He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2453 Veteran, the return of the fire-breathing dragon!

The next day, early in the morning, Xiaozhi woke up Mingyi and the others, and mysteriously took them all to the open space behind the elf center.

"Wake up, let me show you my former partner~!"

Rarely wanted to show off to his companions, Xiaozhi smiled triumphantly, took out an elf ball, and threw it into the air.


The red light fell, and a strong and burly fire-breathing dragon appeared in the center of the arena.

Its orange body is 1/3 larger than that of ordinary fire-breathing dragons, with wide wings spread out, and the flames at the tail are burning fiercely.


As soon as it appeared on the stage, the fire-breathing dragon raised its head subconsciously and let out a roar.

The deep roar of the dragon made people's ears swell, and for a while, many people who were still sleeping in the elf center had nightmares.

Even the voice has a strong momentum, and a burst of fierce air is suddenly blown around.

"Ah! Xiaozhi, is this your fire-breathing dragon?!"

"It looks amazing, doesn't it?!"

The roar of the fire-breathing dragon also made Mingyi and Douzi wake up instantly, and they opened their eyes wide and exclaimed.

Akromar stroked his chin, admiring him, and kept looking up and down:

"It's like a warrior who has experienced countless battles."

"Charizard? I haven't seen it for a long time~!"

And Xiaoxia showed a look of nostalgia, and let out a sigh of emotion.

These are the first few Pokémon that Xiaozhi tamed, but now it seems that the momentum is already very different from before


Pikachu on the shoulder jumped onto the shoulder of the fire-breathing dragon and greeted him in surprise.

As an old partner, the fire-breathing dragon turned his head and gave Pikachu a thumbs up.

"How about it, my Charizard~!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but walked forward, put his palm on the fire-breathing dragon's chest, leaned on it and smiled.

I met so many fire-breathing dragons yesterday, must this be a hint from the heavens?

That being the case, let's call back the fire-breathing dragon to fight Miss Kona this time!

The fire-breathing dragon, who has been cultivating in the fire-breathing dragon valley, now has a strength that even he himself cannot determine the upper limit of


Thinking of being able to fight side by side with Xiaozhi again, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes instantly became hot, and it let out a high-pitched roar, and a ball of fiery flames spewed out from its mouth.


The flame hit Xiaozhi's head and burned it into black coals in an instant.

After the flames passed, Xiao Zhi, who had half of his body turned into a black man, burped and said with trembling emotion:

"Hiss, the flames have become more powerful."

Seeing the worried looks of the surrounding people, Xiaoxia just acted like someone who had been here before, she spread her hands helplessly:

"Don't worry, this is how they greet each other~Although I don't quite understand the principle~"

But the militant fire-breathing dragon returned for a while, and immediately lowered his head, his eyes wandering over several strangers

In short, find an opponent to fight well first!

"Wait a minute, they are not opponents"

Xiaozhi quickly shook his head, shook off the black ash on his body, and stopped him.


Just at the same time, there was also a violent roar of a dragon suddenly coming from the sky, followed by a fat black shadow flying towards it rapidly.


Finally, it landed heavily, just stepping on the ground in front of the fire-breathing dragon, and the huge amplitude also set off a violent airflow.

Xiaozhi and the others took a closer look, but saw that it was a fast dragon?

"Wait a minute, this fast dragon?"

Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes, and the eyes of a normal Kuailong are honest and gentle, but the eyes of this Kuailong in front of him are extremely violent, and his whole body is showing hostility unabashedly

This fast dragon should be Alice's angry fast dragon, right?


Seeing that the sandbag really came out, the fire-breathing dragon also turned its head, stared straight at the latter, grinned and let out a low cry of demonstration.

"Hey Kuailong, don't run around~!"

The two dragons were still confronting each other, when a nearby bush suddenly moved, and there was even a sound of chasing and shouting.

The next moment, Alice popped her head out of the bushes.

Still disheveled, with branches and dead leaves all over his head, it looks like he spent another night in the wild?

"Hey Xiaozhi? And you?"

Alice came out in a daze, her face full of confusion.

But she soon noticed the two dragons in the confrontation, especially the charizard.

"Ah!! It's a fire-breathing dragon!! It's really handsome!!"

Alice, who is very fond of dragon-type Pokémon, immediately burst into love in her eyes, and huddled beside the fire-breathing dragon like a nympho, screaming and shouting.

She has only seen the fire-breathing dragons in the Kanto region on TV!

This look of being infatuated with the enemy made Kuailong a little upset. The dragon's claws twisted the back of Alice's neck and lifted it directly behind him.

"Uh, my fire-breathing dragon is not of dragon attribute."

It stands to reason that Alice, who specializes in dragon attributes, should know this cold knowledge, Xiaozhi said casually.

However, the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon did not admit defeat, and soon confronted each other again.

His eyes stared at each other, and there seemed to be lightning flashing between them, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified

"In this case, why don't you let the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon have a friendly battle?"

At this time, Akromar suddenly clapped his hands and suggested.

"Friendly battle?"

Xiaozhi and Alice turned their heads to look at Akromar at the same time, and then looked at each other again.

Seems like a good idea.

"Just right, let's see the strength of the fire-breathing dragons from other places!"

Alice's heart moved. Although she couldn't subdue the fire-breathing dragon, it was not a loss in a fight!

As for Xiaozhi, the thoughts in his heart are somewhat evil.

"Exactly, my charizard needs a sandbag!"

He has already fought against this fast dragon. It is true that his strength is really good, and with that violent temperament

Those who are not strong enough will be killed by this fast dragon.

But if today's opponent is his own fire-breathing dragon,

"In that case, I'll be the referee~!"

Douzi immediately raised his palm with great interest, and landed directly in the center of the arena.

It was said that the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon also grinned at the corners of their mouths, and their fighting spirit was high. This proposal obviously suits the appetite of these two dragons.

"Then Xiaozhi, I'm going to go! Let you see the progress of me and Kuailong during this period of time!"

Alice was already standing at one end of the practice field, full of confidence.

The violent fast dragon calmed down unexpectedly, and flew down in front of Alice, ready to go.

At the beginning, this fast dragon didn't obey Alice's command at all.

But now Alice can fully command this fast dragon to fight!

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