He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1896 Strong Enemy

The two left one after another. At this time, Zhulan noticed that the heavenly king Juye had also got up and was about to leave.

She raised her eyebrows and couldn't help asking curiously:

"Sister Juye, do you also want to go to Xiaozhi?"

Although Juye is old enough to be her mother, even grandma, Zhulan still politely calls her eldest sister.

But Juye shook his head and replied:

"No, I'm more interested in that boy named Shinji."

After speaking, he slowly left the seat.

Ju Ye's purpose is naturally to find a suitable successor for his position as the Heavenly King.

Xiaozhi's strength is more than enough.

Although Shinji is a bit worse, since Aliu can take over as the king, Shinji is naturally not a big problem.

But she has read Xiaozhi's information, and she is not a local of Sinnoh.

Traveling between various regions, there is a high probability that he will not stay in the Sinnoh region and become a king of heaven.

But Shinji is different, he is a native of Sinnoh.

And that calm and introverted personality is more to Juye's appetite

After a while, only Zhulan and Aliu were left in the private spectator seat.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. The two of them hadn't interacted much alone before.

But Zhulan was the first to break the awkward atmosphere, and asked with a smile on her face:

"What's the matter, Aliu, don't you plan to go to Xiaozhi and the others too?"

A Liu scratched his head. Although he was a colleague, the pressure from the champion Zhulan was still extremely strong, so he could only reply with a dry smile:

"Oh, that's right, then I'll go find Xiaozhi now~"

After speaking, he turned and left, for fear of being tortured and interrogated by Zhulan.

As for going to Xiaozhi hiss!

A Liu shivered.

Once that flaming monkey turns on its perverted blazing state, it might really be able to push its own bug team away, right? !

Stay away from this kind of person!

In the end, there was only Zhulan left in the spectator seat.

She stood up, and slowly came to the front of the seat, staring at the young man who was surrounded by countless reporters on the field from a distance.


Zhulan's complexion turned serious, which was rare, and she remained silent.

If I face Xiaozhi, can I win steadily?

In the evening.

The high-spirited fighting atmosphere of the day faded away for a while, and the entire venue was covered by the golden afterglow of the setting sun, with only the not-so-noisy hustle and bustle, giving people a comfortable and comfortable feeling.

At this moment Xiaozhi was alone, leaning on the pillar at the gate of the alliance venue, as if waiting for something.


On the other hand, Pikachu yawned and lay beside him a little tiredly.

Not to mention, today's battle can make him tired.

At this time, in the setting sun, a figure slowly walked towards the gate.

Short purple hair, rather mature face, wearing a black and purple sportswear, palms in pockets, looks very withdrawn and indifferent.

"Oh, Shinji, what a wonderful match today!"

After seeing the target, Xiaozhi's body shook and he said hello.

"Don't watch the next game, are you leaving Linglan Island so soon?"


Shinji glanced at Xiaozhi, but didn't answer, just passed by.

After jumping over Xiaozhi, his figure finally paused and turned around.

Director Shin breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a low voice:

"Xiaozhi, you are very powerful and I lost."

It can be said that in today's all-hands battle, he was completely crushed by Xiaozhi.

You must know that the twelve Pokémon that participated in the battle were all re-cultivated by him and Xiaozhi after they set foot in the Sinnoh area, and the two stood on the same starting line.

This made Shinji lose very annoyed.

Lost again very convinced.

At this time, Shinji suddenly turned his gaze away, and said with some embarrassment:

"Maybe there is really a bond between the trainer and the Pokémon"

These words came from Shinji's mouth, and Xiaozhi would have laughed a few times in normal times.

But today he didn't make much jokes, but looked at Shinji seriously.

"It's not possible, but it must be!"

Only then did Shinji turn his head and stare straight at Xiaozhi's passionate face, and finally his frowning brows relaxed.

People with this personality used to be the type of people he hated the most.

But now it seems that it is much more pleasing to the eye.

"Really. Next, let me try to believe them."

Saying that, Shinji turned his head again, and outside the gate was a series of steps, making his figure go down step by step.

"Shinji, let's fight again next time we meet!"

Looking at the opponent's back, Xiaozhi couldn't help shouting.

For Shinji, a formidable enemy, Xiaozhi still values ​​it very much.

If you can master the power of the fetters, maybe the future Shinji will become stronger

Shinji didn't answer, and went down the steps on his own, the setting sun stretched his shadow very long.

But with one hand in his pocket, the other was raised over his shoulder and swung in the air.

Obviously, he agreed.

It wasn't until Shinji's figure completely left the entrance of the venue that Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally sent away this stinky guy!

He turned around and looked at Lei Si who was hidden beside the gate, as well as Xiao Gang and his party.

"By the way, Mr. Leisi, aren't you going to say goodbye to Shinji?"

Lei Si came out, looked ahead on the steps, and finally showed a wistful smile.

"No need, Shinji is already a mature trainer!"

From the looks of it, he didn't feel frustrated at all because of today's defeat.

My little brother has an unlimited future!

Leisi completely gave up the path of a trainer, and naturally put this expectation completely on Shinji.

"Xiaozhi, thank you very much."

Saying that, Leisi bowed solemnly to Xiaozhi, and finally waved to Xiaogang and the others behind him, and was about to leave Linglan Island.

"Be sure to work hard for the upcoming Suzuran Conference, continue to the end~! I will watch your live broadcast on TV, Xiaozhi!"

Before leaving, Leisi blessed.

His cultivation house in Veil City still needs someone to take care of him, so he skipped work to come to the scene.

Following Brother Shinji's departure, a pale-haired old woman took a step slower before arriving at the exit of the venue.

"Hey, has that boy named Shinji left already?"

Heavenly King Juye frowned, gasping for breath.

She searched for a long time just now but couldn't find Shinji's figure, she still missed it unexpectedly.

But Ju Ye is a person who follows fate, it seems that this young man is not yet the day to become the king of the alliance.

"Hey~ I'll stick to it for a few more years~"

Thinking of this, Juye could only sigh with emotion, and walked away slowly, staring at Xiaozhi in a daze.

This is the Heavenly King Juye who fought with Mingyao before, what are you going to do?

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