He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1976 I am not familiar with the plasma team

Although in name, Akromar has become the new king of Team Plasma.

But in fact, they are still just puppet subordinates introduced by Quecchis, and all actions in the plasma team still have to follow the latter's command.

Revive Team Plasma, take over the world or something

These are the purposes of Quecchis.

As for Akromar, he only intends to use the plasma team as a stepping stone for his own research on Pokémon. Nuoda's plasma team can provide a huge and convenient help for his research.

"I see."

After listening, Xiaozhi and Mingyi nodded repeatedly. The situation of this plasma team is really weird.

Mingyi's eyes suddenly lit up, that is to say, if he guides well, maybe this part of the radical plasma team will also change their evil ways and return to good!

But just when she was about to ask Akromar to guide the plasma team, the two former plasma team soldiers returned.


"Lord Akromar, some people look down on our plasma team, you must help us avenge it!"

The faces of the two were beaten into pig's heads, and the corners of their mouths seemed to be poisoned, bruised and swollen, and they looked very embarrassed.

I haven't waited for Akromar to inquire specifically.

Buzz buzz! !

There was only a violent and piercing electric guitar sound, and several people rushed in at the door of the elf center.

Both men and women are dressed as punk bands, wearing spiky leather jackets, with weird and colorful hairstyles, holding musical instruments, with arrogant and domineering expressions.

The leader is a small girl who looks about the same age as Xiao Zhi.

A head of white hair tied into a soaring bun, heavy makeup on his face, loose purple and blue clothes, and black thick-heeled boots under his feet.

thump thump! !

Although he was not tall, he was full of momentum. As soon as he came in, he plucked the electric bass in his hand and made an unusually piercing electronic sound.

The sudden noise caused many people in the elf center to block their ears, with displeased expressions.

Even Miss Joy from the Elf Center came up, crossed her hips, and scolded:

"Hey! Homiga, don't make noise here, it will disturb the guests!"

It sounded like the two were still acquaintances, and Miss Joy spoke in the tone of an older sister scolding her younger sister.

"Well, it turns out that sister Joey is here too~"

However, the white-haired girl named Homiga did not back down, but pointed directly at the two soldiers of the plasma team.

"Hmph! The miscellaneous fish of the plasma team, who used to brainwash disgusting people in Lichong City, dare to come today. I, Homiga, will blow you all to pieces!!"

As they said that, the band boys behind played the instruments in their hands one after another, creating momentum for Homiga.

For a moment, the entire elf center was swept by the noise of heavy metal. With such a loud noise, the roof was almost toppled over.

Suddenly surrounded by such a large group of bad-looking people, even the two soldiers of the plasma team were scared, and quickly shrank behind Akromar.

"Mr. Akromar, show off the new power of our plasma team!"

"A group of bedbugs dare to show off their power here!"

Just let this group of mediocre people have a good experience, the power of the new king of their plasma team!

However, Akromar's actions were more direct. After standing up, he waved his hands and said with a smile:

"I'm not familiar, I'm not familiar with the plasma team or something~"

Really unfamiliar, he only learned about such a thing as the plasma team last week.

As he spoke, he took another position and didn't intend to do anything.

His mission is to revive the plasma team, not to rescue two cannon fodders or to wipe their butts.

Two Team Plasma minions: "?"

The two opened their mouths wide and looked at their new king in disbelief. Is this a sign of cutting?

"Let me just say, you look like a normal person~!"

Homiga's momentum rose again, and he immediately commanded the members of the "gas bomb band" behind him to teach the two plasma team members a lesson.

"As the owner of the Liyong Gymnasium, it is a must-do duty to blow up every member of the Plasma team!!"

Homega's voice became rough.

The brainwashing call of the Plasma team to "release the Pokémon" has caused great harm to many people in the Hezhong area.

Most importantly, they are not illegal.

Team Plasma is just spreading their teachings, at least on paper, without forcing anyone to release their Pokémon.

This made the former Homiga even more angry.

I can only watch helplessly as many people have been successfully brainwashed and released their precious family-like Pokémon back to nature.

However, now that Homiga has taken over the Liyong gymnasium, his confidence has suddenly become much stronger. Seeing the members of the plasma team today, it is naturally as if he has seen the enemy.

"Gas~! Gas~!"

There was still a gas bomb floating above Homiga's head, which made Xiaozhi's eyes shine.

This is Team Rocket's most classic Pokémon.

I don't know how long I haven't seen it, but I didn't expect to see it in the Hezhong area today.

Although the gas bomb had a wretched expression, its chubby body trembled for a while, and through the holes on the surface of the body, it seemed that it was about to release a deadly poisonous mist.

"If you want to fight, go outside and fight!"

At the critical moment, Miss Joy stood up and stood between the two groups of people.

Although she doesn't have any good feelings for the plasma team.

But it is true that this group of guys did not do any illegal activities, and they are not on the blacklist of the Pokémon League.

"The elf center is a place of rescue and rest. If you have any conflicts, go outside to resolve them!"

Miss Joy's voice became much more serious.


The almost doll with a soft personality next to her also rarely showed a ferocious expression, as if the power of the pink demon in her body would burst out at any moment.

With Miss Joy's support, the two soldiers of the plasma team were relieved.

It's not good for Homijia to do any real damage here, so he can only hook his hand and signal everyone to squat outside.

"Hey! Two cowards, if you have the ability, go outside and have a showdown, or stay here for the rest of your life!"

"The people in the plasma team are just useless~!"

"Did you know that Lichong City doesn't welcome garbage! Do you know who the garbage is talking about~?"

"Hahaha, Tom, you scared him to tears~ Go to the side and cry!"

Before leaving, several members of the gas playing band did a street dance in front of the two members of the plasma team, mocking while dancing, and then walked away laughing.

The naked bullying made the two soldiers of the plasma team flushed with anger, their bodies trembling, but they dared not speak back.

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