"I have."

Xiaozhi turned his mind and had a new idea. He looked around, found a slender rock pillar from the ground, and stood it up in front of him.

"We can be like the immortals used by the ancients to guide the way. The rock pillars will fall to the ground naturally, and let the immortals tell us which direction to go."

Two people: "?"

What a new idea.

Seeing that both of them were looking at the second fool, Xiaozhi's mouth curled into a wise smile, and he reached into his bosom with his backhand and took out another thing.

This is a golden-yellow feather, in the shape of spikes, with a faint electric current lingering on it.

"Lightning bird's feathers?" Xiao Gang frowned, and instantly understood Xiao Zhi's thoughts.

The Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird belong to the Three Divine Birds, so there should be a connection between them, and it would be a good way to let them guide the way by themselves.

"It's really you, Xiaozhi."

Generally, Xiaozhi really understands when this kind of weirdness happens.

Xiaozhi chuckled, stuck out his tongue and licked the lightning bird's feathers.


His tongue was numb for a while, but compared with Pikachu, this amount of electricity was like itching. Xiaozhi backhanded this hair and stuck it to the top of the rock pillar, and then stood up vertically, letting his arm detach, not exerting any direction on the rock pillar force.


After some metaphysical guidance, after the lightening bird's feathers emitted a slight electric light, the rock pillar fell down and pointed in one direction.

"Good life!"

Seeing this, the three of them looked at each other, picked up the rock pillar and headed in this direction.

However, even with the guidance of the immortals, the three in the middle still encountered many dead ends. After Xiaozhi and his party continued to push rocks with gravel, they gradually opened up a way to survive.

"Working Bibi, use broken rock!"

"Gong Bibi Bird, use your strange power! Yes, push that boulder into the hole behind."

No wonder no one has been able to find traces of Frozen Bird in the past few years. This road needs to keep pushing rocks into the hole to block the river below before there will be a way out to continue moving forward.

Under the operation of Bibi Bird, its wings seemed to become two strong arms of a fighting-type Pokémon, constantly breaking rocks and pushing rocks.

"Okay, this is the last piece. Pushing this stone in should be able to reach the deepest part of the cave directly from this direction." Xiao Gang instructed.

Hell, why does a frozen bird's old nest involve five elements and gossip? If he hadn't learned a little in Nibi City, he really couldn't solve it.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi waved his thumb and shouted:

"Good job, tool bird, use strange power!"

He crowed again.

The more you bark, the more you can give the other party psychological hints. Subtly, the current Bibi Bird no longer has any obvious antipathy.

"By calling..."

However, Bibi Bird wiped off the sweat on his brow, waved his wings, and signaled that he was exhausted.

"Hey Bibi Bird, you are the only one in my team who has mastered the strange power, why are you suddenly soft!" Xiaozhi said anxiously.

Pikachu next to him hastily turned his body around, he had nothing to do with himself, and acted like a non-existent light bulb.

Although its steel tail can achieve the effect of strange force even if it is smashed a few times, it should not move too much for a few days, because its old waist is still hurting.

It raised the brightness of its body a little bit, allowing the light to cover its body. From a distance, it could only see a yellow dot in place, but could not see the specific shape of the dot.

But no one paid any attention to it.

"Better call!"

Suddenly, Bibi Bird's eagle eyes flickered with a dazzling and bright light, raised a wing, and pointed his fingertips at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Better call!"

Bibi Bird nodded and chirped loudly a few times.

In this team, besides Bibi, who can use strange power, there is also a trainer who can also use strange power.


Xiaozhi pointed at himself with a confused face.

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird suddenly spread its wings and landed behind Xiaozhi, pushed Xiaozhi to the front of the giant rock with its head, and then backed up a few steps, allowing itself to stand in the position of the trainer.

Two-stage inversion.

You are still a tool bird and I am a tool man. Do you really think I didn’t notice that you were stealing chickens?

Immediately Bibi bird raised its wings, waved its big brown wings, and sang loudly:

"By calling!! (Tool man, use strange power!)"

It let out a stealthy cry, and continued Xiaozhi's psychological suggestion.

Xiaozhi: "..."

After hesitating for a while, Xiaozhi was determined, and rolled up his sleeves and pushed the big rock in front of him.

Hmph, a Pokémon is always a Pokémon, it's just hip-pull, if you really want to use it as a means of transportation, it depends on his means!

While pushing, he still dismissed Bibi Bird.

"Better call!"

Bibi Bird was cheering for it from behind, but the corner of his mouth secretly evoked a sinister smile.

The more the command trainer is used as a tool, the more he can give the other party psychological hints. Subtly, Xiaozhi now has no obvious aversion to being a tool.

"This is just the first step, let's train Xiaozhi to learn how to cut together next time..." Bibi Bird thought to himself.

Xiaogang Xiaoxia: "..."

Seeing Bibi Bird standing at the position of the trainer and moving his mouth to direct, while Xiaozhi turned into a Pokémon and used strange power, they couldn't help but turn dark.

This should be a cross-generational step in the history of Pokémon. If there is a phenomenon of Pokémon conquering humans in the future, this should be the earliest history...

Xiaogang even took advantage of Xiaozhi's full use of his strange power, stepped forward and took away its Pokémon illustration book, and turned on the camera function.

"Precious images of Pokémon's early taming of wild humans"


"Open it for me!!"

Xiaozhi's face darkened and he roared, his palms pressed tightly against the surface of the boulder, arousing a burst of dantian power, the muscles in his arm suddenly swelled by 3 layers, and he actually pushed the half-human-high boulder slowly. short distance.


"This son's body is probably half-stepped into the holy realm..."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia in the back had a shocked expression, gasped, and stuffed the illustrated book back into Xiaozhi's pocket.


The huge rock was pushed onto a leak, and the moment it fell, it blocked the water flowing from both sides, and a brand new road appeared in front of everyone.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Just as the intersection was opened, a gust of icy wind came blowing from it, and the temperature in the cave outside suddenly dropped a little.

However, the refreshing and icy feeling in the air that followed became more and more intense, making people sober.

"It's so cold..."

"But it seems that he has finally found his goal."

Seeing that the Lightning Bird in his hand was shining brightly to the extreme, Xiaozhi smiled crookedly, and slowly put it in his arms.

"How about the tool bird, you are stronger than my strange power, you have to learn more in the future." Xiaozhi turned his head to look at the Bibi bird behind him and said with a smile, and stole the chicken again by the way.

"Better call!"

Bibi Bird hovered and landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder, raised its wings and patted Xiaozhi's head lightly, indicating that he did a good job and will continue to work harder next time.

To tame wild humans, blindly commanding and ordering is not enough, and appropriate encouragement is also required.


After one person and one bird tamed each other, everyone regained their composure and looked at the cave path in front of them.

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