flame erupted on the latter, blowing it away.

The effect is outstanding!

"Taiwan Turtle!"

Xiaozhi yelled worriedly, but the Tutai Turtle quickly stood up unsteadily.

On the other side, the platypus also assumed a posture of continuing to breathe fire, but did not completely fall down.

The eyes of the two Pokémon were staring at each other, completely fired up.

"Puckbill, use big characters to explode!!"

Shinji knew that other moves had no good effect at the moment, so he could just use the big character Blast without thinking.

Seeing that the opponent made the same move, Xiao Zhi's expression became tense, and after thinking for a while, he still called out the skill:

"Tortoise, use rock climbing!"

The earth turtle understood, and stomped on the ground again with its forelimbs.

Boom boom.!

Suddenly the ground trembled, and the ground under the feet of the platypus suddenly protruded to a height of more than ten meters, forming a steep mountain.


But the earth turtle's limbs and sharp claws were covered with white light, and it rushed up brazenly, trampling on the nearly 90-degree mountain wall and charging upwards!

When approaching the target, with a leap, the sharp claws tear straight forward and slash out!

"Flame Roar!"

And the platypus also quickly stabilized its figure while climbing, the flames in the gun holes in its arms had already condensed, and at the last moment when the enemy's attack came, hot and violent flames poured out!

Boom! !

The move exploded, and the sky filled with flames rose above the arena.

And the rock-climbing mountain that rose from the ground also collapsed quickly, and the ground turned into a cracked ruin.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The two Pokémon also fell heavily from the height together, causing another burst of smoke from gravel.

As the smoke dissipated, they saw the platypus and the tortoise standing at both ends of the arena, staring at each other closely.

It's just that countless scars can be seen on both of them, obviously both of them have caused high amounts of damage due to the previous collision.

It seemed that the next moment, the two of them would fall down and become dizzy at any moment.

Even Xiaozhi and Shinji couldn't help but watch their Pokémon closely, hoping that their partners would survive to the end.

Finally, the platform turtle moved.

"Earth platform."

It trembled, and its body fell to one side.

Just when the audience thought that the winner of this match would be the platypus.


The duckbill beast on the other side also trembled, and suddenly fell to the ground, completely losing its fighting ability.


But the Turtle at the other end barely stood up again with its last breath.

"The platypus loses its ability to fight!"

The referee immediately gave the final judgment result!

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