He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2358 Evolution! The emerald-looking Zoroark!

The interconnection of bonds also made Sorolla feel encouraged by Xiaozhi. See

Finally, Sorolla tried his best to support his body under the lightning voltage, his thin body trembling.


As Soroya raised his head, he shouted loudly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the fur all over his body exploded.

In an instant, the dazzling white light scattered the current around it, and also wrapped its body.

In the light, Zoroya's body swelled rapidly, and his forelimbs were raised, gradually changing from a quadruped body to standing upright with two legs.

"Finally evolved...!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi naturally understood what happened, and said with great joy. See

He knew it. He had been watching the other partners in the team evolve one after another. Little Soroya had been looking forward to his own evolution for a long time!

So what will Zoroark, who looks emerald, look like?


As Zoroark swung his forelegs violently, all the light was scattered in an instant.

The evolved Zoroark is completely different from the original gray-black Zoroark, with pale fur all over his body.

The slender limbed torso is covered with purple markings of varying sizes.

It has a fox head with a long and pointed mouth, and the top of the head is covered with an unusually thick white mane. The fur ends are in the shape of purple flames, fluttering up. See

It's just different from the original version of Zoroark's long hair that hangs down, Xicui Zoroark's long hair is turned up from the back, and even hangs down from the forehead, covering most of his face.


Seeing Zoroark clearly, Xiaozhi looked a little astonished.

It seems that from a cute fox cub to a non-mainstream killer? !

Even Zoroark's body was bent, his head was tilted forward, and his two forelimbs were still shaking slightly in front of his chest, as if he would turn into a bloodthirsty beast at any time and kill him.


Zoroark, who had completed the evolution, turned his head and yelled at Xiaozhi frantically. See

The eyes were red, showing fangs and claws, and the corners of the mouth were grinning, showing a creepy sneer, full of offensive meaning.

Even his personality has undergone a huge change, from the originally introverted and timid Soraya to a manic and arrogant vicious fox!


Before waiting for Xiaozhi's command, Xicui Zoroark suddenly raised his head on the spot and roared loudly, and the purple flame-like fluff on his head suddenly entangled and floated up.


This made Zoroark's whole body burst into countless blue resentment flames instantly, wrapping himself around, forming a raging flame tornado.

"What kind of move is this... Be careful, Reib!"

Sweat was already dripping down on Bagir's forehead, so he quickly reminded him.

It doesn't look like Zoroark's exclusive move - Diablo Blast.

But the creepy blue flames all over his body, is it a move similar to Flame Charge...?

Boom boom...! !

The next moment, the same flame of resentment suddenly rose from the ground under Leib's feet, soaring into the sky!

You thought it was a head-on move...

In fact, it was chanting from a distance, lighting a will-o'-the-wisp in a certain place! See

The two identical flames rose at both ends of the arena at the same time. Zoroak's side was naturally cool and beautiful. As for the blue-purple flames on Leib's side...

Boom! !

The flame directly strangled and exploded on Leib's body!

"Oh, new moves?!"

Behind, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

Revenge, this is Zoroark's exclusive move.

Under the opponent's body in the air, a flame of resentment that is difficult to dodge rises, which belongs to the ghost attribute move. See

Compared with the scorching flames, the will-o'-the-wisp that reciprocates grievances can attack the opponent's spirit, bringing great fear and stimulation.


After the retribution of grievances was over, Leib had already collapsed on the spot.

And his expression was a little distorted, obviously he saw some frightening scene in the flames just now.

This made Xiaozhi gasp.

Zoroark seemed to have suddenly become dangerous.

But it's not a big problem. Don't look at the evolved Zoroark's arrogant look, but at the moment the two are still connected. See

Xiao Zhizhi feels the will of the other party, more eager to try his own new power, not as crazy as the appearance.


"You've done a good job, Reib..."

On the other side, Bagir sighed, took Leib back, and comforted softly through the elf ball.

Now he has no way out, and immediately throws the next poke ball.


The beautiful Shui Ibrahimovic appeared again, and the rainy weather at the venue was not completely over yet. See

"Water Eevee, use the water cannon!!"

Bajir cheered up, not daring to waste any time.

The corner of Shui Yibu's mouth opened, and a bunch of powerful water cannons bombarded out, and the power was even stronger under the blessing of the rainy day.

Just evolved, it is difficult to control the body's flexible jumping and dodging, Zoroak can only protect his hands in front of his body to resist.

Boom boo...!

The strong water flow immediately pushed Zoroark back again and again, and the sharp claws of his lower limbs drew long marks on the ground.

"It's now, use the aurora beam!!"

At this time, Shui Eevee jumped up, and this time spewed out gorgeous and icy aurora rays from the corner of his mouth, freezing all the rainwater along the way.

And Zoroark's body was just hit by the water cannon, it was extremely wet, and water droplets were still flowing downwards between the hairs.


After being swept by the aurora beam, in the blink of an eye, it was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Just when Bajir had already succeeded in tactics, at this time Xiaozhi suddenly said:

"It's our turn, use Retribution!!"

Click...! See

Hearing the sound of the ice cracking, a burst of blue-purple resentment flames rose all over Zoroark's body in an instant, breaking the frost in an instant.

And at the same moment.


A few meters away, under the feet of Shui Yibu, a spiral of resentment flames also rose, surrounding and strangling him!

The flame of grievance retribution is particularly conspicuous in the rainy sky.

It's just that one blow of retribution cannot completely defeat Shui Ibrahimovic. After the flames dissipated, Shui Ibrahimovic still supported his body.


However, at this moment, Shui Ibrahimovic's hind limbs softened, and he let out a whine.

"What's the matter, Miev!?"

Panicked, Bajir quickly looked intently, only to see black-purple bruises on the side of Shui Ibrahimovic's hind limbs.

"Is this... frostbite?"

As an outdoor rescuer, Bagir naturally saw the injury of Shui Ibrahimovic at a glance.

It's just that what he suffered just now was obviously a will-o'-the-wisp, so how could there be frostbite scars?

Glancing at the opponent, the successive heavy blows made that weird Zoroark also half-kneel on the ground, obviously not much stamina left. See

The rainy day is completely over.

Bajir did not give up, gritted his teeth, and attacked again:

"There is still a chance, Shui Eevee, use the water cannon!!"

Shui Ibrahimovic nodded, tried to straighten his body, and opened the corners of his mouth.


Only this time, as if the power of Shui Eevee had been weakened, the scale of the water cannon released was visibly reduced by the naked eye.

This is the additional effect of retribution, which has a certain probability of causing the target to fall into a state of frostbite! See

It is somewhat similar to the burn state but different, although it will not cause unknown fire every round and reduce the physical value...

But the state of frostbite will greatly weaken the power of the opponent's special moves!



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