He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2332 Fanba World Championships, Opening!

For example, the fat trainer who was fighting against Hu Che on the beach of Lianyi Town.

It seems to be using the ghost striker, his name is Kenny Yang, and he is the semi-finalist of the Youth Cup.

And when Xiaozhi first set foot in the Hezhong area, the first trainer to fight——Emperor Xiu.

Right now they are in the quarterfinals.

"Um, does Emperor Xiu only have the top eight results?"

Xiaozhi was slightly taken aback, isn't this guy a very famous genius trainer in Luzi Town, and he was only ranked in the top eight?

But it doesn't matter, there is not much difference between the top eight and the first place, and they can all enter the World Championships smoothly.

By the way, that guy Huche is not on it either.

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched. This sloppy guy probably doesn't even know where the world championship is being practiced in.

At the same time, Emperor Xiu, who was in another spectator seat, looked at his quarter-final results on the electronic screen, and just grinned slightly, quite disdainfully.

"Hmph, I'm just saving my strength for the time being."

Winning the Youth Cup is meaningless at all, the next World Championships will be the highlight!

So when he entered the top eight and qualified, he randomly sent a few roadside pets to give away their heads.

"Mr. Adek this time, I will definitely fight you and beat you completely!


Emperor Xiu even clenched his fists tightly, his gaze became extraordinarily fiery.

Obviously he has some stories with the current league champion, but these are not the point.

"By the way, there's also that field boy who uses an electric mouse"

However, in his mind, Xiao Zhi who had educated himself in Luzi Town at that time suddenly appeared.

It's just that Emperor Xiu confirmed the list of the top eight again, and couldn't help frowning.

Could it be that Xiaozhi doesn't intend to participate in this world championship?

Hmph, coward, it's in vain that I once regarded you as an opponent, but I retreated in front of this kind of competition, and I didn't even dare to play a qualifying round.

Emperor Xiu just sneered at this, with a confident expression.

With the official end of the Youth Cup competition, the fiery atmosphere at the scene became more and more intense.

None of the audience left the stage, they all sat in their seats, eagerly looking forward to the next project.

"Well, after the Youth Cup finals, it will seamlessly connect to the opening ceremony of the World Championships. Waiting for Mr. Adek, and the four kings of Hezhong will be on stage."

Dou Zi popularized science to the two people beside him, and added by the way:

"Of course, the official competition will start tomorrow. Today is just a game to warm up."

While speaking, Douzi was still looking around to see if anyone had left the field to make room.

It's just that the scene where the champion and the four heavenly kings are on stage at the same time is very rare. Naturally, no one left the stage, as if their buttocks were welded to the seat.

"I see"

Xiaozhi nodded, and simply sat where he was, waiting for the opening ceremony to proceed.

Speaking of Hezhong Heavenly King, he already knew two of them.

Fighting King Mr. Lian Wu, and Super King Miss Cattleya

Back then, it was Miss Cattleya who invited me to the Hezhong area first, but I didn't contact her or anything along the way.

"Yeah, Miss Cattleya is an excellent CP target!"

Beside him, Douzi was thinking about the problem from a business perspective.

Why don't we find a chance to let Xiao Zhi touch the other party, and then secretly snap a photo beside him?


On the other side, Mingyi frowned and murmured.

It is indeed a bit crowded for three people to sit in one seat




Just as the three of them were thinking about something, suddenly there were several roars on the field.

Immediately afterwards, several pre-laid fireworks and paintballs shot up into the sky and exploded in the air, instantly boiling the whole venue.

The opening ceremony of the World Championships has begun!

Since it was daytime, the fireworks and firecrackers were replaced by colored ribbons, which exploded in the air and landed on the surrounding auditoriums. Many people were still waving and holding the colored ribbons.

Soon, five figures stepped onto the high platform in the center of the venue.

The one at the front is naturally the current league champion Adek.

"Is this Mr. Adek?"

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see a real person, so he quickly cheered up.

I saw Adek wearing a beige robe and gown, and a pair of worn-out white training pants.

Tall, with a rough temperament, he has long fiery red hair, split ends like flames, and a broom braid tied behind his head.

Even the elf balls are woven into the shape of a necklace, hanging around the neck casually.

"Um, the painting style is really different from other champions."

Xiaozhi couldn't help the corner of his mouth twitching. The rough and tough guy has a completely different style of painting from the elegant and handsome Ms. Zhulan or Mr. Dawu.

Behind Adek, there are four figures following in sequence

Naturally, it is the Hezhong area, the four heavenly kings representing absolute power.

Lian Wu and Cattleya Xiaozhi have already seen each other, and they haven't seen each other for almost half a year. The latter still looks like a blond lady with outstanding temperament.

Although his face was cold, it was this haughty temperament that could only be seen from a distance, which caused the whole venue to cheer.

Most of them are male wild wolves.

"Sure enough, Cattleya is the most popular card!"

Douzi also stared at the stage with wide eyes.

As for the other two heavenly kings, it was the first time for Xiao Zhi to meet them.

The heavenly king who is good at evil is named Yueju, and he is a feminine man wearing a white kimono but wearing a black scarf.

With an unusually fair face and short black hair, it is said that he is a declining nobleman who was once contaminated with gambling habits

The whole person is like a black and white photo, which seems a bit out of place with the colorful world around.

In terms of appearance and temperament, it fits quite well with the evil attribute he is good at.

The last heavenly king is a small and slender woman with a rather introverted personality.

Wearing a black and purple short dress and black stockings, she has a delicate face, round eyes, purple short hair with bangs, and a big bow tie behind her head.

Walking slowly at the end, the shoulders still seemed to be trembling nervously?

"This is Miss Wanlong who is good at ghost attributes, and she is also a very good novelist~!"

Douzi was still introducing the information of the Four Heavenly Kings to the two of them.

It's just the knowledge in Mingyi's head, he even knows the color of the underwear Adek wears, so naturally he doesn't need an introduction.

And Rotom was quite upset, he didn't expect that there was only one competitor besides Mingyi.

Now there is another opponent of a popular science role? !

If it weren't for Douzi's contract with it, the little fish was really comfortable last night, and it would definitely turn its back.

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