He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2378 Officially Arrived in Miare City!

Boom! !

With the collision of violent dragon-attribute moves, there was an exaggerated explosion in the sky above the arena.

However, the next moment, the fire-breathing dragon was the first to break through the smoke and spread its wings.

On the other side, Shota's tyrannosaurus fell straight down and landed heavily in the center of the arena, splashing a burst of gravel.

Obviously, Tyrannosaurus has completely lost its ability to fight.

Now, Xiangta has reached the match point, and there is only one last choice left.

"This fire-breathing dragon is so strong.!"

Although he only saw the last blow, Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

He is a fire-breathing dragon old man, even so, he has to praise him.

This trainer named Ai Lan, even in the final stage of the league conference, can still fight with the advantage of crushing, obviously he is not at the same level as Shota

"It is estimated that it is an ordinary alliance king, and it will not be his opponent?"

Xiao Zhi secretly compared, and he also noticed that Ai Lan, the fire-breathing dragon, was wearing a ring of metal protective gear at the bottom of its neck.

He is very familiar with the small black and blue bead inlaid on it.

"Mega stone? That's right, mega evolution is prevalent in the Carlos area."

Xiaozhi nodded seriously, not very surprised.

As for Shota, if he remembers correctly, the latter's trump card seems to be...

"Please, Lizard King!"

Sure enough, Xiangta dispatched the last lizard king, and at the moment he was sweating profusely, with an extremely dignified expression.

And around the neck of this lizard king, there is also a green silk scarf, which is also inlaid with a mega stone.

"The forest lizard evolved at that time? So in the end, was it a mega evolution battle?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, he didn't expect to see such an exciting game just after arriving in the Carlos area!

Sure enough, the battle had just begun, and the trainers at both ends of the field seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they all operated their own keystones.

rub! rub!

The next moment, two beams of dazzling light burst into the sky at the same time on the field, and both the Charizard and the Lizard King completed their mega evolutions!

"Is it the X form of the mega charizard?"

Xiaozhi stroked his chin, thinking secretly.

The lizard king mega evolved to obtain the dragon attribute, but he is not afraid of the fire-breathing dragon's fire moves. This unexpectedly turned into a dragon attribute civil war? !

"Mega Lizard King, use Dragon Wave!!"

"Charizard X, Dragon Claw!!"

The final battle started, the corner of Xiangta's lizard king's mouth opened, and a beam of violent dragon flame energy rushed out, transforming into a huge dragon-shaped phantom to attack!

And the cool black and blue mega Charizard X has condensed cyan dragon claws, and this time its power has been greatly improved-the X-shaped Charizard is better at physical attacks, and it also has the ability to enhance the power of claw moves. Hard Claw Features!


The dragon claws slashed out, and as the fire-breathing dragon flapped its black residual wings, it actually tore up the dragon's waves all the way, and finally slashed hard on the Lizard King.

The figure of the mega lizard king suddenly retreated!

The effect is outstanding!

"Leaf Blade Slash!!"

However, Shota has not given up completely, even though there is almost no chance of a comeback, he is still attacking with all his heart.

The mega lizard king spit from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes sharpened. This time, he took the initiative to rush out, and even extended a sharp green light sickle from the back of his arm!

Ai Lan, who has an infinite advantage, looks more calm and breezy when commanding:

"Charizard, Flame Charge!"

The black and blue flame-breathing dragon folded its arms and wings together, bursting out with extremely hot and violent flames from its whole body, turning into a igniting blue fireball, burning everything along the way!

Boom boom boom! !

In the end, there was another deafening explosion in the center of the arena, and the flames shot up into the sky, engulfing everything.

Even the electronic screen at the airport trembled with a burst of snowflakes, as if it had been destroyed by an air strike.

After a few seconds, the smoke gradually dissipated.

The fire-breathing dragon still maintains the arrogant posture of mega evolution, with faint blue flames burning at the corners of its mouth and tail.

On the other side, the Lizard King's body was already scorched black, and his figure finally fell forward with a bang, and with a burst of scattered white light, he withdrew from the mega evolution posture.

"The Lizard King can't fight, because Shota's six Pokémon have lost their fighting ability!"

The referee of the Carlos League stepped on a ghost sword floating platform, looking very cool, and drew the final end of the game with a loud voice.

"So this game is won by player Ai Lan! The champion of the Carlos League Conference is born!!!"

The next moment, not only the audience at the scene, but also the audience at the airport around Xiaozhi raised their arms and shouted, bursts of cheers came.

Obviously, the victory of the Carlos League Conference is still full of gold!

"Tsk tsk, I really saw an incredible match."

Although he only saw the second half of the race, Xiaozhi couldn't help but take a deep breath, his face turned red.

Shota's strength has indeed improved, and he is completely different from the rookie at that time.

Mastered the fighting style of mega evolution.

But it doesn't look very skilled.

If it wasn't for the dangerous trainer on the opposite side, maybe Shota's debut would be the winner of the tournament! ?

If that's the case, even breaking his own record, his results at the Quartz Conference can't compare to it.

By the way, is this Shota's first tournament match?

Xiaozhi scratched his head, planning to make a phone call later to comfort Shota. It happened that both of them were in the Carlos area, and they could make an appointment to meet up.

As for the Ai Lan player on the other side

He is not easy to evaluate for the time being, after all, Shota has not fully forced out his strength.

But starting with the strength of an alliance king, he didn't run away.

"I didn't expect there to be such a master in the Carlos area. I have to find an opportunity to fight this person and have a good time.!"

Xiao Zhi made up his mind and secretly wrote down the name Ai Lan.

At this moment, the Carlos Union meeting ended, and the crowd gathered around gradually dispersed, and some people gathered in twos and threes to discuss fiercely.

Xiaozhi looked around. At this time, who should be nearby?

"Yo Xiaozhi! Long time no see!"

Just as he was thinking of this, a hearty female voice suddenly came from behind him.

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw a young and beautiful big sister standing behind. She has curly brown hair and a slender figure wearing tight-fitting long sleeves, beige trousers and boots, and the cuffs are rolled up. Quite able.

There is also a camera belt bag on his waist, on which is riding a cute and small umbrella electric lizard, with black flat ears hanging down on both sides.

"Oh! Long time no see, Miss Pansy!"

Xiaozhi immediately greeted him with a smile, and it was the latter who asked him to come to the Carlos area.

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