He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1904 Emperor Yan, the sacred fire!

Under the heavy blow, Latios fell quickly.

"Hurry up and wake up, hide away!!"

Hearing the trainer's anxious cry, this Latios managed to open its eyes, trying to adjust its wings, trying to fly again.

Just below, purple-black meteorites rapidly enlarged between his pupils

Lattias's surprise dragon claw directly smashed Lattios, who had already dodged, back to the attacking route of the meteor swarm!

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, the meteor swarm hit Latios head-on, and countless meteorites exploded on him one after another, and there were frequent explosions in the air.

The effect is outstanding!

This is the first full-force meteor swarm under mega evolution, the power is particularly terrifying!


I saw the figure of Latios falling from the sky quickly, hitting the ground heavily, causing another burst of explosions.

When the smoke cleared, the referee hurried over to check, and found that the majestic Latios had dizzy eyes, and his body fell tragically in a small pit.

"Latios can't fight!"

The referee hurriedly said loudly, the battle between the brothers and sisters of the guardian gods of the water capital has just come to an end.

After circling for a week in the air, Latias fell back to Xiaozhi's body, and with a flash of light, he withdrew from the mega evolution posture.


With her two paws propped up on her waist, she let out a low snort, very satisfied that she had beaten up an outsider who imitated her brother.

"Well done, Latias!"

With a smile on Xiaozhi's face, he praised him. Hearing this, Latias immediately floated to Xiaozhi's side, rubbing against him with a blushing face.

This highly intimate action between the trainer and Pokémon has made many people envious.


Dakdo took back Latios with a black line. Didn't expect that he lost two games in a row? !

Why is this guy's strength so much stronger than when he fought that guy named Shinji before? !

With a livid face, his eyes fell on Latias.

"Looks like I'm not only going to find a Dream God for Darkrai next, but also to find news about the evolution of Mega."

Dakdo thought to himself.

But with only two defeats, he didn't feel that the overall situation of the game was settled.

After calming down a bit, he quickly threw the third poke ball.


The red light fell, and this time it was a water blue Lin beast.

It has a soft body in the shape of a beast, with a pair of long-horned and diamond-shaped crystal gemstones standing on its head, and purple flowing clouds are flying behind its head.

The white ribbon-shaped tail rolls and folds automatically on both sides of the body without wind.

As soon as it appeared on the stage, it had its own purification effect, making the air in the entire stadium seem to be much fresher.

"Hey hey hey! Is it Suicune?! Why does this guy even have the Three Holy Beasts in our Johto area!!"

In the stands, Ah Jin slammed the handrail and stood up.

This is not a fine!

However, there is not only one Suicune, he now has another Suicune who is working for the Johto Alliance.

"It's actually Suicune? As expected of the messenger of the north wind."

On the field, Xiaozhi couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then showed surprise. The third opponent turned out to be Suicune of the Three Holy Beasts.

That look of disdain and aloofness is obviously also a powerful existence.

"Come back for now, Latias!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi raised his hand and took Ladias back, his eyes were burning, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Since the opponent is Suicune, it is natural to use this guy!

"It's up to you!"

Xiaozhi flipped his palm and threw a new elf ball, and the red light instantly condensed into the appearance of a lion and beast.

It has a dark brown body, a majestic and proud lion head, and a three-color hard shell mask covering its face.

A gray-white spiked hard shell protrudes from the back, and thick white smoke flies like a volcanic eruption behind the head.

"Flame Roar!!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, after noticing that the opponent was actually the same kind of Suicune, Emperor Yan immediately raised his head to the sky and let out a high-pitched roar.

The sound wasn't too loud, but the majesty contained in it made everyone at the scene sit upright in an instant and their hearts trembled.

"Outrageous, it turned out to be two legendary Pokémon!"

"I thought Dakdo was the only one who had a beast! Is this the script?"

"It's too extravagant, outrageous!"

"So today is a total of 12. No, including Dream God, can I see 13 legendary Pokémon?!"

In the auditorium, many spectators were already stupefied by the scene in front of them, and slumped in their seats.

You must know that an ordinary legendary Pokémon may not be seen by an ordinary person once in a lifetime.

Then today they can directly see 13 divine beasts at the alliance conference, and see them fighting with all their strength?

"It's incredible."

Rao, the champion kings in the internal spectator seats, all stared wide-eyed and sighed in amazement.

"I didn't expect the old woman to see such a scene. It's not a bad thing to be the king of heaven for a few more years."

Even the well-informed King Juye looked at the field with a ruddy complexion, as if he was many years younger, and he was reluctant to miss a moment.

on the field.

"Dakdo! Emperor Yan and I don't have any other support in this battle! Let's fight head-on!"

Xiaozhi shouted high-spiritedly, his expression full of energy.

Dakdo didn't know what was going on, but he didn't fully listen to Xiaozhi's words, and maybe he made a female water king out of the field.

It is said that the legendary Pokémon are not all born sterilized, each of them wants a girlfriend, what is the point? !

"Suicune, use the water cannon!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Dakdo is not polite. Since you chose to use the restrained Emperor Yan as your second opponent, then I will serve you directly with the water attribute big move!

Suicune opened his mouth, and a bunch of thick water cannons rushed out, full of vigor.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed:

"Emperor Yan, use the sacred fire!!"

Emperor Yan understood, opened the lion's mouth, and spit out a strange golden-white flame from the mouth in an instant!

Although the scale is not large, but the moment it appeared in the air, everyone felt an extreme breath of collapse and destruction, which made people feel chills.


After touching the majestic water cannon, the sacred fire evaporated it in an instant, rushing towards the target with endless stamina.


Seeing the flame, Suicune's heart trembled suddenly, it was a kind of coercion from the blood.

Not daring to pick it up, it hurriedly jumped away, sweat dripping down its forehead.

Immediately, Suicune looked at the flame falling to the ground with lingering fear, obviously there was only bare rock, but the latter was slowly burning.

Dakdo: "?"

His expression froze for an instant, what move did you just mention?

Holy fire?

That's Feng Wang's exclusive move, right? Why can a Yan Emperor master it? !

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