He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1926 Tattooed Pikachu!


Seeing the two seniors taking away the biting land shark with such enthusiasm, Tutaigui thought it was some kind of large Pokémon party, let out a low cry, and took the initiative to greet it.

"Ban roar!"

However, Bankiras stretched out his palm and stood in front of the Turtle Turtle sternly.

This is a small group of noble quasi-gods, and outsiders are not welcome to join.

"Mei Dang!!"

The flashing golden monster presented by Dawu also made a buzzing sound, very much agreeing with the class classification of Bankiras.

The two left and right, and after a while, they pulled the newly joined Quasi-God Lie Bite Lu Shark and headed towards the back mountain.


This made the Turtle stand in place in embarrassment.


However, Frog Grass kindly stretched out its rattan whip and patted the shell of the Turtle.

It can feel the strong grass-attribute aura contained in the latter, and its situation is somewhat similar to its own, so it will be fine to follow it in the future.

"These guys."

Xiaozhi half-lyed on the belly of the Kirby, and had a panoramic view of these scenes, and couldn't help laughing.

These Pokémon are all concentrated in one area, as if they have spawned a small internal society of their own.

In the air, the housebird has already flown around the entire backyard following the migrating terrain of wild geese.

But this time, Xiaozhi also saw the back of the team, followed by a Pokémon that was much behind.

It has a small body, a small animal-shaped body, and a head like that of a dinosaur, but its body is covered with feathers, and even its arms have wing-like structures.

It is the fossil Pokémon that Xiaozhi obtained from Xiaomao, the first bird.

At this moment, the Progenitor Bird was flapping its wings, desperately chasing after these seniors, but it followed very reluctantly, and was pulled away a long distance after a while.

"Come down, Progenitor Bird!"

Seeing the other party's panting appearance, Xiaozhi shouted from below.


Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, the ancestor bird was refreshed instantly, and stopped chasing the housebird, but folded its wings, and the whole body fell straight towards Xiaozhi's direction like a hard stone.

Snapped.! !

Xiaozhi raised his arms, and when the opponent approached, he suddenly closed them, and firmly caught the latter.

Fortunately, this is Xiaozhi's arm strength. If it were another person, his arm would probably have been directly smashed by the high-altitude parabola of the ancestor bird.


Falling into his arms, the progenitor bird fluttered its wings, and its beak kept pecking at Xiaozhi's chest.

With a rather primitive head, it can't make too many expressions, it looks a bit naive.

"Have you learned to fly yet?"

Xiaozhi rubbed the latter's head. The latter's dinosaur head was bald and as hard as a stone.

He remembered that the proto-birds couldn't fly, right? It seems that the education of the strict fossil pterosaurs this year was very harsh.

Although it can't be as fast as the house bird, it is amazing enough.

Thinking of something, Xiaozhi suddenly said:

"By the way, will you travel to the Hezhong area with me next?"

Archeopteryx is the signature fossil Pokémon in the Hezhong area, so I just took it to visit my hometown.

"Wu~! Wu~!"

The Progenitor Bird was quite excited, flapping its wings, and several bright yellow, blue, and red feathers fluttered.

After looking in the direction of the research institute for a long time, Xiaozhi didn't see the door open.

It is estimated that it is the final stage of the illustrated book research. He did not choose to disturb Dr. Oki, and prepared to go home with the ancestor bird.

Anyway, he will go to the Hezhong area in a week, and he can stay in Zhenxin Town for a week, so there is no rush.

The next day, early morning.

"Pickup! Pickup!"

Xiaozhi was still sleeping soundly, when Pikachu's anxious voice suddenly came to his ears, and his little hands were still tugging at his bed sheet.

"What is it, Pikachu, I'm still going to sleep."

It was rare to sleep late, so Xiaozhi turned over and ignored Pikachu's harassment.


An exclamation point suddenly appeared above Pikachu's head, and he didn't let Xiaozhi get used to it, and released a powerful 100,000 volt blow directly on the bed!

Boom! !

The golden electric current soared into the sky, almost blowing the roof of the house, and Xiao Zhi's physique made him twitch on the bed, his body scorched black.

Finally, the mouth exhaled smoke, as if it was overripe.

This time, his drowsiness completely disappeared.

"What are you doing, Pikachu, I don't want to do that gymnastics."

Xiaozhi got up with a slight complaint, complaining.

But after seeing Pikachu's body, Xiaozhi's eyes widened instantly and he became more energetic.

"Wait a minute, what's wrong Pikachu, what's wrong with your body"

But at this moment, Pikachu's body surface has purple and black marks, which looks a little scary, as if he has been cursed by some poisonous poison.


Pikachu spread his hands helplessly, indicating that he didn't know what happened.

It became like this as soon as I woke up. When passing by the night pee, I saw the mirror and surprised it.

Only then did Xiaozhi wake up in a hurry.

"So, are there no symptoms? Does the headache hurt, and is the body all right?"

Xiaozhi quickly picked up Pikachu, checked it up and down, these purple marks were like runes that appeared suddenly, firmly imprinted there.

Sometimes, it even moves weirdly.


Pikachu shook his head. Apart from these weird tattoos, he didn't feel any difference in his body.

This made Xiaozhi very puzzled. Could it be that he just knocked over the ink bottle?

Or did Pikachu suddenly get a tattoo?

In short, go ask Dr. Oki!

He had never seen such an incident at all, but the well-informed Dr. Oki might know what happened.

"Mom, I won't eat breakfast, I'll go to the Oki Research Institute!"

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi didn't care about wearing only pajamas on his body, and he sprinted violently with Pikachu on his shoulders, and arrived at the Damu Research Institute in a short while.

Before going out, he took a special look at the magic wall puppet, but the latter's body was not unusual.

"Hey Xiaozhi, how do you know that Dr. Oki just came out, where did Pikachu get his tattoo?"

As soon as he entered the research institute, he happened to see Xiaojian, who was carrying breakfast and was about to deliver it to Dr. Oki.

Seeing Pikachu's sudden appearance of purple tattoos on his body, he was taken aback.

"Is Dr. Oki out? Great, let's see what happened to my Pikachu!"

With a little anxiety, Xiaozhi hurried into the room.

Although Pikachu doesn't hurt or itch, something must be wrong.

In my mind, for no reason, I also remembered the words Heici said yesterday before leaving.

"By the way, I will give you another gift at the end."

Could it be that these purple marks are the work of that guy Heici? !

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