He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2390 The former and current boss of the plasma team

At this time, two people walked over from the aisle of the viewing seats in the distance.

The combination of these two people surprised Xiaozhi

They are about the same height, and they all look tall and thin. One of them is wearing a white research coat, and the sleeves on the wrists have been specially treated, covering the special devices of technological watches.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, she has an elegant and knowledgeable temperament, neatly combed her golden hair back, and blue curly bangs like satellites raised on her forehead.

The other is plainly dressed, but with long green hair and a black and white peaked cap, he looks like a very gentle man.

"Mr. Akromar, and?!"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, how did these two people form a team together? !

But they are all acquaintances, Xiao Zhi quickly got up and waved from afar.

After seeing the location of Xiaozhi and his group, Akromar and N also walked over slowly, and sat down at random.

"Oh Xiaozhi, congratulations for reaching the top 16~"

Akromar was the first to show a gentle smile, then looked at Mingyi and Xiaoxia, and comforted:

"What a pity~ I wanted to see you two fighting~"

Akromar had a very good relationship with Xiaozhi and Mingyi. After living in Lianyi for so long, he also had a good relationship with Xiaoxia, like a big brother who came to cheer.

"not bad"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and after a few dry laughs, his eyes fell on N next to him involuntarily.

"Speaking of Mr. Akromar, why are you with Mr.?"

This person is not simple, after all, he is the trainer of the black dragon Zekrom.

By the way, N is a local trainer from Hezhong. It stands to reason that he should also participate in the Sailing World Championships this time. However, among the players who advanced to the top 16, there is no Mr. N.

"Oh~ Xiaozhi, do you already know each other? Let me introduce to you, this one is called N, who is my former friend, so let's call him a colleague, right?"

Akromar smiled and introduced to everyone.

Well, they are indeed colleagues, they are both from Team Plasma

But before that, he had never met N, and when he took over Team Plasma, N had quit the organization and disappeared.

There have been many rumors within Team Plasma about this.

It is said that N was killed by Quecchis, and it is said that N was imprisoned by Quecchis

He also happened to be free today, and he came to the venue thinking of cheering for Xiaozhi, and met N outside the venue by chance.

Although it was the first time they met, Akromar recognized him at first glance.

"Hello~ and Xiaozhi, we meet again~"

N smiled gently, her handsome fair face made Xiaoxia and Mingyi's faces turn slightly red.

After noticing the Victini on top of Xiaozhi's head, he tried to touch it, and there was a very warm feeling coming from Victini's body.

"The Power to Bring Victory"

N closed his eyes and whispered.

Presumably, the prince brothers who used the black dragon and the white dragon to fight against each other on the Continent of Hezhong, probably hoped to use the power of Victini to defeat their brothers, right?

Feeling quietly for a while, then N opened his eyes, smiled and said:

"It looks like this victini likes you very much, Xiaozhi~"

Xiaozhi blinked, not daring to be careless.

The man in front of him seems to have the power to understand the heart of Pokémon.

Having said that, are there too many humans with special superpowers recently? !

"Come on, Xiaozhi, I am looking forward to your next battle!"

N gave a blessing in a low voice, and even put a little emphasis on the word "battle".

This gave Xiaozhi a feeling that the other party wanted to fight him?

N is also paying attention to this Sailing World Championships, and his purpose is similar to that of Adek.

Adek is selecting the successor of the champion of the union, while N is selecting a brave partner who is worthy of the white dragon to come to Hiram

The former has already been decided to be Alice

And N is currently very optimistic about Xiaozhi.

In addition, now that there is Victini, it seems that he is the destined white hero?

When entering the arena today, N just met Akromar outside the arena.

Although he has never met the new king of the plasma team

However, it seems that because both of them have sat on the same throne, there are some wonderful connections in the dark.

After saying hello, they entered the venue together.

If Boss Ju, the owner of the Fanba Gymnasium, saw this scene, the former and current leaders of the Plasma team, sitting side by side in such a harmonious way, would have come over with a shotgun?

In the spectator seats, a few rows behind Xiaozhi and his party, there is an old man sitting at the moment.

He was wearing a purple robe, with small squinted eyes, and a white mustache under his nose. His appearance was somewhat inconsistent with that of a young trainer.

Because of the existence of Victini, he has been paying attention to the direction of Xiaozhi and the others.

And now I see Akromar sitting with N

"Uh, these two people?"

The corners of Asura's mouth twisted, and he coughed several times in a row, almost unable to catch his breath.

What the hell, why did the former boss who left the team and the current boss seem to know each other very well, and they were still sitting together? !

Asura, one of the original Seven Sages of Team Plasma

After the big incident that the plasma team almost collapsed, he quit the plasma team and practiced as an ordinary trainer.

He even made it to the top 16 in this Sailing World Championships!

Of course, as one of the original Seven Sages, Asura and N were acquainted

Asura was disgusted with Quecchi's sudden turn of events and abandoning her adopted son as a monster.

In other words, the teachings of the plasma team to brainwash and release life are completely opposite to his style of fighting Pokémon

For what happened to N, Asura was more sympathetic.

"However, it's fine now"

Seeing the people in front of them chatting happily, Asura slowly showed a smile.

As for the new Plasma team boss next to him, David's head

With Kuiqisi's character, it is absolutely impossible to be inferior to others, and it is estimated that he will just find the unlucky guy who is a substitute for a dead ghost and a puppet.

Although he has already left Team Plasma, Asura, as the former leader of the organization, still knows a lot of the latest news about Team Plasma.

"Forget it, these have nothing to do with me"

Asura shook his head, now he is just an ordinary trainer, the Plasma team can eat their own dog, and he doesn't bother to care about it.

Moreover, the one who attracted Asura's attention the most in the crowd in front was actually not N or Akromar, but


In other words, it was the man he had met once, who was also from the Kanto region, and who wore an electric mouse with him.

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