He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 195 vs Prehistoric Pokémon!

"One, two...eight fossil Pokémon..."

On one side is a spiny ammonite with three ammonites, and on the other is a scythe helmet with three fossil helmets.

There are three types of Fossil Gem Pokémon, and these eight are all of the third type!

The rarest, but also the most powerful.

A true prehistoric Pokémon!

The two of them immediately came to a conclusion just because of the quaint and wild aura that came over their faces, long and long.

"Xiaozhi, I blindly guess that these few should have avoided the limit of their lifespan by sleeping underground for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. It seems that our intervention disturbed their sleep..."

Xiaomao analyzed seriously.

The arrogant and domineering appearance is actually in his heart.

Although it is also the same arrogant and domineering.

But as the grandson of Dr. Oki, his theoretical knowledge and overall thinking are far superior to those of his peers.

"The nonsense you said makes sense." Xiaozhi nodded.

Even without analysis, the previous scarlet light was formed by the bloodshot eyeballs of these prehistoric Pokémon after they were woken up.

Regardless of the "Keng Keng Keng" and "Ding Ding Ding" above the upper rock formation, or the movement of the two after entering the deep underground pit, they all awakened the witnesses of prehistoric times.



The sickle helmet and the ammonite beasts were very angry, waving their sharp claws and spikes, trying to tear these intruders to pieces!

In the prehistoric cruel and bloody world, they don't understand the current rule of stopping when they lose the ability to fight.

I can't wait to take the ball immediately and subdue these two Pokémon with prehistoric blood. I have to stop my movements and think about something at the same time.

You know, every Pokémon with prehistoric blood is extremely powerful, which is a great temptation for every trainer!

However, the awakened prehistoric fossil Pokémon.

No capture!

This is the law stipulated by the Pokémon Alliance. These Pokémon are already living fossils and have great research value. Each one must be protected and not taken in privately.

At least on the surface, the two of them cannot be subdued and used for their own use.

As trainers of justice, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi have always abided by their inner integrity.

"But this place is no longer suitable for these prehistoric Pokémon to live in. It is only a matter of time before the deep pit is discovered, and they must be replaced..." Xiaomao said suddenly.

Xiaozhi frowned, unexpectedly did not refute, but replied along:

"Hmm... just those greedy mountain climbers above, maybe these prehistoric Pokémon have to suffer unnecessary pain, and they have to find a new, quiet, undisturbed place for them... this is absolutely impossible. It's not to subdue them, we're doing them for their own good."

"So Xiao Zhijun, where is this place?"

"I'm just a passer-by, so I'll tell you something. In Zhenxin Town, Dr. Damu's backyard is pretty good..."


The two sang together, chose a suitable new place on the spot, and by the way found a suitable excuse for their subjugation.

That's right, they're just giving prehistoric Pokémon a safe place to live instead of keeping them for themselves.

If they turn around and leave now, then in less than a day, this place will be discovered by Mountain Man, and then countless trainers will swarm over, dig three feet, and hunt these sleeping prehistoric Pokémon to their heart's content before the official arrival .

Even the production of fossils has attracted so many people. What if there are fossil Pokémon? can not imagine.

By the time the Pokémon Alliance reacted, the ecological environment here had already been destroyed.

This point, a few years ago, the hunting area in Light Red City is a vivid example.

It can't be subdued, but it doesn't mean that it can't be tricky, and it is placed in the backyard of Zhenxin Town. With Dr. Damu's qualifications, he is qualified enough to adopt.

While the prehistoric Pokémon are not disturbed, maybe the two who occasionally go home can miss one or two Pokémon who are willing to travel with them in battle.

You can't subdue it privately, but if the other party follows voluntarily, then there's no problem.

good life.

Immediately, the eyes of the two people brightened, and they stared at them like hunters, and they also looked at the shells and seafood in the same way.

"It seems that they have just woken up, their bodies have not fully stretched out, and their strength is estimated to be less than half of their usual strength." Xiao Mao carefully reminded.

"Indeed, this posture of shaking your waist is exactly the same as when your waist was sore. Your old kidney is weak."

[Biquge www.boquge.co] Xiaomao: "..."

Then he waved his hand violently and pointed to the four on the left.

"Stop talking nonsense, these four will be handed over to me."

"Then give me the four here."

The two divided their goals on the spot.

The battle is inevitable, and the opponent wants to peel off their eyes alive. There is no other way to go except to defeat and subdue them.


Xiaomao took a look and threw a poke ball without hesitation.

Red light flashed, it was a big brown tree-like Pokémon as tall as a person, with two thick thighs growing at the root, lush coconut leaves growing on the top of the head, and three branched branches growing A coconut with a silly expression.

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book to test.

"Didi. Coconut egg tree, super power attribute and grass attribute, slow movement, not a good brain, but there is room for the neck to continue to stretch."

Xiaomao is a person who strictly follows the restraint of attributes, and everything follows the version. To deal with the composite Pokémon of rock and water attributes, he decisively uses his coconut tree.

"Coconut egg tree, divide the battlefield with magic leaves."


The leaves of the coconut egg tree shook, throwing out several emerald green energy flying leaves, and the fierce skills directly divided the eight Pokémon into two battlefields.

"Hmph, don't let me see the scene of you being beaten up and down."

"Tsk, you'd better not ask me for help."

The two snorted coldly and turned their heads, facing their opponents respectively.

"Fossil helmet and scythe helmet..."

This time Xiaozhi didn't violate the attribute restraint, and used his signature general backhand.

002, Frog Grass!


"Wonderful Frogweed..."

Xiaomao took a sneak peek, secretly thinking that this guy Xiaozhi also subdued the new Yusanjia.

It's just that he has seen Froggrass before, and Xiaolan had one that he played badly to learn and cut together, but the appearance of this Frogweed is a bit strange, the petals on the back seem to be blooming no matter what. Is it...?

Hmph, probably Xiao Zhi, a guy with only muscles in his head, forcibly broke it apart?

Haste makes waste, don't you understand this truth after hanging out with him for so long?

Xiao Mao snorted coldly, and turned to face his opponents, three ammonites and a spiny ammonite.

"Coconut Egg Tree, use Grass Knot!"


There was a strange green light in the coconut egg tree's eyes, and the ground around the ammonite beast's body suddenly broke open, and several tough vines were pulled out to bind them tightly.



The ammonite beasts entwined by vines raised their mouthparts one after another, spitting blue water jets at the coconut egg tree.


The water spray fell on the coconut egg tree, and the effect was mediocre.

"Sure enough, has the strength been greatly weakened..."

Xiaomao's eyes lit up. Prehistoric Pokémon would need some time to recover their strength in modern times when they reopened their eyes. Don't look at their violent temper, but now is undoubtedly the weakest time.

"Seed bombs on them now!" he instructed.


A white round bullet was ejected from the leaves on the top of the coconut egg tree, and fell into the group of ammonite beasts restrained by the grass knots. Upon contact, it exploded suddenly, forming a large-scale explosion, and the grass attribute energy overflowed. .


Even the walls of the surrounding deep pits shook slightly, and they didn't look particularly stable.

"Can't you use a large-scale attack..." Xiao Mao frowned, the smoke and dust in front of him quickly dissipated, and this seed bomb worked well.

Although the ammonite beasts who were tied up with grass knots already had many scars on their bodies, their eyes remained unmoved, bloodshot, staring at the coconut tree, wishing to tear it up.

"It seems that the recovery of the body is average, but the willpower is very high...?"

Xiaomao constantly analyzed everything about this opponent.

A Pokémon's future achievement limit, aptitude, physical fitness, attribute control, and willpower are all one of the elements. No matter any of these points are met, the future can be expected.

It seems that prehistoric Pokémon are indeed not mortal things as the data says...

Xiaomao couldn't help but licked his lips, and instructed with a somewhat delighted tone:

"Coconut egg tree, use hypnosis!"

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