At the same time as the voice fell, Emperor Xiu and the rattan snake on the opposite side looked at each other subconsciously.

"Don't listen to the nonsense of that illustration book, vine snake, I am the best trainer!"

Emperor Xiu hurriedly opened his mouth and emphasized.


Teng Teng Snake was thinking with a calm mind, and then nodded to Emperor Xiu, expressing that he was not affected by the words of the illustrated book.

But will the best of the same race really abandon the first trainer?

One person, one snake, which was originally considered to be mutual admiration, dropped a bit in an instant.

Dr. Yew: "."

What kind of outrageous cold knowledge is this, why has she never heard of it.

No, it seems to be true knowledge! ?

Not long ago, a rookie trainer complained that his rattan snake ran away.

Xiaozhi looked at Rotom blankly, recalling many scenes in his mind for a while, and his expression gradually changed from joy to sorrow.

That outspoken picture book seems to be back again.?

"Beep! What is it?! How do I know this little knowledge, Loto!?"

Rotom, as if he didn't say what he said earlier, hugged his head and flew around like a headless chicken, anxiously saying again and again.

"Damn it. Xiao Zhi from Xinxin Town, are you going to fight or not!"

Emperor Xiu, who was originally planning to abuse food, was also inexplicably annoyed, and his tone of speech became much harsher.

This is the classic fire-fighting method in the illustrated book, no matter how kind the trainer is, he may be completely defeated.

"Come on Emperor Xiu, you can attack at any time!"

So Xiaozhi beckoned, signaling the opponent to go first.

"Hmph! Vine snake, use impact!"

Hearing that Emperor Xiu didn't show mercy, he launched an attack directly.

Although there was a gap between the trainer and the trainer, the rattan snake didn't plan to defect right now, and immediately sprinted with its short legs and slammed into Pikachu.


Don't look menacing, but Pikachu easily dodged the blow by leaning to the side.

Facing the second impact of the flying snake's return, Pikachu jumped up lightly and missed again.

For some reason, looking at the lazy expression on the electric mouse's face, Emperor Xiu became more anxious again.

"Can you only dodge? Teng Teng Snake, use the rattan whip!"

Teng Teng Snake stood firm, with two vine whips extending from its neck, sweeping towards Pikachu from left and right directions!

Pikachu jumped ahead of time, and fell down again when the vine whip came.


When it landed, the lower limbs precisely stepped on two vines respectively, firmly pressing them to the ground.


Relying on the impressive tonnage of the same size, Pikachu's lower body exerted a little force, and the vine snake was unable to retract its vines no matter how hard it was, and was directly stuck in place.

However, Emperor Xiu had a fixed gaze, and suddenly shouted:

"Good opportunity, use impact directly!"

When you lock the rattan whip, you are naturally locked by the rattan whip.

The rattan snake instantly understood Xiudi's intentions, and immediately gave up the vines on its neck, but rushed out again and slammed into Pikachu.

"Not bad.?"

Xiaozhi also nodded his head in a serious manner, although his bad personality seems to be even worse than Shinji.

But this is the first battle of Emperor Xiu, the command level is not bad.

But I missed a little bit.


The vine snake slammed into Pikachu with all its strength, but it seemed to hit a thick mass of fat, and the force rebounded, but it flew upside down by itself.

"Hey, don't underestimate my Pikachu~!"

Xiaozhi said with a hey smile.

The level gap is too big. You must know that the current Pikachu is in its prime.

This kind of impact can't even break Pikachu's defense.

The feeling of not being hacked is surprisingly good!


Pikachu smiled triumphantly, inhaled a little, and puffed up his stomach into a round balloon, showing off his fat from exercise.

It's interesting to abuse vegetables and so on!

"Damn it. Is this some kind of weird move?"

Emperor Xiu didn't associate it with the level difference, but thought it was a rebound move unique to Pikachu from other places.

"In this case, rattan snake, use green grass to stir!!"

Emperor Xiu suddenly shouted loudly, calling out moves that Xiaozhi had never heard before.

He is a calm and calm trainer. Naturally, before this, he has already checked the moves that his rattan snake has mastered.

Regardless of the novice trainers, it seems that they can only receive the initial Pokémon of lv.5 from the research institute.

But this is only theoretical lv.5.

Initial Pokémon with a haughty personality like the vine and vine snake are often already training themselves before they come into contact with the trainer, and their level will be higher than the other two companions.


The Teng Teng Snake let out a low cry, jumped up, and spun around in the air.

The swinging tail immediately entangled with the airflow and flying leaves, forming a majestic hurricane tornado and hitting Xiaozhi!

"Flying Leaf Storm?!"

Xiaozhi's first reaction was this move, thinking that the current initial Pokémon can directly master the ultimate move.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that although the grass is stirring, it is more majestic, but it is more of a flower stand, and its power is actually not much stronger than Feiye Kuaidao.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also knew that it was the end time, so he commanded:

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"


Pikachu raised his hands above him, and then hugged him completely in front of his body. From his cheeks, dense lightning currents suddenly burst out all over his body.

Boom! !

In the end, it turned into a bunch of golden lightning bolts, roaring out!

There is a huge disparity in power, just at the moment of contact, the electric shock completely shatters the green grass into residual leaves.

The power has not weakened at all, and the bright electric light completely dyed the sky outside the research institute into golden yellow, giving people an incomparable oppressive force.

It seems that after the battle with Zekrom, Pikachu's strength has improved a lot.

Or maybe it's because of the Pokémon virus?


Such a terrifying electric shock made the rattan snake completely sluggish in place. It couldn't even make an instinctive escape movement for a while, and could only let the golden lightning quickly magnify in its eyes!


In the next moment, one hundred thousand volts passed by the rattan snake, but did not hit the latter.

And in the rear, Emperor Xiu was also completely shocked by this blow, why an electric mouse can release such a powerful move.

This beam of 100,000 volts also staggered away from Emperor Xiu's body and passed over his cheek.


Finally, one hundred thousand volts hit the rear steadily, and the mailbox barrel of the Yew Research Institute's gate was blown into the air.

This means that Pikachu can precisely control this blow.

The flow of the surrounding air seemed to have been frozen for a long time because of this blow, until Xiaozhi's hearty laughter broke the stiff atmosphere.

"The battle is over, haha ​​Xiudi, this is just a friendly battle~!"

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