He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1910 vs. Holy Swordsman, Billizion!

"Kirachi, use the Iron Roller!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly called out a move.

Kiraqi reacted instantly, wrapped his body in a yellow cloth, covered the surface with a layer of metallic silver light, and began to spin at high speed.

Whoosh! !

Like a steel spinning top, the super-high speed made Kiraqi's edges very hard, directly bouncing off the incoming grass slide.

Since you can't attack and lock your opponent, put yourself in a state of absolute defense!

Not only that, after parrying the opponent's moves, Kiraqi turned into a bright yellow drill, sinking straight to the ground!

Boom! !

Amidst the sound of violent drilling and digging, Kiraqi not only dug a big hole in the ground, but even destroyed the buff of this green grass field!

"Tsk, can you still use this move?"

Dakoto couldn't help cursing, the iron roller is the same as the ice spin move used by his Ice God Pillar before, it is a move that can destroy the field.

Xiao Zhi's eyes shined brightly, and he suddenly said:

"It's now, Kiraqi, use your mental force!!"

Kiraqi flew back into the air again, the yellow cloth was opened to release the state of the drill, and then with a small hand move, a powerful impact of thought power was seamlessly connected.


This time, Pili Zeon's figure was directly captured by the power of thought, and the green light around him dissipated, revealing his original shape.

Without the assistance of the grass field, the grass slide is just an ordinary move.


Controlling his mind power, Kiraqi slammed Bilizion to the ground as if venting.

boom! boom! !

Then he grabbed it from the air and repeatedly smashed it, making shocking pounding sounds!

The effect is outstanding!

Even though Bilizeon is a beast-type Pokémon that walks on all fours, it has fighting attributes, and it was thrown dizzy by these thoughts.

"Bilizeon, use the leaf blade!"

But after all, it is a legendary Pokémon, even in this case, I still found an opportunity.

Bilijion's eyes focused, and a pink leaf on the neck instantly condensed into a bunch of flexible long green light blades.


When it landed, he slammed the ground and flew up with the force of the bullet, breaking free from the shackles of thought power all at once.

Even advancing instead of retreating, Bili Zeon just jumped towards Kiraqi's direction, and the leaf blade swung in mid-air, chopping down heavily!

Xiaozhi was not false, and confronted him head-on:

"Kirachi, use Comet Fist!!"

Different from the Comet Punch used by the Metagross, the former is a solid punch.

Kiraqi, on the other hand, clenched his fists, gave a low shout, and rushed forward on the spot!

A huge energy fist rushed out of its small hand immediately, and the surface of the fist was covered with a gleaming big yellow star.

It looks more like Kiraqi fired a long-range missile? !


Pili Zeon had no time to dodge, and Ye Ren slashed at the coming comet punch head-on!

Boom! !

In an instant, a violent explosion erupted over the arena!

This whole comet fist exploded. Although its appearance was cute and dreamy, its power was extremely strong, and it directly blasted Bilijion from the sky to the ground.


Kiraqi, on the other hand, was in the rear, not affected by the aftermath of the battle, and shook his little hand.

Regardless of Kiraqi's small size, the power of this Comet Punch is not inferior to a full blow from a giant metal monster!

"Tsk, is there such a Comet Punch?"

Dakdo cursed again, it was weird and cute, but it implied a dangerous and dreadful power.

Sure enough, Kiraqi is a legendary Pokémon that can fulfill anyone's wish.

Dakdo has already fired a real fire, and has suffered heavy blows one after another. Even with Bili Zeon's strong durability, he can't last long.

He didn't want his shameful bald head to be shaved off during his vigorous debut!

"Vilizion, use the weather balloon!!"

Bilijion struggled to get up, although his body was seriously injured, but his expression was still determined.

The corner of his mouth opened, and a bright white energy bomb was thrown out immediately.

Under the natural sunny weather above the arena, a "boom" turned into a dangerous flame bomb, flying towards Kiraqi with great power.

Fire-attribute moves are very dangerous to Kiraqi.

"These moves are useless, Kiraqi, use mental force to bounce back!"

Xiao Zhi shouted confidently.

Kiraqi understood, released and controlled the powerful spiritual force, and directly imprisoned and suspended the flame weather balloon.


He even turned the tip of the gun around, causing the meteor to bounce back and fly back the same way!

I have to say that the moves with the super power attribute do have some bugs.

Especially in conjunction with the Phantom Pokémon, which has a strong mental power, it can completely do all kinds of unimaginable attacks.

This flame weather ball is dangerous to Kiraqi.

Similarly, it is also a very dangerous move against the grass-type Bilizion!

The green grass field was destroyed, and other conventional moves didn't work. Duck gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Bilizion, use the holy sword!!"


Hearing this, Bili Zeon's eyes sharpened for an instant, he raised his head, and let out a high-pitched cry.

There was a burst of green light on the surface of the body, especially the black lines in the center of the top of the head, which suddenly protruded upwards, forming a bunch of bright green long blades of energy!

Whoosh! !

As Bilizion turned his head, the holy sword slashed obliquely, splitting the dangerous flame ball in half, causing a burst of flames to explode on both sides of his body!

"What kind of move is this?"

This was the first time for Xiaozhi to see the ultimate move of the holy sword, and he couldn't help but marvel.

The long energy blade, which is almost as tall as Bilizion's body, is bright green in color, but it is completely different from the leaf blade.

It gives people a feeling that it seems to be invincible and cut off everything.

Is this the legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area? It's quite interesting!

The move of the holy sword can be mastered even by ordinary Pokémon such as the Sword Sword Monster.

Even with a bit of luck, even the otters in the Yusan family in the Hezhong area have a chance to use it.

But only a holy swordsman like Billizion can maximize the power of this move!

"Holy sword, strike it!!"

Following Dakoto's low shout, Bilizion, who was glowing with green light all over his body, rushed towards Kiraqi brazenly with his proud horns of the holy sword!

"Kirachi, use Comet Fist!"

The menacing appearance of the other party made Kiraqi panic, and quickly blasted a long-range comet fist in his hand!

Boom! !

However, Pilizion pressed his head, once again severed the coming comet punch from the middle, and then continued to charge, as if no one could stop it!

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