Xiaozhi scratched his head, what kind of slang is this?

Could it be that he became an evil villain in that world and was attacked by the Four Heavenly Kings?

"Well, I am the villain. I ambushed you secretly and almost killed you completely."

Kona shrugged, a little helplessly.

When he said this, Kona still exuded a faint chill, and even his tone was somewhat regretful

Xiaozhi: "???"

Master Kona, you are not about to awaken, are you?

"Yes, yes, in my world, Xiaozhi almost died several times!"

At this time, Xiaoxia also hurriedly spoke.

Xiaozhi in her world is also an unlucky guy, every time he is on the verge of death, almost buried directly

In other words, the operating mechanism of that world is not a normal Pokémon battle at all.

"A dangerous and cruel world."

Beside, Akromar said slowly.

Maybe Xiaoxia and Ms. Kona's simulation plots come from the same world.

After all, the three people in front of me are all from the Kanto region and know each other, so there is a great possibility that the plots will intersect.

He is now more and more curious about his simulator.

All three of them have completed the first experience, but Mingyi is the only one who is still sitting quietly on the sofa, as if the machine is still working.

Mingyi is a group of people, the plot should not intersect with the three, maybe it is an independent story?

This made Xiaozhi curious, so he looked at Akromar:

"Speaking of Mr. Akromar, have you tried this machine?"

"Tried it~! That was my first Lotto~!"

Rotom, inserted into the card slot of the machine, answered quickly.

Rotom's soft voice of enjoyment made Xiao Zhi frown, feeling that something was weird.

"Well, I've experienced it."

Akromar nodded, then pushed his glasses, showing an unexpected deep smile:

"It really made me see some interesting things~"

Several people looked at each other, not knowing what Akromar was expressing, but they didn't delve into it.

They chatted with each other about the details of whether they appeared in their respective worlds, while waiting for Mingyi to wake up.

This process has been going on

50 minutes.

Fifty minutes later, Mingyi was still sitting there, showing no signs of waking up.

This also made Akromar's expression more serious.

Even brought a little bit of panic?

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see such an expression on the other party's face.

"The normal program time I set, after one experience, the longest is 40 minutes"

Even if there is an abnormality, 60 minutes is the final safety limit.

If the user has not woken up within an hour, he must be forced to wake up before this time point, otherwise it may have irreversible consequences on the brain nerves.

"Impossible, the machine I'm researching must be impossible to make mistakes!"

As the time approached 60 minutes bit by bit, Mingyi still didn't make any movement, which made Akromar become more and more nervous, and kept repeating in his mouth.

As a scientist with a high degree of confidence in his own invention, if a machine suddenly loses control, or even self-explodes

This kind of thing is more uncomfortable than killing him!

Akromar paced back and forth, subconsciously biting his fingers.

"Don't worry, Mr. Akromar, our three machines are running perfectly, there shouldn't be any problems."

Seeing the other party's rare profuse sweating, Xiao Zhi could only comfort him:

"Is it possible that it is actually Rotom's problem?"

Rotom: "?"

Not to mention, it does feel that the bottom socket is getting hotter and hotter.

Even with the high amount of data transferred by Xiaozhi at the beginning, it was hot for a while.

It's almost burning hot now!

"Beep! High temperature warning! High temperature warning Loto!"

Rotom suddenly yelled and issued alarm reminders again and again, and a pattern of alarm red lights also appeared on the screen, as if the CPU was about to be completely overclocked and burned.

Seeing that the time had almost come to an end, Akromar was flustered, and instead acted like a newcomer.

It seems that the ability to withstand pressure is not very good.

Akromar, who has always been stable and reliable, always smiles when facing any external difficulties and challenges.

But once it is inside, there is a problem, and the form completely collapses!

Xiaozhi made a decisive decision and directly raised his hand to forcibly pull out Rotom.


Rotom let out a low hum, and there was a sense of damping from the bottom.

And as the illustration book was pulled out, the machine stopped running instantly, and the hall suddenly became quiet.

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other. They were all experienced trainers. Their performance in dealing with this emergency was much better than that of Akromar, and they acted quickly.

Xiaozhi stepped forward quickly, and laid Mingyi flat on the sofa.

Xiaoxia helped, taking off the headset carefully.


Mingyi was indeed in an abnormal state, she was lying there quietly without any consciousness.

However, his chest was still rising and falling with his breathing, which was quite obvious, at least nothing happened to his body.

"Mingyi, wake up."

Xiaozhi tried to push and yelled a few times.

But Mingyi seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep and didn't respond.

"Stay hippo, use the healing wave!"

Kona directly released her dumb hippo, throwing a wave of green light.

No matter what happens, let's throw a shot to heal the fluctuation first, it's not a loss anyway.


During this period of time, I became familiar with Xiaoxia, and Manafei, who had been lying on top of Xiaoxia's head, also floated up, throwing out a few drops of dark blue water.

Drops of life!

The two healing moves landed on Ming Yi's body at the same time, causing the latter's body surface to burst into a green light of life.

However, these energies dissipated quickly, and did not have a very good effect on life.

"So there is nothing wrong with the body, so what might be wrong with the brain?"

Xiaozhi signaled everyone to back off, and he walked forward slowly.

Immediately, he brushed away the hair on Mingyi's forehead, and gently pressed his palm against it.

He closed his eyes, slowly released the power of his waveguide, trying to diffuse into the depths of Mingyi's brain, to communicate and wake up.

All of a sudden, the surrounding people could see ripples of light blue energy ripples, centered on the position of Xiaozhi's palm, spreading to the surroundings.

"Tuigui, is this the power of waveguide?"

Xiaoxia was secretly amazed, she was only on the phone, and she had heard Xiaozhi brag about her superpowers, but this was the first time she had seen him.

"So it turns out that Xiao Zhi is a person with super powers?"

It was the first time for Kona to see it, and she was very surprised.

And Akromar, who was at the end, lost his mind, finally came back to his senses, trying to make himself temporarily forget the problems on the machine, and focus on Ming Yi.

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