He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1930 Birth, Pokédex Rotom!

Xiaozhi: "???"

It looks like Brother Chi's message from thousands of miles away. But why does it read so strangely?


The warrior eagle also landed on Xiaozhi's body, shaking his head, indicating that what he conveyed was the original words, without any deletion or embellishment.


This made Xiaozhi rub the back of his head helplessly.

Originally planned to go to the Hezhong area one month later, but the time was brought forward by a week after being hacked, and now even Brother Chi ran out to urge him?

Don't rush, don't rush!

I'll go now!

Xiaozhi sighed and glanced at the sky, it seemed that it was almost dinner time.

"It looks like we're leaving early."

On the way home, Xiaozhi also shook his head and stretched his waist, with a rather complaining expression.

He hasn't had a good vacation yet, he really can't rest for a moment.

As for the warrior eagle, after delivering the news, he stayed in the research institute for a light meal, and then left Zhenxin Town.

The news that Chi wanted to convey was just one sentence, without thinking, and he didn't even say where he was going to be in the Hezhong area, or what to do.

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Xiaozhi didn't think too much about it anymore, turned around and went home, and packed his luggage.

According to his previous travel experience, he really didn't need to think too much. Anyway, wherever he went, there would always be big events for no reason.

As for whether it was Brother Chi who passed the rescue news to himself, and told him to go to the rescue quickly

Xiaozhi has no worries about this at all.

You have time to teach Tool Eagle how to write. He really doesn't believe that Brother Chi has encountered a big crisis in the Hezhong area.

From Heici's point of view, Brother Chi seemed to have almost brought over the local villain organization a year ago.?

the next day.

Oki Research Institute.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, are you going to the Hezhong area so soon?"

After knowing Xiaozhi's purpose, Dr. Oki asked curiously, he thought Xiaozhi would stay in Zhenxin Town for a few more weeks.

"Uh, it's a bit of an unexpected situation, and it's going to pass ahead of time."

Xiaozhi said with a dry smile.

Well, go there early and see this Hezhong area.

Xiaozhi is still a little unaccustomed to staying in one place all the time, wandering and resting.

"Okay, it's up to you~"

Dr. Oki didn't make a sound to stop it, and now it's the world of young people.

Especially Xiaozhi in front of him, and that Xiaomao, are mature trainers who don't need to worry about themselves.

"By the way, this elf ball is for you, you remember to take it to Dr. Yew."

Saying that, Dr. Oki handed Xiaozhi a poke ball, which contained a special little Lada infected with the Pokémon virus.

I don't know if it will be affected by directly using the computer to transfer, so I can only let Xiaozhi take it there first.

Although Pokémon virus is a completely positive addition to Pokémon itself

But after all, it is an extremely rare situation, and Dr. Oki doesn't know what will happen if he spread this virus to the current ecosystem at will.

At present, Dr. Oki does not intend to disclose the Pokémon virus.

Temporarily regard it as a personal collection, only open to a few related households.

"At that time, Xiaozhi, if you have received new Pokémon in the Hezhong area, remember to pass it on. I will help them infect the virus and add a buff."

"That's great!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, which means that maybe it only takes a while for his Pokémon to grow to a higher level!

The Pokémon virus came to an end for the time being, and Dr. Oki suddenly took out another device that looked like an ipad.

"One more thing is this, I planned to give it to you before."

It is the latest version of the illustrated book!

Xiaozhi has been waiting impatiently for a long time, and it has been several days, and he has never had a chance to pick it up.

"The 1.0 version made according to the research notes you gave me before, the Rotom illustration book! Xiaozhi, let's release your Rotom."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi took out a poke ball and released the Rotom he captured in the Mori Mansion in EMI Forest.

"Loto~! Loto!"

As soon as he came out, Rotom was very excited, and his plasma-like lightning body flickered everywhere.

The thief's eyes looked around, as if looking for an electrical appliance to get into.

Soon, it found the ipad placed on the table.

The appearance looks ordinary, and there is no sense of design, but it has an inexplicable attraction to Rotom, making it eager to get in

"Wait a minute for Rotom, let me explain to you first!"

Dr. Oki quickly blocked the socket of the illustrated book with a plastic thread, causing the mischievous Rotom to bounce back directly.

"Although the Rotom Illustrated Book can realize intelligent dialogue, allowing Rotom to obtain knowledge from a huge database, he can also have real-time smooth conversations with trainers, but as a price, Rotom will also lose the ability to fight. In this regard, you Can you accept it?"

Dr. Oki asked seriously.

Like other electrical appliances, Rotom has obtained the powerful power of spitting fire and spitting ice

But the illustrated book is different, more is to improve the IQ of Rotom, almost to the level of human children.

And with the continuous expansion of knowledge and deep learning, in the end Rotom's brain can even reach a level that is indistinguishable from normal humans.

As a price, it lost the ability to fight.

"Can't fight?"

Hearing that Xiaozhi was a little distressed, but seeing his Rotom excited, Xiaozhi nodded in agreement.

His Rotom is very playful, but more of a desire to explore and seek knowledge.

I don't have much interest in fighting.

So when traveling in the Sinnoh area, Xiaozhi rarely sent Rotom to fight.

"In that case, let's start."

Seeing this, Dr. Oki also loosened the plastic buckle, completely leaking out the hole in the metal bottom.


Rotom immediately turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed into the illustrated book along the line.


Immediately afterwards, there was a slight electric sound from the illustration book, and Rotom's plasma body was currently moving rapidly across the internal circuit board.


The screen of the illustrated book also lit up, and a progress bar interface appeared, which seemed to indicate that Rotom was merging the illustrated book.

Xiaozhi held his breath and waited excitedly.

According to Dr. Oki, in the future, the illustrated book should be able to look like Team Rocket Meow, and you can have a seamless and smooth conversation with him, right? !

Xiaozhi also wanted a talking Pokémon for a long time!


After a while, the progress bar reached 100%, and the screen flickered, turning into a Rotom-like facial expression.

The illustrated book was suspended out of thin air, and the sides were opened outwards, revealing a curved arm similar to Rotom.

"Beep beep! The illustrated book has been activated successfully! Loto~!"

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