He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1957 Team Rocket’s Christmas (Part 1)

Feiyun City, take a rest at Melody Café.

In a busy and fast-paced metropolis, such a coffee shop in a small alley is particularly special.

The store is not too big, with exquisite decoration, lazy orange lighting, a few customers are talking in low voice, and there is a wandering artist on the stage playing and singing the guitar.

It is said that the beautiful and leisurely melody here once attracted the favor of Meloetta, a fantasy Pokémon in the Hezhong area, and lived here for a while.

But today, the cafe ushered in three outsiders.

At this moment, Musashi, Kojiro, and Miaomiao are sitting by the window of the cafe. Through the glass, they can see the scene on the street.

"Hey, it's a new area again."

"The work of the Rockets this year is really boring"

"Meow also wants to go on vacation, meow~"

The movements of the three were similar, they all dragged their cheeks, squinted their eyes half-closed, lazily looking at the hurried office workers outside the window.

This time, they were sent to the Hezhong area by Boss Sakagi.

It is said that there have been drastic changes in the plasma team recently, and the three of them were appointed as vanguard officers to investigate.

It would be best to take the Plasma team with one pot.

It's a pity that the headquarters did not provide any funds, which made the three of them listless and unable to motivate.

There seems to be nothing to check

Let's do it for a week first.

In the scene outside the window at this moment, there is a Christmas tree standing on the next street, decorated with lights and festoons, and many pedestrians passing by are also wearing red and white Christmas hats, and the festive atmosphere is quite strong.

Kojiro's eyes suddenly brightened, he regained his energy, and stood up abruptly.

"By the way, next week is Christmas!"

However, compared to Kojiro's excitement, the other two were less interested.

Musashi curled his lips and said:

"What, I hate Christmas the most."

"Meow also hates it. Seeing everyone's happy faces, Meow really wants to tear their faces apart, Meow!"

As she said that, Miao Mi even raised her palm, sticking out her sharp claws, as if she was about to commit murder in the street.

"Well~ Isn't Christmas very good, everyone gathers warmly under the Christmas tree~ enjoying delicious food and singing carols~"

Kojiro hastily laughed dryly, trying to smooth things over:

"There is also Santa Claus, who will give everyone Christmas gifts on this day!"

He even took out a blue sock with great interest and held it in his hand with a smile.

When he was a child, he only had to make a wish on the day before Christmas and hang the socks on the bedside.

When I woke up the next day, I could see the gift I wished for, and it really appeared in the stocking.

"Master Kojiro, Santa Claus must have heard your wish and gave you a gift~!"

The old housekeeper in the villa will also talk with a smile on the side.

So Kojiro has no doubts about Christmas presents.

Although since I left home and joined the Rockets, my socks have been empty every year

But every Christmas, Kojiro will still prepare socks with a sense of ritual.

Surely Santa just forgot!

"Idiot! How could there be Santa Claus in this world?"

Musashi couldn't help but curse, she didn't receive any Christmas presents.

"That's right, meow hates Christmas the most, meow!"

Miaomiao was also cursing at the side, very contemptuous of Kojiro's childish behavior.

"Don't do this~"

Kojiro was not discouraged by his companions, but turned his head and saw a promotional poster pasted on the cafe, and said with longing to himself:

"This year, that's what I hope to be my Christmas present!"

Musashi and Miaomiao just happened to be bored, so they subconsciously looked away.

But what this poster shows is a special boxing match in Feiyun City.

The patterns next to the ring are star boxers such as Master Itachi, Hot Monkey, and King Yanwu.

It seems that on the eve of Christmas, Feiyun City will gather powerful players from all over the world to compete for the strongest boxer!

"What, they're all muscular Pokémon, so disgusting."

"So Kojiro, do you want the winning gold belt? It's really inexplicable meow~"

Kojiro shook his head, pointing his finger at a small inconspicuous pattern next to the champion's gold belt on the poster.

This is a commemorative bottle cap that will only be released on Christmas Eve, with the images of Feiyun City and boxing engraved on it.

"The winner of this competition can also get this commemorative bottle cap!! Ahh, it would be great if I could get this, it's a supreme souvenir!!"

Hearing this, Musashi and Miaomiao's complexions turned dark immediately, and they walked away from Kojiro without concealing their disgust.

The latter's hobby is to collect all kinds of weird bottle caps, and sometimes even the drink itself will be poured out in order to get a bottle cap.

Musashi and Miaomiao have always kept a respectful distance from this kind of bad taste.

However, seeing that the two companions still had no interest in Christmas, Kojiro's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had some good idea. .

Then he gritted his teeth and stopped paying attention to the coveted collection on the poster.

After all, even if he fights in the arena with his strength, he can't beat the fighters above.


But Kojiro clenched his fists, turned to look at the two friends, and already had a bold idea in his heart.

It was late at night.

Team Rocket's secret base in Feiyun City.

This is a hidden basement that can only be reached through a long and narrow corridor.

At this moment, Musashi and Miaomiao were sound asleep on their respective beds, but Kojiro suddenly opened his eyes, then tiptoed out of bed and went out.

After a while, he came to the largest department store in Feiyun City.

Feiyun City is the largest city in the Hezhong area, with prosperous commerce and trade, and many shops are even open 24 hours a day.

So even in the middle of the night, this department store is still brightly lit, the stores are open, and many customers are still enjoying it.


Kojiro came to a makeup counter, slammed the table, and said proudly:

"I want your latest cosmetics!"

He decided that since Musashi and Miaomiao don't believe that Santa Claus will give gifts.

So this year, he will secretly prepare Christmas gifts for the two of them, so as to refresh their worldview!

Let these two people also feel the warmth and beauty of Christmas!

Kojiro knows Musashi very well, gifts and so on

You don't need to choose, the expensive cosmetics are done on your face.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly saw a customer come to the door. Although he was dressed plainly, he didn't look like a rich man, but he couldn't hide his regal aura.

After working in the business for many years, this young lady at the counter is very good at reading people, and her eyes immediately lit up.

It's a big fish!

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